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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leviathan
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just get the allergy testing done.  If it comes back clean - bring it on back to the recruiting centre.  Good luck!
Just went in and spoke with the Captain. She gave me a number to call in Toronto for a Medical technician. I called and left a message as he was not in.
She says that it is her understanding that anyone with an Epi-Pen can't get into the forces. Meanwhile, talking to a family friend who drives the LAV's, he says he works with quite a few people who have Epi-Pen's... so I don't really understand.
I guess I'll just wait for the Med Tech to call me back and get this allergy testing done.. and hope that I'm not allergic to them anymore.
I'll update when i find out i suppose..
Okay the P.O just called me back..
What it boils down to is if I'm allergic and need an Epi Pen then I cannot ever join the Canadian Forces.. ever.
If I'm not allergic then I am to send the results in and everything should be fine.
I really really hope I'm not allergic.
If anyone out there has a bee sting allergy and requires an Epi pen.. theres your answer. They won't let you join, period.
I'll update in a week or so with either some really happy news or I'll be on seriously dissapointed guy.
I recently received a letter indicating I did not meet the medical standards, because I acknowledged I visit the chiropractor (I wear orthodics.) But my chiropractors assessment on the medical forms indicated it would not affect any physical activities I will endure.

I was told by the recruiting center to mail a letter refuting the decision, which I did yesterday.

I am very disappointed with this decision.  I don't understand how they concluded this.

Is it common to reverse a decision?  Or is it possible to re-apply in the future and not have this hanging over my head?
Sorry to hear that rjr, pretty rediculous in my opinion that just because you visit the chiropractor on a regular basis they refused you entry. I have a friend who has serious trouble running and wears orthodics and he was just picked up 2 days ago for the Navy, so hopefully it works out for you.
I personally just hope that I am not allergic to bee's, or I'm basically done for by the sounds of it. I even asked 'So if by chance I am allergic, is there anything at all that I can do to get in? Or will I not be able to join the Forces?" and all I was told was 'That is correct, if you are allergic you cannot join and the letter they sent you will be the final decision"
I'll just see what happens I guess.. But I am looking into other things now unfortunately.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Simple as that.
LukerB, have you read any of the other threads on this forum?  Particularly the ones about allergies?  If you had, you would have known all of this already instead of waiting, you could have already had an allergy test booked and done to show them you are not allergic to bee stings, if that is indeed the case.

Regarding the "family friend" who knows of other people with Epi-pens, well, I'll let you in on a little secret.  Some people join the CF not knowing they're allergic to something because they haven't had that first or second (the one that will make you react) exposure.  10 years later, they finally get stung or eat some weird food again and have a reaction.  The CF is not going to kick out someone with their experience, training etc, unless the reaction is extremely severe.  Those people developed the allergy after they were in and trained.  However, if the CF decides not to enroll someone who has an allergy severe enough to require an Epi-pen, then that's their decision.  It's no different from the guys who join up as an H2 and degrade over the years to an H4 and are still within their trade limitations.  However, you cannot enroll as an H4.  Get it?
Yes, I have read many threads on the forums and thoroughly enjoyed them. Thank you for asking..
I completely understand where you are coming from, but at the same time all I ever searched was "Epi Pen" and did not come up with much. (feel free to try this yourself)
Why did I not think that a bee sting allergy was a big deal? Because when I told the Med Tech during my Medical, he did not make it seem like one. Period.
Now that I realise it is this serious, I have booked the allergy testing. Obviously if I had of known sooner, I would have done so. The Med Tech simply asked me to get my family Doctor to fill out a form and send it to Ottawa, and I figured that would be the end of it. I was very wrong.
I have come to realise that people cannot be asked to leave the forces after developing the allergy mid-way through their careers, and I understand this.
But please do not blame me for being discouraged, as I think that anyone in my situation would be. Would you like me to apologize for not finding out the seriousness of my situation sooner?  Well, I should hope not. Sorry me and the Search Engine don't get along very well, but I've never been great with computers. Fact is I did not think it was a big deal as it was not made out to be one by the person who conducted my Medical during the application process.
Now that I am aware, I booked an appointment with my Doctor a few days ago to get a re feral for someone to do the testing.
Thank you for the delightful encouragement with my situation PMedMoe... always appreciated.
You're not alone man.

The med tech interviewing me also didn't spend any more than 20 seconds talking to me about the chiropractor.  I had no idea taking advantage of free therapy would deny me from the CF.  I don't even go anymore.

I am also very discouraged, but I am refuting this decision and I am not giving up.  I know this isn't quite the same as an allergy.

What I don't understand is how other people that end up on RFT are any more "medically fit" than myself, and I am 100% positive I can pass the ExPres test.
LukerB, I didn't mean to say that you shouldn't be discouraged and judging from your info, this won't be a show stopper, just a minor set back.  You get the allergy test, it proves you're not severely allergic (I hope) and the application process carries on.

I can certainly understand that you are upset at a further delay but that's just the way things are.  Everything has to be done properly to prevent an "irregular" enrollment on your part and the CF's.

BTW, searching for Epi-Pen may have been a bit too ambitious.  Searching for "allergy" or "allergies" might have been better as the end result would give you the same info.  Not to mention, this thread, which is stickied at the top of the Enrollment Medical sub-forum.
I realise this PMedMoe, and my apologies for being so blunt. It's just getting harder and harder to be optomistic, but I'm just praying that I'm not allergic and I can put this all behind me.
You are right, I should have searched Allergy instead of Epi Pen, but Epi Pen came to mind first because thats what my letter was mostly about. It just went on to explain that anyone with "Self Injectible Epinephrine" can't join, and listed all the reasons why.
I do understand why someone with an Epi Pen can't be depended on to do their job properly provided something happend, it's just a bummer for me because I've never had a problem with bee stings.. so it's a bit confusing. I've never seen someone actually have to use an epi pen, though I can only imagine.
I really didn't think it was a big deal because the med tech didn't make it out to be one. He gave me a speach for drinker 4 or more beers in a night when I go out with friends (apparently this is binge drinking..) and spent, like rjr said, no more then 20 seconds telling me to take 1 sheet to my Doctor and have him fill it out.
I even mentioned the Epi Pen during my medical and he NEVER said anything about how that could stop me in my tracks from getting into the forces..
I wonder why they don't mention it right away? Took them 8 weeks to send me a letter..
Enough. We've already got massive threads on this subject. We're not starting another one.


Milnet.ca Staff
Alright so.. I got the letter in the mail saying that because I use an Epi-Pen for Bee Stings I am not allowed to join the CF.
I have never been tested for bee stings or any allergy. They just gave me it when I was about 4 years old as something stung me at the cottage and I swelled up like a balloon (didnt go into anaphylactic shock or anything).
I am going for allergy testing next week and hoping for good news saying I am not allergic, as I've been stung 15+ time's in my life (most recently last summer) by bee's and never had any more then a little red bump appear from the sting.
My question is.. what if I go in and they tell me I have a MILD allergy to bee stings and don't need the Epi-Pen or anything like that? The letter I got was all about the Epi-Pen and because I may need it I cannot join. But again, if I only have a mild allergy and don't need the Epi-Pen meaning there's absolutely no risk of me going into anaphylactic shock, then will they let me in or no?
Though, I'm really thinking I'm not allergic at all. At least my fingers are crossed for it.
I was told if I'm not allergic, I'm to send the results to the RMO again and wait to see if I'm cleared to join.
Has anyone ever been in this situation and gotten in? Or is it usually once they send you a letter, no matter what you do, you won't get in?
I just haven't read any stories on this site about people refuting decisions made by the RMO and getting in after fighting it.
Any info would be appreciated,
Although this thread is about allergies I wanted to comment on an earlier posting regarding conditions which constitute a no-go in the Britsh Army. One of the conditions listed was thalassemia and I just wanted to share (for anyone who may be doing research) that this is not necessarily true of the CF.
My husband has thalassemia, was up front with the recruiters and had no problems with his application. After they took his blood in BMQ the medical staff did have some questions but he was able to provide documentation which states that this does not affect his performance in any way other making him unable to donate blood he proceeded with no problems.
This may no be true for everyone, I would just hate for anyone to assume the worst before taking the time to talk to the recruiters. :)

I previously posted that I had been rejected due to a peanut allergy a while ago. Anyway, I immediately booked a series of appointments to see my allergist and after a handful of blood tests, skin tests, and a final 25g peanut butter challenge, I have been deemed fit for service!! From my understanding, as long as your allergy is not severe enough that it may result in anaphylaxis, you're good to go!

So all you guys out there who have been rejected, don't lose hope. See an allergist and find out truly the extent of your allergy.
Wow, it only took 174 messages to arrive at this epiphany.
ModlrMike said:
Wow, it only took 174 messages to arrive at this epiphany.

Fear not, the exact same situation will come up again as if it was something new and generate another 174.
"All of this has happened before, and it will happen again."
Alright so I got my allergy test done today for Bee Stings and all sorts of other things.
Results came back negative for all 5 types of bee's and I do NOT need an EpiPen so I am the happiest guy in the world right now!!  ;D
I am sending the test results that show negative to all bee types, and a little note from the allergist saying that I DO NOT require an EpiPen and that I had negative results to all types of venom.
However, it does show that I have a minor allergy to cats.. which I'm assuming is no big deal. My right eye ALWAYS gets itchy when I pet them for long.. weird eh?
Anyways, just thought I would share the great news and hopefully everything will go smoothe from here. I can't see there being a problem since it clearly shows I have no allergies.
I'm so pumped!! :cdn:
See, LukerB, you were all worried about nothing!  Glad to hear the results were good.
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