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Alberta Reserve Units- Loyal Eddies Vs. Calgary Highlanders

I agree to a certain extent. If we are better at ignoring the bullshit than you guys I shudder to think what is going on in Edmonton because we have a LOT of bullshit! ::)

I think the attitudes and situations in both units will be changing by the 2008/2009 trg year. On TF 1-06 it was a bunch of Cpl and MCpls with a smattering of junior officers and other ranks. Both units send about a platoon worth of junior ranks. I dont know how things are with the LER but I know the Calg Highrs have over 70 guys in positions for TF 1-08 with another 20-30 waiting for slots. This is all ranks. Most of our WO's and Sgt's are going, we have majors and senior Captains in spots and a couple MWO's. I think that the result of this will be a unit that is more operationally focused when we get back. With basically an entire unit deploying, and thus that much experience and influence (senior officers and NCO's) hopefully trg will change to be something worthwhile and operationally focused. We (the junior ranks that came back from 1-06) tried to push the unit into a posn where our trg was more Afghan/un conventional war focused but did not really succeed.

All of that being said, if these changes do occur who know where the units will be in a couple years.
William Webb Ellis said:
...and The Highlanders don't generally marry our sisters.......

they tend to prefer the livestock and cloven hoofed mammals to humans.

EDIT Sorry folks, I couldnt let that one go. It's just too easy to make a sheep joke about a highlander.
well, now that sheep and female siblings in Alberta are suitably nervous, lets move on shall we....

army.ca staff

Pre 2003, we exercised on average six times from Sept to April. Not long ago, there were times we ran two weekend ex's in the same month. Since then we have gone to the field as a unit three times in three years. This year, between the BTE in Dundurn and the live fire raid last Oct in Wx, we'll get a grand total of two ex's. If we were 2 Cdo and staying out there for nine weeks at a shot we could get away with it. But for a militia unit, it's hard to excuse. Range work is important, but it doesn't replace field time.

As for ten troops per pde, it's a bigger problem than what courses and deployments can explain. I don't count B Coy, as they are not yet trained. Besides, half of them aren't even ours. They belong to 6 Int. Go to the ASC and get the A Coy parade strengths from four random Wednesdays between Oct and now. This is a freebie - I won't count Sept because the FP guys weren't back from leave until Oct, and DP2A didn't start until Dec. If you get an average of more than 16 ptes & cpls per night, I don't care what mess you're in - I'm buying your beer.

As for "having in excess of platoon strength in Afghanistan" you should rethink that. There's a photo of that platoon hanging on the north wall of the JR's. It shows 21 Eddies there, including the Lt and the Adj. Not what I'd call platoon +. 1/4 of that platoon is wearing funny hats because we were unable to fill those positions on our own and needed some CalHighs to augment us. A previous post on this thread says the CalHighs, who have the same labour market we do, are sending 70+ on the next roto. Even if that claim is exaggerated, there is no way we will even come close to those numbers. What are we sending, 12? 15? Throw in the CIMIC positions and you might crack 17. I don't know if those numbers mean anything to you, but they should!

I remember how not long ago, we regularly paraded three to four platoons. Our training was challenging and effective. Morale was high. If you're in a command role, I'm sure you remember it too. You don't have to "suppose" I'm in your regiment. I've got a windmill branded into my soul, and it breaks my heart to see our regiment being run into the ground this way. What I'm writing here isn't very pleasant reading, but it's the truth. We are ineffective, and we will remain so until we start changing our ways.
I agree MoRat we are ineffective. I think it started when we moved to that useless building and getting rid of "MTSC".Also it has to do with the leadership above us ... its pathetic.As for TF108 there is 16 on the list I have.I know there is a few more.I think alot of troops are CHICKEN SHIT to do the job for real. Back in the Bosnia days there where alot more pers going than now.
It might have something to do with how the tour is being sold to them? I dont know but I know in our unit there has been a fairly concerted effort on the part of the CoC to get guys that went on 1-06 to give everyone else a brief on what to expect of there, and what things are "really like" i.e. a typical day in ____X__ job.

I know right now we are sitting at about 67 troops in positions (the majority in a full Calg Highr D&S Pl) with another 20 or so waiting for positions. I think in addition to 1-06 troops passing on info, the fact that we have had a number of senior NCO's sign up to go has aided in making the decision for junior guys.