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amazing video

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check out this video... they hypnotise this poor S.O.B. while he is playing a zombie video game, then they move him into a building identical to the game he was just playing, and then wake him up as zombies start coming at him hahahahha , its unreal... then they put him back into the trance, and wake him up back in front of the game as its saying "game over" lol pretty amazing... I know there will be skeptics who say its not real, but if you can read body language well it looks pretty authentic, and if you've ever seen someone get hypnotised, its pretty much bang on the same... so here you go, enjoy =)

http://www.lookatentertainment.com/v/v-1212.htm says:
Wow that was amazing if it was real.  That would be the scariest situation ever. I really wonder if that was real? I'm "dieing" to know more.....
It would be cool if it was real however they gave him a paintball marker with out a hopper sooo un-less the guy is really really stupid I think it is a ruse
Looks a little dodgy to me.  If it is real, I have another video for the producer to watch.  It's called: Ethics and the Scientific Method.
I saw it and yeah, wasn't really impressed; it looked far too fake

edited for spelling

I don't think it was a paintball gun, I'm not sure how exactly they made the blood splats but it definately was not ap aintball gun... And hey, its england, things are different over there ;)
It looked like a paintball marker to me.  My problem is believing that he was "hypnotized".  The flashing lights may have scrambled his brain and placed him in a catatonic state, what happened at the end made no sense.  It would be extremely difficult to "hypnotize" him after he got himself all worked up like that.  Hypnosis requires a person to be very relaxed which he wasn't.  (In case anyone is wondering no i am not an expert on hypnosis, but I have been under hypnosis several times, and I know the basics of how it works).  Overall I say staged, but it would be an excellent prank if you could pull it off.
yeah I have a hard time believing that was real, if it was the hypnotist could be in some real crap. Usually hypnotist can't put anyone under without their consent, can open a big civil suit.  And it was definetly a paintball gun he was using, it's a stingray made by brass eagle. 
Quiet Riot said:
Usually hypnotist can't put anyone under without their consent, can open a big civil suit.  
I dunno about civil litigation and all that, I do that is next to impossible to hypnotize someone without consent (ie they have to want to be hypnotized).  If a person does not want to be hypnotized or doesn't believe in it, the hypnosis will not work.
I smell something...B.S! Why didn't his "friends" do anything or freak out? Also this guy is in his early twenties at a bar(pub) with friends why in gods name would he go play a shooter game before he was shit faced? Oh yeah and the whole hypnosis thing too?! All this to say  IMHO one of many fakes out on the internet most likely. But then again you never know...
Apparently, there is some discussion about this video on the 'net, and the bearded guy is a 'famous' or relatively popular David Blaine type from Britain, so they could have possibly have recognized him. Also, there was a television crew present. Sure, your friends or mine would not leave me there (or would they...?), but ever seen the stupid things people do or go along with just to be on television? And I would make the assumption that he filled them in on the details during the trip, or the stay in the room.

I don't necessarily believe this, but there are explanations to be found.

And with reference to the gun...if a guy is suddenly put into a traumatic situation (assuming this was real...) and has no previous knowledge or care in weapons, how would he really know, or be able to tell what was going on, much less care? The actors playing the zombies did an excellent job of reacting to the 'bullets', so I maintain that there are explanations or a possibility of this prank being true.

Not as much to do with the mumbo jumbo, as human reactions and psychology.
Yeah, we 20 somethings do sometimes enjoy playing video games.  I don't do it often, but I have go to bars that have video games and played them while I was in the process of getting hammered.  And really, just because one is old enough to go out to a bar and get 'shit-faced' doesn't necessarily mean they do it all the time.  I know i don't! 

But getting back to the video, yeah, i think its a fake.  A well acted fake, but fake none-the-less

Fake or not, that could really screw someone up.
Talk about your anxiety attack, and not knowing where you are...yikes.

"I don't think it was a paintball gun, I'm not sure how exactly they made the blood splats but it definitely was not ap aintball gun... And hey, its england, things are different over there "

It was a paintball gun as a few have already mentioned. The blood spatters are made by using a small plastic baggie with a very tiny charge under it that can be remotely fired by either the actor or someone off screen (in this case I would say it was the actors), they are commonly referred to as "squibs" and are used in movies and on stage.

As for the video itself I am certainly very sceptical about it but, then again, I am sceptical about everything.
dang the video link won't work i really want to see how this lol. if someone could save video could they plzz and let me know ill check back this form later on.