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All Things Cuba (Castro, politics, etc.)

Jim Seggie said:
You and I know that BUT there are lots of our fellow citizens who think Fidel is OK as long as they can vacation in Cuba in private resorts. The only Cuban you'll find there is the one that makes your bed or serves you drinks. I just wonder how much the Cubans despise us for using their country as a cheap warm place to go when it gets a bit cold here....
I suspect that your politics colours your view of what they think. I'm not Kreskin, but the Cubans working the resorts seemed quite happy with us. Those we met off the resort didn't seem to despise us at all. Yes, they get paid little; however, their cost of living doesn't require massive pay cheques. They're terrific people, who've got some great "dumb American" jokes.

I'm not a fan of their government, but my government pisses me off quite regularly too.

I had a blast; I'd go back in a heartbeat, but I've been told we're doing Jamaica next.
JM Swim up bars ain't as nice in Jamaica, nor are the cigars, but the rum is tolerable. 8)

And that shows the extent of my impression on Fidel's latest rant. Time for hom to go back to his nap and let little brother continue to pretend to run the place.
Besides some lefty pinkos, does anyone really care what that walking cadaver thinks? He was done when Raul took over. Wheel him out on the furniture cart once in awhile to wave at the masses, a la Weekend at Bernie's.
Journeyman said:
I suspect that your politics colours your view of what they think. I'm not Kreskin, but the Cubans working the resorts seemed quite happy with us.

You are correct. Politics does colour my view.
I gotta go with Ozzie Guillen on this. ;D

"I respect Fidel Castro, You know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that [guy] is still here."

Grant you, Ozzie's not the best role model to have right now, unless you want a bad case of athlete's tongue, from foot in mouth disease. :nod:
Jim Seggie said:
You are correct. Politics does colour my view.

Same here; every year, thousands of Cubans try to "illegally" leave the island. I refuse to spend my money there until the Cubans are free to move around and to choose who will govern their country; the most important point being when they stop keeping people in prison because they are "against the regime". There are enough places in the Carribean for me to enjoy... which I do.

But I will not protest, try to convince people to change their vacation destinations or setup an "Occupy Havana". It's just about me, spending my money according to my values.
Castro doesn't like us? I think we're doing something right.  ;)
If any military officer or subordinate who goes to the Soviet Union was blacklisted in the USA and whose actions are presumed to be prima facie case of espionage because it is a communist country, why not travels to Cuba which is more communist than the Old Soviet Union. We have to accept the fact that Cuba has all the last aces in their sleeves when it comes to dealing with foreigners. They can blackmail anybody they wish to make them work for them as a spy. Places where our wives change clothes or take baths are replete with hidden cameras. They can sell them to Playboy or the mob as punishment for not working for them as spies. My ex-girlfriend who used to travel to Cuba to 'enjoy the sun' cannot look at me straight in the eye nowadays.
asianhistorian said:
My ex-girlfriend who used to travel to Cuba to 'enjoy the sun' cannot look at me straight in the eye nowadays.

She found videos of you naked taking a bath?
The enthusiastic type who fell for me for my intellect finally became cold upon her discovery that I wrote a book critical of Fidel. She cannot really look at me straight in they eye. `I`m scared of you, ___ (me)``
asianhistorian said:
The enthusiastic type who fell for me for my intellect finally became cold upon her discovery that I wrote a book critical of Fidel. She cannot really look at me straight in they eye. `I`m scared of you, ___ (me)``

it's good that shes scared of you man. That's the basis of all relationships.

fear and discipline.

Tell her that your next book will mention her selling castro's secrets unless she puts on a happy face near your friends.

I would  like to think it that way too, my friend. Then there be lesser problems. But where's the catch? Twenty years from now, she will unlock your door to her handlers, look at you straight in they eye and  say, "look, we gave you a gift which you cannot acquire no matter how rich you are", "you should give everyone her due".....or her due...' A honeybun!
uptheglens said:
That's about all I got out of it.

I got that I should give my investment guy a call and buy Alcan.

there were some nice, distinctive tin foil hat designs awhile back....kinda got away from that triangular gloop look.....
I have to concur with Jim and Jungle and refuse to spend one dime of my money in some tropical communist shithole.
2 Cdo said:
I have to concur with Jim and Jungle and refuse to spend one dime of my money in some tropical communist *******.

I won't even go to Mexico and they are a democracy.....
How do you like me to put it? I just like to impart a moral lesson to the kids out there in RMC....And it's true! (with due respect, Generals)...