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Am I going to starve in St Jean???

Ghost said:
You can't survive on 3 meals a day?

Here is some nutritional guidelines, doing 90 minutes of high level activity on most days of the week would require a 140lb adult to consume 3000-3500 calories a day, to stay at a high enough energy level to function( at a very high level of activity) that's 22-25 calories per pound of body weight. So if you go in at 235lbs like Dr Size there, you would need 5170 calories per day at the low end. Geez I love science. Yeah he can survive on 3 meals a day but he will probably lose a significant portion of his muscle mass. Just an observation :salute:
I heard something about muscle memory, it was about the muscle's ability to recover fast it's previous size after a big mass loss. Don't know if this is true, just toughed somebody could enlighten me! By the way, I hope they got lots of food too, i'm also a weightlifter (altough I'm a lot smaller than dr.size) and I wouldn't want to see all this precious work fade away in 10 weeks because of food deprivation! Anyways, how bad do I want it? Bad enough to lose 20 pounds without crying, for sure! If you got something on muscle memory, post it i'm interested!

In St-Jean the food is decent and you can each as much as you want in the time alloted. Some things are restriced (desserts, main courses) to one helping per pass through the cashier (card swipe... civvies etc have to pay).

There will be some meals (~1 per day) that are very stressed for time, so eat what you can.

Usually supper is eaten at your own pace as there's no courses after dinner on most night, so you end up with a full half hour to EAT.

Of course the field is another story  :P
TCBF said:
Just to cheer you all up, I wan't to say that one day around Kandahar Airfield, I ate four (count'em: four) Black Bean and Rice Burrito MREs.   Had to open all of the hatches in the Coyote.   Rest of the crew wouldn't talk to me.   ;D


Tom I bet you smelled like a freakin Coyote after that, holy...well you get the point
Thirstyson said:
Of course the field is another story   :P

The best eating situation in the field is lunches on Grizzly (for Ocdts). Often times you have a full hour to cook and eat your food in your syndicate. It was utter bliss - find a shady, concealed spot, break out the IMP's and chem tabs, have time to actually get them hot, and lounge with a smoke. Absolutely glorious - we actually had time to make coffee and soup and, as though God himself had smiled down on us - some of us napped for 10 minutes or so. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. :D
Glorified Ape said:
Ah.. isn't there something in the Conduct Guidelines about falsely using rank avatars?

Unless Ghost is an EA or an ADC...then where's the Gen avatar with a pair of shoes protruding from the rear?   ;)

Back on thread, DrSize, how much carb to protien do you eat?  The salad bar is pretty good for decent carbs (p.salad, some hard boiled eggs, etc...) then you just need to make sure you're good on the protiens and figure out where to store your jar of creatine (citric, not mono, right?)

You guys sound like the old bat across the street from me who calls my house telling me to turn the music down or she is gonna call the cops.
It's good to see you wish to be taken seriously by your fellow soldiers on this site.
Infanteer said:
It's good to see you wish to be taken seriously by your fellow soldiers on this site.

We'll see......    ::)

If you have a house or apartment and a family to take care of, you will not have to pay rations or quarters.

Bring a copy of your lease/mortgage and a copy of your marrage certificate/common law papers, and kids birth certificates.

The recruiting center probably already told you about this but I have taught a lot of students in St-Jean that when we asked for this info nobody could seem to find it.
Not enough food...
Find yourself a smaller female on your course to go through the food line with.
During my BMQ I would gladly give away my main entree items to the big guys on my course...army meat is not my fav and I hated to waste food, and the mess staff do give the same size portions to a 115 lb female and a 200+ male....
I am also worried about losing muscle.  I am currently a competitive bodybuilder and seeing as I don't know when I will get that call for BMQ I am continuing to bulk up so that I have a little extra fat to lose before I start losing the muscle.  And sorry but this lady doesn't share her food.  lol  When you are used to 6 meals a day and 220 and up grams of protien a day, it sure is going to be tough to cut down to 3 meals.   
Lol I know what you mean, its going to be tough mentally to get used to 3 meals rather then 6 thats for sure.  And I dont think its all "clean" food too.