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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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From the day I put in my application until the day that my transfer is effective: 254 days (gotta love Excel formulas!)
Took me 4 months and I even had to get one of those medical forms filled out.
Wow, I never realized it could take this long....I'm almost 1 month into the process and my security and criminal clearance has been passed, along with my CFAT, Interview and my Medical soon enough. Not to brag about it though.....I guess I could be considered lucky so far. I just hope it doesn't take too long after I'm done my medical to be offered a job since I'm only joining the Primary Reserves.

What I did was meet with the unit recruiter of the unit that I wanted to join before I applied. So I had the unit recruiter help me push my application and hassle the recruiting centre to keep processing my application and get it done as soon as possible because I'm planning to do the BMQ in about 2 months time. This will probably only work with the Reserves though... I'm sure it works differently with the Reg force.
officer.phil said:
Wow, I never realized it could take this long....I'm almost 1 month into the process and my security and criminal clearance has been passed, along with my CFAT, Interview and my Medical soon enough. Not to brag about it though.....I guess I could be considered lucky so far. I just hope it doesn't take too long after I'm done my medical to be offered a job since I'm only joining the Primary Reserves.

What I did was meet with the unit recruiter of the unit that I wanted to join before I applied. So I had the unit recruiter help me push my application and hassle the recruiting centre to keep processing my application and get it done as soon as possible because I'm planning to do the BMQ in about 2 months time. This will probably only work with the Reserves though... I'm sure it works differently with the Reg force.

O.P...no such thing as "only the Primary Reserves."  Don't shoot yourself in the foot.  ;)
Mud Recce Man said:
O.P...no such thing as "only the Primary Reserves."  Don't shoot yourself in the foot.  ;)

I assumed it would be a bit easier? Guess not lol. In that case, I think I already shot myself in the foot.......
It's been over 2 months for me now. And I haven't taken an aptitude or physical fitness test yet. Although I did get a reference for Field Ambulance. This is normal right? The recruiting officer did mention BMQ in January, but didn't exactly say anything.
I can only go by my experience but I had an appointment for an aptitude test, interview and medical within 2 weeks.

There are no physical tests until you arrive at BMQ.
Mithras said:
I can only go by my experience but I had an appointment for an aptitude test, interview and medical within 2 weeks.

There are no physical tests until you arrive at BMQ.
A recent change if I remember.  I had a Medical and Physical test.  But that was .... well seemes longer than it was.
This is my first post, and I recently applied last month, and two days later wrote my tests, had an interveiw, and did my medical.  They were shooting for November to send me, but because of documents from my doctor and eye doctor, I took another two weeks to get those, so they told me it woul dnot be possible until January to go to BMQ.  I handed in both documents one week ago today and the senior medical doctor, told me I would hear back within two weeks.  I am now kind of freaking out though after reading all these posts about people waiting so long, I relize most are out dated so i hope I hear back next week.  But then I also read up on asthma and eyes and Im freaking out more now.  I applied for Infantry and I beleive my eyes are fine, my prescription is weak, and my eyes are fine without glasses.  But its the asthma thing.  Even though Ive gone years without using an inhaler, I still somtimes decide to use it before working out or playing hockey.  So I hope this hasnt made me fail my application because I want to be gone in January like origanlly told.  If so i guess i got to appeal my situation and head to the doctor to get all my lung cap. tests done which I know I will pass.    But i guess the point is... Its been about a month now for me, and Im hoping to hear back soon! wish me luck  :-\
andrewlegere said:
This is my first post, and I recently applied last month, and two days later wrote my tests, had an interveiw, and did my medical.  They were shooting for November to send me, but because of documents from my doctor and eye doctor, I took another two weeks to get those, so they told me it woul dnot be possible until January to go to BMQ.  I handed in both documents one week ago today and the senior medical doctor, told me I would hear back within two weeks.  I am now kind of freaking out though after reading all these posts about people waiting so long, I relize most are out dated so i hope I hear back next week.  But then I also read up on asthma and eyes and Im freaking out more now.  I applied for Infantry and I beleive my eyes are fine, my prescription is weak, and my eyes are fine without glasses.  But its the asthma thing.  Even though Ive gone years without using an inhaler, I still somtimes decide to use it before working out or playing hockey.  So I hope this hasnt made me fail my application because I want to be gone in January like origanlly told.  If so i guess i got to appeal my situation and head to the doctor to get all my lung cap. tests done which I know I will pass.    But i guess the point is... Its been about a month now for me, and Im hoping to hear back soon! wish me luck  :-\

Hello and welcome. First of all you should know that every situation for every recruit is different. That's why the times vary greatly. Secondly don't 'freak out', just be patient. Here is a thread that contains a big list of application process times and samples, you will quickly see that times vary greatly because the numerous different circumstances. Lastly, I wish you nothing but the best of luck.
I am sure things will work out fine.  As for the asthma I am sure there are a lot of people out there who would drop if they tried to play hockey even without asthma.  As for the timeline don't worry to much as it sounds like things are moving along at a nice pace for you.

With recruiting it seems to follow two paths: quick and very long.  You lucked out and should be on a winter BMQ :) 

Yea, its nerve wracking waiting... I called my file manager and she told me there has been no update on the file but it is looking like February now, not January.  Which is alright, I just dont want to be denied.  Hopfully I hear from them soon,, and if I am denied, I will apeal because I dont even know if I have asthma anymore... Like I run everyday now without using a puffer or anything and I dont even get short of breath.  So hopfully It works out!  thanks for the replies...
Took me about 5-6 months... I had to be tested for ACS and reapply for other trades though, so there was ample reason for the delay.
I applied over a year ago, as a pilot applicant, Failed my medical for shin splints. Had that ruling changed after talking with my advisor at RMC and appealing it, Went back to the recruiting centre and they had lost my file, so i filled out a new one in October, went back a week later and it was closed "due to lack of information" they were looking for Air crew medical forms from back in march, told them i didn't have them but i would go get the tests done if they gave me the forms, they re-opened my file and gave me my forms, went back 2 weeks after to change my address my file had disappeared and was close for "lack of information" i told them i was waiting for my blood work to return, and after an hour of, "no i didn't receive that notice, no i did not go to Trenton for ACS back in June, I called last week and was refered to the medical section, and talked to  (blank)" I got my file Re-opened a 3rd time, and am awaiting my blood work which should be in this week. In the mean time i have earned 2 pilots licenses, and will probably be commercially licensed by the time I ever see IAP/BOTP.
Have to tell ya....the system can be improved.
Background..23 yrs plus in Reserve, NCM to Sr Offr who trans to Supp L 9 years ago when I relocated for employment.  Now I have time and want to trans back PRes as there is a local unit who needs me even though I am dropping a rank.  The process from VFS, TOS equivalencies from DAT to offer has been 4-5 months.  After that they decide....well you need to get a med before you can even accept the offer, so we better req your Med docs and THEN, sched you for a med.  I seem to remember the importance of "concurrent activity" being drummeed into my little head when I was learning BP...why do we not save time and do a bit of this when we can.  ie while waiting for  trg equivalencies AFTER VFS has confirmed your rank and qualification....why not get the med docs and med under way so that 2-3 months can be shaved off the process.
My obsn is that we should not make fun of the ppl on this site who are getting frustrated about the bureaucracy...we should use ppl like that to help fix it.  Many of the ppl who get frustrated are in the private sectorand have been using Continuous Improvement programmes to reduce the sort of thing we are complaining about here.  The fact is that there is a lot of inefficiency and redundancy that could be reduced in the CF/DND world and we should  be seriously looking at business approaches to speed up the process of maximizing the number of trained troops at the end of the day.
The irony is that these modern business programmes actually started out of the military when officers went from the military to business after WW2.

Today was my POS interview..for a trade change I resquested...and welll It has been 344 days since I resquested it..and today december 20, My unit is closed for the holiday period..so I wont get a answer untl januray. Process have not chance in 8 years.

How Long Has It Taken You?
Two weeks from handing in my application to being sworn in.

Well, my medical, PT test and CFAT were completed with an application I made to the Regs a year before.

To all those who are waiting, hang in there & good luck!
From the time I handed in my application until I was sworn in was 7 months.  Until I started BMQ 9 months. 
I finish my interview and medic check up about a month before. Sounds like they are keeping transfering my medic files between HQ and here. I am a little worried now. I keep thinking I may blow sth in interview, just maybe............ I consider army could be my chance(maybe the last) for me to change myself and be a real part of this country. If i can't............ i still appreciate them a lot. They give me a chance( I was even a reservist before), it's my own problems to ................ But I am really tired to work in warehouse after school now, should I try foreign legion?