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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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Slaw said:
Recruting Center: Halifax
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: AVN TECH
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: NOV 12 2007
First Contact: NOV 26 2007
Aptitude: APRIL XX 2003
Medical: Dec 19 2007
PT Test completed: n/a
Interview completed: Dec 19 2007
Position Offered: waiting
Swear In: waiting
Basic Training Begins: waiting
Recruiting Center: CFRC Oshawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: -Infantry
Trade Choice 2: -Armour
Trade Choice 3: -Combat Engineer
Application Date: May 2007
First Contact: October 2007
Aptitude completed : 05 December 2007
Medical completed: Pending
Interview completed: Pending
Position Offered: Pending
Swear-In Ceremony: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Recruiting Center: CFRC Toronto
Regular/Reserve: Regular (Army)
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armoured
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: 23 Novembert 2007
First Contact: December 6, 2007
CFAT completed : Booked for December 11 2007 @ 12pm
Medical: Pending
Interview completed:Pending.
Job Offer: Pending
Swearing In: Pending
BMQ Start date: Pending
First post on these boards, here goes...

Recruiting Center: Edmonton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Armoured Officer
Trade Choice 2: Logistics Officer
Trade Choice 3: Infantry Officer
Application Date: Don't remember
First Contact:  Don't remember
CFAT completed : October 4, 2007
Medical Completed: pending laser surgery checkup
Interview completed: November 15
Medical Back:pending
Merit Listed: pending
Position Offered: pending
Swearing In: pending
Basic Training Begins: pending

Of the 3 trade choices, I was told my CFAT and interview qualifies me for Aerospace Controller, Navy Intelligence, and MARS Officer. I said I would challenge for the Intelligence position and my file was sent to a pre-selection officer for the NOAB on Jan 8, 2008. Will I even get to the NOAB if my medical is not done?
Recruiting Center: Fredericton, NB
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Supply Tech
Trade Choice 2: RMS Clerk
Trade Choice 3: Postal
Application Date: November 27 2007
First Contact: November 28 2007
CFAT completed : Dec. 02 2007 redo- Jan 07 2008
Medical: Jan 07 2008
Interview completed:Pending.
Job Offer: Pending
Swearing In: Pending
BMQ Start date: Pending
Recruting Center: London, Ontario
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Armor Officer
Trade Choice 2: Signals Officer
Trade Choice 3: Artillery Officer
Application Date: August 28, 2007
First Contact: August 14, 2007
Med, aptitude completed : September 4, 2007
PT Test completed: -- n/a
Interview completed:-- September 4, 2007
Position Offered: -- Pending
Basic Training Begins: -- Pending
Recruiting Center: Saint John NB
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: POET 490 - ended up a 431 ELM tech
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: June 1974
First Contact: Aug 1974
Med, aptitude completed : Sep 9, 1974
PT Test completed: N/A
Interview completed: Sep 9, 1974
Position Offered: Sept 10, 1974
Basic Training Begins: Nov 2, 1975

The process hasn't changed much except the e-CFAT.

Still serving after 33 years and still having fun.

Correction basic in Cornwallis NS started 2 Nov 74

Recruiting Center: Saint John NB
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: POET 490 - ended up a 431 ELM tech
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: June 1974
First Contact: Aug 1974
Med, aptitude completed : Sep 9, 1974
PT Test completed: N/A
Interview completed: Sep 9, 1974
Position Offered: Sept 10, 1974
Basic Training Begins: Nov 2, 1974

The process hasn't changed much except the e-CFAT.

Still serving after 33 years and still having fun.

Recruiting Center: Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: SIG OPS
Trade Choice 2: armor
Trade Choice 3: infantry
Application Date: Aug 12,2007
First Contact: Aug 18,2007
Med, aptitude completed :Nov 15
Interview completed:Nov 15
Position Offered: dec 17th
Basic Training Begins: jan 21st

Yes! I'm in  :salute:
Recruiting Center: Calgary, Alberta
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: MARS Officer
Trade Choice 3: Nav Officer
Application Date: August 27th, 2007
First Contact: September 5th, 2007
Med, aptitude completed : October 11th, 2007
PT Test completed: -- n/a
Interview completed:-- October 3rd, 2007
Position Offered: -- Pending
Basic Training Begins: -- Pending

I've been merit listed for MARS as I have switched my 1st preference from Pilot (the two year wait for training despite my pilots license is a bit concerning...), though I have been declared medically fit for both Pilot and MARS.  I should hopefully be going to NOAB sometime in February or March.  If that does not work out, then it's off to ASC for me whenever they decide to re-open.  Everything has gone largely smoothly (aside from one hiccup on my end), and the people at CFRC have been friendly and cooperative.  Hopefully I will know soon when my NOAB is! 

Recruiting Centre:  Mississauga, Ontario
Regular/Reserves: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Nov 6th, 2007
First Contact: Nov 8th, 2007
CFAT completed: Nov 13th, 2007
Medical/Interview completed: Nov 22nd, 2007
PT Test:  To be completed at BMQ
Position Offered: Dec 18th, 2007
Basic Training Begins: Jan 21st, 2008
Recruting Center: London, Ontario
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Armor Officer
Trade Choice 2: Signals Officer
Trade Choice 3: Artillery Officer
Application Date: August 28, 2007
First Contact: August 14, 2007
Med, aptitude completed : September 4, 2007
PT Test completed: -- n/a
Interview completed:-- September 4, 2007
Position Offered: -- December 20, 2007 Sigs or Arty (chose Arty)
Basic Training Begins: -- January 7, 2008
zweetz said:
Recruiting Center: London, Ontario
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Armor Officer
Trade Choice 2: Signals Officer
Trade Choice 3: Artillery Officer
Application Date: August 28, 2007
First Contact: August 14, 2007
Med, aptitude completed : September 4, 2007
PT Test completed: -- n/a
Interview completed:-- September 4, 2007
Position Offered: -- December 20, 2007 Sigs or Arty (chose Arty)
Basic Training Begins: -- January 7, 2008
You were contacted before you applied?? ;D
oh I thought that meant the first time I contacted the recruitment centre. My mistake.
First contact is the first contact you receive from the CFRC after you apply.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Edmonton
Reg/Res: Regular force
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade 1: Infantry
Trade 2: Pilot
Trade 3:
Application Date: November, 22 2007
First Contact:
Med/ CFAT:
Position offered:
Basic Training:
Recruiting Center: Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Artillery
Trade Choice 3: Crewman
Application Date: June XX, 2006
First Contact: June XX, 2006
Interview, aptitude completed : July 14, 2006
Medical completed:-- February 28, 2007
Position Offered: -- Infantry November 27 2007
Basic Training Begins: -- January 14, 2008

I would have been in a lot sooner but when I first applied I only had grade 10. During the interview the recruiter suggested I put my file on hold till I got grade 12 since I was still currently enrolled in school. Could have had my file put threw then but decided to wait. And glad I did : )
Recruiting Center: London
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Armor (Although no real choice as I am joining through coop)
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: June, 2007
First Contact: July, 2007
Aptitude completed : October, 2007
Medical/Interview  completed: December, 2007
PT Test- Not yet (Probably this week or the next)
Basic Training Begins: -- Second semester, unless there are any unforeseen problems.
Recruiting Center: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: LCIS Tech
Trade Choice 2: Signals Op
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: November 18, 2007
First Contact: November 19, 2007
Interview, aptitude completed: December 3, 2007
Medical completed: December 4, 2007
Merit Listed: December 17, 2007
Position Offered: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Currently playing the waiting game.

MolsonCDN said:
First post on these boards, here goes...

Recruiting Center: Edmonton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Armoured Officer
Trade Choice 2: Logistics Officer
Trade Choice 3: Infantry Officer
Application Date: Don't remember
First Contact:  Don't remember
CFAT completed : October 4, 2007
Medical Completed: January 8, 2008
Interview completed: November 15, 2007
Medical Back: pending
Merit Listed: January 8, 2008 ???
Position Offered: pending
Swearing In: pending
Basic Training Begins: pending

Of the 3 trade choices, I was told my CFAT and interview qualifies me for Aerospace Controller, Navy Intelligence, and MARS Officer. I said I would challenge for the Intelligence position and my file was sent to a pre-selection officer for the NOAB on Jan 8, 2008. Will I even get to the NOAB if my medical is not done?

Had my medical, went great and was told that I am now merit-listed by the guy who did my medical. Not sure if that means it's official but it's something...

Anyway, I was informed that my medical would be sent to Ottawa and should get a letter in 2-3 weeks. Not sure what this "letter" would be and he didn't elaborate. The captain who did my interview mentioned that I was pretty quick to get all my forms in, I just said I was anxious to get started. Hope that's a good thing!
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