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Any Navy Electronic Technicians around?


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I'm trying to get into one of the NE Tech trades, and I'm not really sure which one I would want to do. I think my main problem is I'm not really aware of the day-to-day tasks of most of the trades.

If any former or current NE Techs could pm me that would be really appreciated.
You've looked at the videos for each trade on the recruiting website?
Check out the forces.ca website also search this forum.  The forces website will give you an idea of that the trade does, and there are some threads here about daily life in the navy, both in port and at sea.
To a very large extent the day to day routine of any NET is pretty much the same, except they work on different pieces of kit when they break / require preventative maintenance. When not working on their equipment, they'll be doing the same rounds, spending the same amount of time on helm, sitting at the same console in the Ops room, and so on and so forth. Same with the NWTs.
For what it's worth, NET (C) has the most applicability to jobs on civvie street.  Jobs in the radar and sonar fields are hard to come by in civvie street, although they do exist.
Yes I have read the forces.ca information for all the trades. To elaborate on what I said before I'm trying to get into the CF for subsidized education and I had my interview on Tuesday. When I originally filled out my application the recruiter put down 3 trades that the college program I am taking would lead into. Now my main problem was what he put down (Acoustic, Tactical, Communication) was somewhat different then how they have it on the Forces.ca site (Sonar, Radar mainly). So I would say in my interview I was a bit confused and probably looked like a dumbass at some points aha. When I was answering the questions I basically said all the jobs did the same thing (set up their respective equipment, troubleshoot problems, etc.) and at the end of the interview he stated that he thought he didn't know as much as I should about the trades I was applying too, and he was probably right. He said that if I called the recruiting centre they would be able to get me in touch with soem people in the trades, but I dont wanna bother someone with stupid questions, so I guess I'll do it anonymously ;) aha

gcclarke said:
To a very large extent the day to day routine of any NET is pretty much the same, except they work on different pieces of kit when they break / require preventative maintenance. When not working on their equipment, they'll be doing the same rounds, spending the same amount of time on helm, sitting at the same console in the Ops room, and so on and so forth. Same with the NWTs.

That's what I kind of figured, but maybe I just didn't elaborate that enough in the interview.

Occam said:
For what it's worth, NET (C) has the most applicability to jobs on civvie street.  Jobs in the radar and sonar fields are hard to come by in civvie street, although they do exist.

Thanks for the info, it does make sense to me when I think about it too. Maybe I will switch that too my top or only choice.
Ravens22 said:
Yes I have read the forces.ca information for all the trades. To elaborate on what I said before I'm trying to get into the CF for subsidized education and I had my interview on Tuesday. When I originally filled out my application the recruiter put down 3 trades that the college program I am taking would lead into. Now my main problem was what he put down (Acoustic, Tactical, Communication) was somewhat different then how they have it on the Forces.ca site (Sonar, Radar mainly). So I would say in my interview I was a bit confused and probably looked like a dumbass at some points aha. When I was answering the questions I basically said all the jobs did the same thing (set up their respective equipment, troubleshoot problems, etc.) and at the end of the interview he stated that he thought he didn't know as much as I should about the trades I was applying too, and he was probably right. He said that if I called the recruiting centre they would be able to get me in touch with soem people in the trades, but I dont wanna bother someone with stupid questions, so I guess I'll do it anonymously ;) aha

Tactical = Radar
Comms = Comms
Acoustic = Sonar

There was a movement afoot some time ago to rename the trades to the suffixes on the right, in order to make them more understandable to civvies.  I don't know if it was ever completed, but you'll see the references to both suffixes around.

You mentioned you read the forces.ca information, but did you look at the videos on each sub-trade?  They're well done, and explain what the subtle differences are between each sub-trade.

Thanks for the info, it does make sense to me when I think about it too. Maybe I will switch that too my top or only choice.

I wouldn't be too hasty doing that until you have the info on all of the trades.  For example, the NET(A) (or sonar, as you prefer) are also responsible for the navigation equipment aboard the ships, eg. GPS, inertial navigation system (INS), gyrocompasses.  They're also responsible for the meteorological sensors.  The NET(T) (or radar) trade is responsible for radar displays, plotting aids, most of the Command and Control computer System (CCS).

The NET(C) trade just happens to have the most equipment relevant to civvie street, but by no means will a NET(A) or NET(T) starve when they retire from the military.
Realize also that it all comes together at more senior rank.  NET(C)s, NET(A)s and NET(T)s all become NET(S)s  (systems) upon promotion to either PO or Chief (I can't remember exactly).
Just a heads up as well, you may not get to choose your NET trade when you enroll anyways.  Sure, you can choose to be NET, but the way its going with
the new trade imalgamation (weapons engineer tech's or WE Techs), you wont actually know what trade of CSE you will be until after you are QL4 qualified.
It will all be based upon the needs of the navy at the time you are finally QL4 qualified.  If they need Sonar techs, chances are thats where you will be
going.  If they need Radar, same thing.  Who knows what their needs will be at that time.  You will probably be able to request the one you want but like
most things in the military, there are no guarantee's.  The whole WE Tech thing is just still being worked out so take this information with a grain of salt.
I am a Sonar tech myself and i quite enjoy it. 
Pud said:
I am a Sonar tech myself and i quite enjoy it.

Sonar Techs are great.  Every Radar and Comm Tech should have one.  ;)
Pusser said:
Realize also that it all comes together at more senior rank.  NET(C)s, NET(A)s and NET(T)s all become NET(M)s  (manager?) upon promotion to either PO or Chief (I can't remember exactly).
Fixed a typo.
I've been a Sonar Tech for 17 going on 18 years. 

Part of our job (a major part) is Navigation systems, from GPS, Gyros, Met Sensors, to Digital Charting systems and more. 

Of interest, since the Exxon Valdez, no civilian oil tanker has been allowed to sail without a trained Nav Tech onboard.

Last offer I saw was 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off, starting $65K.

YMMV, but there's also a lot of OTHER stuff we do also, Hazmat cleanup, MCR Rounds, etc etc that we get specialized training for (along with the other NET trades) that is VERY marketable if you're just looking to get in and grab the training and run after your first contract.

On the other hand, if you want the chance to visit over 35 countries, go as far North as Bodo Norway, as far south as Cartagena Colombia, as far east as the Straights of Hormuz, and as far west as Hawaii, with many and varied stops in between, there's few jobs as good as this.

I love it, and am still enjoying it.

Lex Parsimoniae said:
Fixed a typo.

There was no typo.  It may have changed since the last time I looked at it, but senior NETs most certainly were NET(S) for "systems" at one point.