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Airfield Engineer? CEOTP? BMQ or BMOQ? Questions


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I'm new to this site and have just joined today, Hello to all.

I recently applied to the Air Force as an Airfield Engineer (back in September). I went through the Test, Interview and Medical and that's where I was rejected. I was rejected due to my Eye Sight, so I had the CustomLASIKintralase procedure done. Now I have 20/10 vision. I had the procedure done on the 16th of November and have the Military 3 Month waiting period until my 3 Month Checkup. After that I resubmit my prescription to the Medical Officer at the recruiting Center and he sends it away for reevaluation. Well, since I have 20/10 vision and it is holding that way I should be accepted. That should be in mid-Feburary.

I applied as an Airfield Engineer and my program will be CEOTP.

What will be my course for Basic as my program is CEOTP. BMQ, BMOQ, BOTC or ROTP?
What will be my Rank after Basic. 2nd Lieutenant or Officer Cadet? (The Recruiting Center told me 2nd Lieutenant)
Is the Career as Airfield Engineer a good choice? (my neighbour is an Engineer (Army). He's a Lieutenant Col. and he seems to love the CF)
What will be my Pay Scale when I'm finished Basic A, B, C, D, E, or F?
Once I'm accepted how long should it be before I can get into Basic? Could I make the March cut (fingers crossed)?

I ask these questions as I've been told by a few people that the Recruiting Centers aren't always right.

Thanks in advance for your correspondence.


Mods: If I've put my thread in the wrong spot please let me know.

If you get in under CEOTP - you will be an OCDT until trade qualified.  Expect BOTP/IAP in St-Jean first - then more training in Gagetown.

I would expect your pay incentive for OCdt or 2Lt to be the lowest on the scale - as you will not rate a higher scale as CEOTP.
This is the case as it was for the guys on my BMOQ (the last serial) for the CEOTP types off the street. Rank OCdt, Pay IAW CBI 204, as OCdt, commisioned on successful completion of BMOQ (IAP and BOTP) with an effective date the same as enrollment (means about 4 mos of backpay) this I suspect will be the case for you. Rank after completion 2Lt Pay Cat C IPC 0.
Aren't Airfield Engineer officers (like all engineering officers) limited to ROTP and DEO because they need Engineering degrees?  Therefore, no CEOTP?
ArtyNewbie said:
This is the case as it was for the guys on my BMOQ (the last serial) for the CEOTP types off the street. Rank OCdt, Pay IAW CBI 204, as OCdt, commisioned on successful completion of BMOQ (IAP and BOTP) with an effective date the same as enrollment (means about 4 mos of backpay) this I suspect will be the case for you. Rank after completion 2Lt Pay Cat C IPC 0.

And thus the confusion continues....  it seems this situaiton seems to occur in SOME cases, and in others, people report being comissioned only AFTER Phase IV/MOC Qualified.  This is also what the CFRC states, though in person they seem much less certain of this.

As you can imagine... two years of OCdt pay vice 4 months (retrod) is quite a difference of pay.
CDN Aviator said:
AF Eng was on this year's CEOTP list

So, you mean was and is not still? I hope it still is as I've had Eyesurgery to make the cut. I hope it's still there for 2008's fiscal year.

Thanks for the reply's.
I'm thinking of switching from reserve to reg force into the AF ENGR trade.  I'm currently completing my Environmental Engineering Diploma and thought that maybe I could upgrade to an engineering degree through the army's CEOTP program.  The website seems to have very little information about this program.  I'm currently a MCPL mobile support equipment operator so really I think the only thing that would transfer over is my basic.

Does anyone have any ideas about how the whole CEOTP thing would work in my case?  Would I go to university and get my degree and work with the army in my spare time or do I do all the officer and moc training and then do my schooling later?

Also, I'm newly married, what kind of time away from the wife are we talking to take these courses?

Thanks a lot,
swoop_ds said:
Does anyone have any ideas about how the whole CEOTP thing would work in my case?  Would I go to university and get my degree and work with the army in my spare time or do I do all the officer and moc training and then do my schooling later?

The deadline for CEOTP applications for folks already in the CF has come and past. The board has sat and selection results start to be announced next week.

You will do school part-time, thats the whole point of the CEOTP program. Thats why they give you X number of years to get a degree.

Edit : You being a reservist, you may have different deadlines for CEOTP, i just thought of that since you would be doing a CT.
jonesybravo  - Regarding the matter of the engineering degree, how far along are you,  as I know myself  that its is very hard to go about an engineering degree and fitting all the courses together as so many are dependent on others and the more important ones are available just so many times a year.
My question for you is how will go about finishing your degree.

As for swoop_ds , some hints for you is you could look at how many courses from your previous education/ qualifications are transferable to an engineering degree, and which schools could provide you with programs that fit best with want you want.

My best advice on obtaining an engineering degree is to get it all done at once and not spaced out over years and years, as we all tend to forget things, and so many courses rely on the "knowledge".
Just my two cents.
I know that if I went to certain universities I would only need to do 3 or 4 semesters in order to finish my degree.  The technical college that I'm getting my diploma through has agreements with these universities for students that wish to upgrade.

Does ROTP work in a case like this?  I mean I would be going for a degree but it would only take 2 years instead of 4.

Anyways, I'm going to go talk to a recruiter on monday.  I imagine the process takes months and months so I best get started if I'm going to do it.