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Any favourite BMQ memories?

Kernewek said:
Haha, I was in the other BIQ. You guys must've hated how we always formed up in your way!I remember our march NCOs talking as we marched towards each other outside the mess:
"Let's not halt and see who wins"

I thought we should passed through each other on the march, or even better, merged and see who came out with NCO...that or had a march off!
"Pte Bloggins, what's your problem?"
"My arms are ****ed up, my elbows are ****ed up, my knees are ****ed up, my back is ****ed up, I'm all kinds of ****ed up Master Corporal"

Glad to say this wasn't me
CanadianTire said:
I thought we should passed through each other on the march, or even better, merged and see who came out with NCO...that or had a march off!

lol definately! Did you guys only mess up on ranks once? My course did rather badly for some reason.
pour example: "Yes Master Corporal. (oh f***) YES WARRANT!!! (F***) Sergeant."
Remembering back almost 20 yrs ago, as DS, I remember this short skinny prairie kid from Regina Beach. Jamie S was his name ( ha, he is still serving, ex RegF, now RRR, and AFG Vet).

We had two PLs going thru wpn issue, the other PL called our's down, I said to Jamie, are you going to let them get away with that? Without exception, he immediatly ran over and begain whaling on this guy. We all thought it was a bit of a joke, and an act, but after seeing torn epauletts and some blood, we quickly broke it up. He sure had some esprit du corps!

He proved himseslf to be a tenacuious dedicated soldier, and went on to many things over the years. CCUNPROFOR for starters, and I heard he did well in Afghanistan too. If any of you run into him, tell him I said hi.

On a 5 month mini-Longlook in 2000, ran into him at the Moosejaw Airshow, as he was there for a para demo out of a C130 with a bunch of others that I knew. I had spent the show in the static displays for Army equipment, met up with Ed S, Mark C, Rob 'X', Jamie, and Willie Mac. What a wild Saturday night that was at the hockey rink turned party central. I stayed in their room that night. Those barracks at MJ are long since torn down now.

The Army is a small world.


Kernewek said:
lol definately! Did you guys only mess up on ranks once? My course did rather badly for some reason.
pour example: "Yes Master Corporal. (oh f***) YES WARRANT!!! (F***) Sergeant."

Can't speak for the other sections, but mine messed up maybe once or twice, whole course, and...as for the platoon as a whole, it would happen every now and then and the staff were pretty laid back about it.
"Stop (promoting/demoting) the (Sergeant/Warrant)."
"I haven't been a Sergeant for a very long time."
"I haven't been a Warrant for a very...no...that's not true, but its still been a few years since I was a warrant."

We had one staff member though who you sort of had to watch what you said with.
I had a Bdr on my bmq that would make us do pushups everytime you called him a corporal (two chevrons lol). anyway, we were down at the ranges one day and i called him a warrant. I didn't mean to, we just finished discussing about the warrant, and then the Bdr told me to do something, and I stupidly said "yes, warrant". haha. I almost pissed myself. He was pretty cool with it though. I guess he only minds when you mistake him for a corporal. Obviously he didn't mind be called a higher rank >< but he knew it was totally accidental on every level.
tannerthehammer said:
Here is a funny one,

Recruit talking to a MCPL:

Recruit: "Yes Super Corporal!"

MCPL: "Super Corporal!  What the **** is a Super Corporal!"

oh man that made me laugh ;D
Frankie said:
22 birthday, easter weekend....on a bus going to Cornwallis in 1987. Did not know Mom had stuck a chocholate bunny in my suitcase... "All right welcome to Cornwallis... open your bags"..hmmm I'm sure the staff enjoyed it.
I hope I see something like that sometime soon
Jan.1958,RCEME School,Barriefield Ont.waiting for basic trg.to start
I was shovelling snow outside Regt.Trg.HQ.,just one of the many
sh%§t jobs they found for us untrained rookies to do,when a very
loud voice attached to Sgt.stripes asked if any of us a-holes could
read.Dead silence,as everybody had learned the first rule of army
life, NEVER VOLUNTEER,however my pride got the upper hand
and I allowed that I could indeed read, a little.I spent the next three
weeks in a warm office doing updates on trg. pams.,beat shovelling
snow by a long shot.
My basic trg.platoon was full of interesting characters,a German
Luftwaffe bomber crewman who made an official request,in writing,
for permission to wear his WW2 medals.An ex 6th Airborne Brit.
who refused to spit shine his boots,press his battledress.or wear
weights as that constituted destruction of Her Majesties property.
The German received a resounding NO and a constant hard time
but everyone secretly admired his chutzpah,the Brit.also saw the
light after an equally hard time and numerous private talks with
the Coy.CO.he just got tired of hauling his bed and kit down to
the guardroom for after hours kit inspections.
keyvan25 said:
1. saluting a sergeant on my 5 day
2. calling my master cpl corpal as i walked by him and as he turned around to yell at me i just ran.
we all had a good laugh about it
3. going to attention with the wrong foot during the grad parade, cuz that was supposed to be infront of me, had a panic attack,
and i had to switch with him last minute, and that got me all messed up.
4. telling one of my buddies that an officer was walking towards us, and then my buddy turned around called group and saluted a master corporal, who jacked him up pretty bad for that one.


Why would your buddy get jacked for saluting a master corporal?
Yeah...I havent joined yet, so I dont know the procedures.....I didnt think you could get in shit for saluting some one
CDN Aviator said:
Are you seriously asking ?

I just reread his ast 10 posts, he is still applying to the CF and I assume does not know the rank structure yet.
kratz said:
I just reread his ast 10 posts, he is still applying to the CF and I assume does not know the rank structure yet.

He obviously can't read, either, as the quoted post mentions saluting a Sergeant and not a Master Corporal.
You're not an idiot.  You are just not trained yet.

Only Officers that hold a Commission are saluted in the CF.  Non-commissioned members, including Privates, Junior Non-Commissioned Officers (Cpls and MCpls), Senior NCOs (Sergeants) and Warrant Officers (Warrant Officers, Master WOs and Chief WOs) are not to be saluted.  Paying of compliments is something you will learn, once you are in and on BMQ. 
Fische35 said:
Why would your buddy get jacked for saluting a master corporal?


Saluting,  no.  Don't do it.  Calling group yes.  It is very awkward when you get saluted when you're not supposed to be.

I remember being an Ocdt in Gagetown.  I was walking back from the Canex (with cleaning supplies for next morning's inspection) I guess a BMQ course just let out and several gaggles of Pte's were walking down that sidewalk.  One pte saluted me,  (as instructed I returned it and politely told him he needn't salute a thin bar) and carried on.  The next group saw the previous group salute and they moved off to the side and called group and saluted.... (same explanation thin bar but with compliments on how sharp they looked) ... then came a MCpl, who must have seen the groups saluting he came closer and just as he was about to salute he saw my rank and laughed as he walked past.  (He said something just before he laughed)