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B sqd 8CH Petawawa 1986-88 am looking for old friends

8CH 24C

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hey there

I was the gunner of 24C. Claude Bison was my driver and MCpl Poitier C/C. Also looking for Jeff Duggan, Alan Gwazda, anyone who used to go into Pembroke, get drunk and fist fight for fun in the parking lot, no head shots!

look forward to hearing from anybody..
Hi there, just wondering if you knew any Airborne while in Petawawa? My cousin was killed in a car accident in '89, I was 10, and looking to re-connect with some of the lads that became such a big part of my life at that time.
I'm confused (again......)

Wasn't the 8CH in Germany then?

I was RCD Petawawa from 87-92!
Yes i know 8ch went to lahr in 87 but lots of guys stayed in Petawawa and became RCD. I was just looking for guys from that time frame not trying to say 8ch was in Petawawa at that time
Was Gwazda a punk rock type from down town Winnipeg? If so, I think its the fellow I did basic with in 85.  Last time I saw him was in the winter of 86,  we were in a real hole in downtown Wpg. It was a dirty punk bar in the basement of the St Charles Hotel.  Quite an evening if i recall....
yes thats him. I am also from winnipeg area.i went through basic in 86 and got to know Gwaizda in petawawa. You ve got a good memory.
It was a memorable weekend, to say the least.  Gwazda's role was limited to that night in the bar, but my fellow gunners and I lived large all weekend.
A good question, one I get asked quite frequently too. 
Its a staged answer. In 92, recognizing that training in Canada was not as fun as Germany, and having started work toward a degree thru the U of M, I decided to ask for UTPNCM. I was selected, but not in either of my two choices. (i didn't put down a third)  I was then offered army logistics officer, and I accepted.  Whilst undergoing summer training (93 Basic, 95 Phase III Log) I came in close contact with several Sea Log officers who told me what they do. I was hooked, and at the end of my 4th year of Mil College, Feb 14th - 97 to be exact) was given an element transfer to Navy.
The interesting thing is that my navy brethren always say stuff like - oh, that's the army in you.  The army sees me as a sailor!
I guess I'm a bit of a Joint person now.
kind of getting of topic here but.. I originally swore in as Navy. Naval Weapons tech. 6 or7 weeks into basic my colour blindness was discovered, and I was offered Infantry, Artillery, Armoured or medical discharge. After that far in basic i wasnt quiting so I chose Armour. I had a  hell of a lot of fun but always wondered if I would have stayed in the forces longer in the Navy.
getting back on topic. I was spelling Stan Porier's name wrong. This is the correct spelling and apparently he is still in the forces. Around 1987 he was M/Cpl and crew commander in 24C 8th Canadian Hussars. Anyone Know him now?
Send me an E mail, I'll fill you in.
8CH 83-87. Recce/B Sqn, 87-02 RCD Recce/CSqn, Armour School here. I'm going through my old yr books.
Yes, I was the Wpns Tech for A sqn during that time, lost contact with Les Saltel (Rosser)( remember him?) a couple of years back. I went over to Germany in 87 and went to C sqn.

All the names you mentioned sound familiar.

Gnplummer :cdn:
les saltel.. if I remember right he was dating my girlfriends sister. Last name Phannenhour. It all comes back with a little nudge.
I spent all my Petawawa yrs in B Sqn (84-90) & (94-97), including all the tps and Ops Sgt positions, Les was my roommate for a few of those years and we have remainded in touch ever since, I was talking with him last week in fact. If you know Les at all you would realize I would need 2 hrs to update you on his antics over the yrs, needless to say after spending the past few yrs cleaning up the DEW line high in the arctic, he was recently hired as a health and safety officer at AECL in Chalk River, so he is in fact back in his old stomping grounds...lock up your women...lol
les would surely remember stan porier . And see if remembers Miss Phannenhour. And if he remember them then maybe he remembers me. Forwrd my info to him if he does.
Biff Duggan went to the Strats around 1990 or so. I left in 95. He got out in 96 or so and is in the Calgary Police now.
ya i heard from biffster via email the other day, apparently he is quite busy so we haven t reminised yet, maybe ill make a trip to calgary one of these days....