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Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

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B.McTeer said:
well i have no idea what cleared in 2 weeks all i know is that they phoned and said i was ready for testing. in 2 weeks. got the good to go after my interview. maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree i have no clue :-\

Then perhaps your case is not in anyway similar to those that have posted their frustrations in this thread?
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.  Are you actually proposing reasonable changes to the system or just ranting (personal experience)?  Personally, I think statements like yours do more harm than good and set a very poor example to the potential applicants that frequent this site.  As I have said before we enrol sufficient numbers of smart, physically fit, healthy and clean applicants every year and unfortunaltely the ones that end up waiting the longest normally don't fit into any of those categories.  But through their patience and perservance and the hard work of all recruiting personnel most of them get the opportunity to realize their dream.  In 1979, I think the standards were much lower than there are today and I should know because that is when I joined

You can keep on talking about how much you strive for the cleanest, smartest and fit applicants but all that will be sorted out in BMQ regardless of what score you put on the file.  If somebody is good enough 6 months down the road than chances are they were good enough 6 months earlier. 
Chief Clerk said:
KinCanuck - Are you a Recruiting Officer?  Were you ever a Recruiting Officer?  It would seem you have a great knowledge of Recruiting and the Recruiting system?  Please enlighten some of us whom HAVE actually worked in this system!  Would not post something on this site if I didnt really know what I was talking about first hand and not through listening to others - although I do respect you for your thoughts, maybe its time you open your mind to others whom have walked the walk!  But then again some us simply will turn a blind eye to the truth - maybe you should actually listen to some new recruits rather than smelling the lovely flowers that grow in your perfect world!  Maybe as an officer more of you and your world (whom apparently get paid to make decisions) can try and change the above and keep us poor ranting NCMs from having to Vent/speak to others/etc (which by the way is our god given right as Canadian Citizens under the Charter)  Try listening to your NCM corp for a change on the topics that may seem unworthy or trivial to you - as maybe these topics are what concern us - your followers!  Nuff Said refuse to debate further.  thanks guys for your insights, take my thoughts as you want, as to some of us they are important.

I'm a little bit late coming into this, but I would just like to say Kincanucks has been a great help to me, and as you can see many other CF applicants on this website. Cheers Kincanucks!  :salute:

Lebanese Canadian, keep your chin up, It'll come eventually! And as other people have said, keep calling back your CFRC on a regular basis to check up on your file. Get to know the recruiters.

Good luck!
Ghost said:
You can keep on talking about how much you strive for the cleanest, smartest and fit applicants but all that will be sorted out in BMQ regardless of what score you put on the file.   If somebody is good enough 6 months down the road than chances are they were good enough 6 months earlier.  

So perhaps we should just dispense with the formalities of screening applicants through the recruiting process and send them all to BMQ?
So perhaps we should just dispense with the formalities of screening applicants through the recruiting process and send them all to BMQ?

I am talking about the merit list once an applicant has passed all the tests.

I have no idea why you guys would even suggest I go back to school when I passed the CFAT.
Ghost said:
I am talking about the merit list once an applicant has passed all the tests.

I have no idea why you guys would even suggest I go back to school when I passed the CFAT.

I have no idea what you are talking about so we are even.
Morgs said:
I'm a little bit late coming into this, but I would just like to say Kincanucks has been a great help to me, and as you can see many other CF applicants on this website. Cheers Kincanucks!  :salute:

Hear!! Hear!! Cheers!!
I am talking about the merit list.

If you make somebody wait months before you pick them its stupid.  Because if they do get selected then they were obviously good enough in the first place.

It was also suggested that I upgrade my education to help improve my chances,  which doesn't make any sense when I have already passed the apptitude test.

It was also suggested that I upgrade my education to help improve my chances,  which doesn't make any sense when I have already passed the apptitude test.

Well perhaps they only gave you a MP of 5 and you are going for a trade that usually only picks 6s and above?  With improved education your MP may be increased to make you more competitive.
Ghost said:
If you make somebody wait months before you pick them its stupid.  

When I walked in, I had just moved back from Alberta, (I was laid off there can you believe it)?  Anyway,  I wasn't sure how long I would have to wait and the interviewer told me to get a job in the mean time while I wait.   

So that's what I did.  If you just bleed a job for money to pay bills while waiting for a call, I don't see any harm in that.  Would you?

kincanucks said:
Well perhaps they only gave you a MP of 5 and you are going for a trade that usually only picks 6s and above?  With improved education your MP may be increased to make you more competitive.

Your talking about the rating that each applicant is given out of ten, right?
Well perhaps they only gave you a MP of 5 and you are going for a trade that usually only picks 6s and above?  With improved education your MP may be increased to make you more competitive

Do you honestly belive going to college is a reasonable request?
Ghost said:
Do you honestly belive going to college is a reasonable request?

I'll bite at this one.

About 10 years ago I applied with forces.  I made the merit list and got a call to see if I was still interseted.  At the time, I said no (hehehe) because I was working for a major corporation that set a lot of todays business standards as well gaining some life experience and education.  I learned what it was like to have responsibility and how to handle very stressful situations.  I went to college but isn't recognized for an equivilent to a degree.  So the DOE program, unfortunatetly, was out of the question ..but nothing says I can't transfer those some 20 courses to a recognized degree program.  In the civy world I'm a Business grad with a mjr in accntg, 1st year of geo, Powerline Training Level "C", Soil Science, Plant Science, fertilizer(liquid, gas and ganular) and herbicide training.  Storage of dangerous materials training plus various other courses and seminars that were pertaining to the job.  Not to get into a Pi$$ing contest,  but I think your reaching for something inside the rhelm of being unreasonable. 

Basically, what I'm saying with attitude like that...what's the point of applying when people are just going to out compete you.  If they suggest it, why no do it?  It's a reasonable request. If they weren't trying to help, they wouldn't have suggested it at all.  Think about it.  It's becoming more competitve as society grows my friend.  Education is fundamental and I believe that a constant learning curve keeps the mind sharp.  Would you not agree there's always something to learn?


PS. I got my no brainer job only to find out I had something to learn. Waited 6 months until I got my call once again, only to to say "YES!" Am i going to give my 100%? you better believe it, and some!


" I am talking about the merit list.

If you make somebody wait months before you pick them its stupid.   Because if they do get selected then they were obviously good enough in the first place.

It was also suggested that I upgrade my education to help improve my chances,   which doesn't make any sense when I have already passed the apptitude test."

I hope that I understand your situation. From what I have read, you were merit listed for an occupation that was either not open or it closed while you were in in the process.

It sounds like you were found suitable and competitive and you were merit listed. It also sounds like other suitable and competitive people were added to the merit list while the occupation you wanted was not open.

Consequently, when the occupation was available, it would appear that you were beaten out by more competitive applicants.

As I see it, you have one of two choices:

a. make yourself more competitive in any way you can (probably based on the advice from your recruiting centre) in the hopes that you will beat out the competition during the next selection...or

b. do nothing in the hopes that someday, somehow, things work out and you will be offered a position.

If you do nothing, then I suspect that you will have a long wait and risk not being hired at all. If you have your heart set on a particular occupation, then you should do everything you can to make yourself more competitive.

I hope that this doesn't sound cruel, but I think that you end to face the reality that it is a competitive process. Being on the merit list isn't a guarantee that you will be hired.

If I have misunderstood your situation, my apologies. Still, the point is that it is a competitive process and one must do all that is possible to be more competitive than the competition.

Good luck.
You either have previous military experience or you don't.

If the minimum requirement is a grade 10 education I don't see how going to college could make or break a career with the army but if that's the case that's bs
Ghost said:
If the minimum requirement is a grade 10 education I don't see how going to college could make or break a career with the army but if that's the case that's bs

And it's exactly that kind of thinking that they don't want, I'd imagine.  If you don't take education seriously in your private life, how can they be assured you'll take it seriously when (if) you get in?  Hmmm...

And it's exactly that kind of thinking that they don't want, I'd imagine.  If you don't take education seriously in your private life, how can they be assured you'll take it seriously when (if) you get in?  Hmmm...

Gee I dunno I guess showing up on time and passing all your tests the first time around is a good indication. 
Ghost said:
Gee I dunno I guess showing up on time and passing all your tests the first time around is a good indication.  

Now that's what I call living by the lowest common denominator...  Do you currently work for a union, by chance?  ::)

Torlyn said:
Now that's what I call living by the lowest common denominator...  Do you currently work for a union, by chance?  ::)

No doubt Torlyn. I agree.

"i'll just give 70% and the other 30% can be picked up by the people that will get in before me"   

That's a union thought if I ever heard one. Maturity, I think is a factor as well.  I see what your say that all you need is grade 10 but what's wrong with getting more than grade 10.  I can see if all you have is grade 10, got your GED and maybe a trade certificate or 2 to show that you can learn something.  Common sense dude! 


I think this is a waste of thread and should be locked.