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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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reganm said:
I'm in Victoria right now going for DEO MARS. I am guessing you are DEO as well. Is September the 16th the next BMOQ for DEO?

I think this is a fake account from what I saw on another thread, so the info he stated is BS.

Concerning next BMOQ for DEO, you have the dates on the CFLRS site: http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/cfc-ecc/dc-cd/index-eng.asp

* DEO are the platoons beginning with an ''L''
And queue newguy91 name change in 5,4,3,2,1...
Thankfully banned.
R.C. said:
And queue newguy91 name change in 5,4,3,2,1...
Thankfully banned.

Good one R.C.!!  Your brand of humour will be more than welcome on our BMOQ.
Hannibal_Barca said:
I think this is a fake account from what I saw on another thread, so the info he stated is BS.

Not necessarily BS, check the dates *cough* year *cough*....  ;)
It is really sad that there are people who have so called 'fake' accounts. As a DEO MARS hopeful who is honestly using this site as a primary source of information to aid me in my application, It is disconcerting to know that people would intentionally mislead me on this forum (or possibly mislead).

Thank you to whoever banned the person above...I hope that all my future comunications will be with honest people who genuinely know there information well and also, who genuinely want to help people like me achieve their goals in the Canadian Armed Forces!
reganm said:
It is really sad that there are people who have so called 'fake' accounts. As a DEO MARS hopeful who is honestly using this site as a primary source of information to aid me in my application, It is disconcerting to know that people would intentionally mislead me on this forum (or possibly mislead).

Thank you to whoever banned the person above...I hope that all my future comunications will be with honest people who genuinely know there information well and also, who genuinely want to help people like me achieve their goals in the Canadian Armed Forces!

Yes, it is disheartening when people don't consider the absurdity of their actions and how it may affect others. But don't let a few bad apples here and there ruin your overall experience, enjoyment and usefulness of the site.

I haven't been here that long, but I believe the staff/senior members do a great job at monitoring what's said and correcting discrepancies and/or plain misinformation to make sure everyone can benefit as much as possible. 

The positive aspects as a whole of what is provided here far outweigh any negative, so don't get discouraged by the few users who only know how to gain negative attention.  Best of luck going forward.
I would completely agree with you. The staff on this site and other members have been really helpful. I do not plan on leaving  :) I am already finding that I help others on this site as well.
reganm said:
I would completely agree with you. The staff on this site and other members have been really helpful. I do not plan on leaving  :) I am already finding that I help others on this site as well.

Agreed - site has been most useful thus far. Nice to be able to have people mentor you through the processes and help give you an idea of what to expect at each point.

Glad to hear you did well on the CFAT as well, and good luck with the rest of your recruitment!

They gave me a call yesterday morning to double check previous address information, and told me that this week/next week would be proceeding with the credit check portion of my application. I have an Optometrist appointment first thing tomorrow morning to get a form signed off per the Med Officer's request, and then I suppose its back to 'hurry up and wait'. Need to contact the physical fitness evaluation Officer next week as well to book my fitness test... dun dun dunnnnnnn... lol. (This is the only real portion of the process that I've been dreading only because I've all but completely fallen off of the major gym kick I was on previously, for the last year). I've been playing ice hockey twice a week and have resumed gym workouts/running 5 times a week so hopefully I can get myself prepared in time!
Hey, guys - quick question regarding applying to be an MP:

I have one year of Law & Security and then I transferred to Uni. for Criminology, and ended up doing only one year there as well before saying enough was enough (I'm in my mid-thirties now) with student loan debt. You need a COMPLETE college diploma in LASA/PF to even apply to be an MP, correct?

Just making sure, since I chose Infantry as my 3rd choice instead of MP for this reason. No harm in asking you guys I figured.

Thanks in advance. Just want to be 200% sure from the get-go.
Guelph said:
Hey, guys - quick question regarding applying to be an MP:

I have one year of Law & Security and then I transferred to Uni. for Criminology, and ended up doing only one year there as well before saying enough was enough (I'm in my mid-thirties now) with student loan debt. You need a COMPLETE college diploma in LASA/PF to even apply to be an MP, correct?

Just making sure, since I chose Infantry as my 3rd choice instead of MP for this reason. No harm in asking you guys I figured.

Thanks in advance. Just want to be 200% sure from the get-go.

Yes, definitely for RegF.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM-SEP
Trade Choice 1: Med Tech
Application Date: August 12, 2012
Aptitude Test: Dec 5th, 2012
Interview: April 4th, 2013
Medical: April 4th, 2013
Merit Listed:- Waiting
Position Offered:- Waiting
Enrollment/Swear in: Waiting
BMQ Begins: Waiting
JSee_84 said:
Agreed - site has been most useful thus far. Nice to be able to have people mentor you through the processes and help give you an idea of what to expect at each point.

Glad to hear you did well on the CFAT as well, and good luck with the rest of your recruitment!

They gave me a call yesterday morning to double check previous address information, and told me that this week/next week would be proceeding with the credit check portion of my application. I have an Optometrist appointment first thing tomorrow morning to get a form signed off per the Med Officer's request, and then I suppose its back to 'hurry up and wait'. Need to contact the physical fitness evaluation Officer next week as well to book my fitness test... dun dun dunnnnnnn... lol. (This is the only real portion of the process that I've been dreading only because I've all but completely fallen off of the major gym kick I was on previously, for the last year). I've been playing ice hockey twice a week and have resumed gym workouts/running 5 times a week so hopefully I can get myself prepared in time!

That's great. I was also told they would be doing my reliability screening this week. You are being booked for a fitness test...are you going reserves??? It is really good you booked your optometrist quickly so you can get your medical forms sent off and approved sooner rather than later.

Good luck in the workouts,

Stacked said:
You never struck me as the combat arms type. :P  Good Luck with your application this year my friend.

Following the family footsteps hopefully! Grandfather and Uncle are both RCR Officers. Decided not to follow in my father's footsteps though (RadOp), I am definitely not getting a BEng or BSc
Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Logistics
Application Date: August 15th, 2012
Aptitude Test: March 20th, 2012
Interview: March 20th, 2013
Medical: March 20th, 2013
Merit Listed:- Waiting
Position Offered:- Waiting
Enrollment/Swear in: Waiting
BMQ Begins: Waiting
reganm said:
That's great. I was also told they would be doing my reliability screening this week. You are being booked for a fitness test...are you going reserves??? It is really good you booked your optometrist quickly so you can get your medical forms sent off and approved sooner rather than later.

Good luck in the workouts,


Yes I've applied to Reserves. I don't have the academic qualifications to apply for Reg Force, so if all goes well, once I'm all trained and ready to go, I've discussed with my recruiting contact about Component Transfers, to switch to Reg Force, as I'm currently working on upgrading. (Yes I've been told these can take time, but all I needed to know is that the option was there, and it is!) I've also got a full time job at the Jubilee Hospital that will be running for another 6 months or so, and I'll likely be continuing with this job until I KNOW for sure that this is what I want to pursue for a career for a length of time. I'm pretty confident that it is, but thought this would be the best way to gain exposure to the CF-life, and to learn more about it. I'm ready to make a life change at this point and ready to find a career to commit to for the rest of my life - have always known it would be in health care, but have a few t's to cross and i's to dot before I jump both feet in full time right now.

I received a call from the CFRC last Wednesday - they were confirming some info and said they were going to carrying out my reliability screening later that day, and that they should hear back/contact me this week providing there were no hitches with credit check etc.

I started training at Crossfit Taranis in Esquimalt today, WOW what a butt-kicking, but this is going to be such a huge benefit in prepping for the fitness test. Is there no fitness test required for Reg Force applicants?? I thought that there would be... but I just noticed that in the format that we've all been entering our interview/evaluation dates etc, there is no fitness test date to input.
JSee_84 said:
I started training at Crossfit Taranis in Esquimalt today, WOW what a butt-kicking, but this is going to be such a huge benefit in prepping for the fitness test. Is there no fitness test required for Reg Force applicants?? I thought that there would be... but I just noticed that in the format that we've all been entering our interview/evaluation dates etc, there is no fitness test date to input.

Nope the fitness test isn't part of the regular forces recruiting process. You could get recruited without being able to do 1 pushup, but of course we all hope that isn't the case, as you are likely to waste thousands of dollars in tax payer money if you show up to BMQ and can't do much.
JM2345 said:
Nope the fitness test isn't part of the regular forces recruiting process. You could get recruited without being able to do 1 pushup, but of course we all hope that isn't the case, as you are likely to waste thousands of dollars in tax payer money if you show up to BMQ and can't do much.

Very true! Which is why I'm surprised its not part of the Reg Force recruiting process!
Recruiting Centre: Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Firefighter (Not Considered)
Trade Choice 2: Vehicle Tech
Application Date: December , 2012
First Contact: January, 2013
CFAT completed : February 2013
Interview and Medical completed: April 3, 2013
Merit Listed: N/A
Position Offered: N/A
BMQ Begins: N/A

Just had my interview and medical for Vehicle Tech done last week. Can't wait to see what happens from here. Best of luck to everyone going for interviews. Don't stress. Just know your trade, your goals, and be confident and you'll do fine.  ;D
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