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band of brothers

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Most Movies are produced by Americans, and your right some movies are bad. There was one movie about an Female US MP that got kidnapped. It was filmed in CFB Calary. It was damn dumb. Like Rambo was filmed in BC and used the Engineer school to help.
As for Dieppe, I think they sold it on the Canadian History Channel.I‘ll keep an eye out for it. It was filmed in and around the Kingston/Toronto area. The actors were CDN and the extras were Militia from the units in the area. It was a good movie, but was more of a Drama. It was about the South Sask Regt., There also is a Movie called Peacekeepers, Assault Troop Recce Sqn RCD supported that movie in and around CFS FawnWerth sorry for the spelling.
I like a good movie that is somewhat accurate. Not firing a M72 from a Huey. Also going to renactments are good, for some of the equipment that shows up. I‘ve been to some where real Tiger Tanks, PZR IIIs, showed up. Also firing weapons that have long been out of the Military. We have nice weapons here in Ottawa, but to fire an old PIAT, Vickers, MG 34/42s. Even riding a Sherman, Honey Tank is a joy.
It also give you an view of kit for the Movies. They use the some renactors in Movies also, they never have to pay or just pay for the food they eat, etc. I did a C47 jump in England for one a Movie that was filming over there for their History Channel, just by being in the right place at the right time. It was‘t the first DaK Jump but it was a Joy anyway.
Yes I did see the Pte Ryan thing, also the load bearing vest was good addition. They should had had most, but for real or repos cost between 600-1000$ US. The Helmets were good, Jacket, Boots,Garters were great. Ever since those Movies people have been selling more and more repo Helmets, Jackets, pants that are cheap knock offs on E-Bay. They say Org excellent condition, If they were in excellent who wore they, the supply guy.
Well have to go !talk later.
DIEPPE was about the Royal Regiment of Canada, with equal attention paid to the highest levels - Churchill, Brooke, Hamilton Roberts. It is based on Brian Loring-Villa‘s book UNAUTHORIZED ACTION which asserts that Mountbatten mounted Dieppe without permission. The book is chilling in its detail and recommended reading whether or not you‘ve seen the miniseries. It was a CBC production IIRC. It is mentioned at the Internet Movie Data Base (www.imdb.com)

Aside from minor chicken**** like the wrong rifles being used at Dieppe, the movie is very faithful to what it was like to be a Canadian soldier in England during WW II, and the parts of the high command are played well.

I don‘t disapprove of love stories, either, but the one in this movie involving the GOC of 2nd Cdn Div was fictional (from what I understand) and unnecessary. The other one between the English widow and the Canadian private was well done, however.
I‘m sure it was the SSR. Because they wore a blue with Green tab, and it was at green beach near the wall at Pourville. Because the Black watch was at Blue beach.I taped it but cannot find it. I thought I‘ed get some info off it.
It was the Royal Regiment of Canada at Blue Beach - if we‘re talking about the same production. I mean the 2 part miniseries shown on CBC.
You maybe right? Yes we are talking about the same movie. It had all Cdn actors from the guy from the Arrow Movie. I‘ll look though my tape collection and try to find it. I may have seen a shot of the SSR during the Movie. I cannot remember the rifles they had. What did you see? I know I seeing some tan garters on rifle regiments, instead of black. Did you notest the style of BD. in 42 they should had, economy style no pleats in pockets, buttons not covered except maybe the SNR NCOs that had the stuff tailored.
My uncle was with the Essex Scots at Dieppe. I have his and my Fathers BD. He had 37 Pat BD.
Recce, I am the author of CANUCK and of DRESSED TO KILL - both on Canadian BD in WW II. I assure you Canada had no such thing as "economy pattern" BD in WW II, and the soldiers in the Dieppe miniseries were wearing the correct BD.

Further, there were no rifle regiments depicted in the movie, in fact, the entire Second Division did not have any rifle regiments.

The SSR are not portrayed in a single scene in the movie.

The only thing wrong with the BD was the lack of battle patches over the div patches. The Royal Regiment should have had a green circle over top the div patch, in the movie these are absent.

Royal Regiment insignia is clearly shown on the FS Caps as well as the Service Dress of "Magnus" who has the RRC collar dogs on his SD jacket.

For more info on Second Div insignia see my site at http://www.canadiansoldiers.com

The rifles in the movie - with the exception of one or two clutched by dead men in the water in a passing shot - are No. 4 Mk Is with spike bayonets, which are incorrect for the period. The dead men hold the correct SMLE, or No. 1 Mk III, with the sword bayonet. My site also has diagrams of the various rifles and photos of the bayonets in the weapons section.
Your books are greatly done. But Cdns did I think have a type economy 40 Pat. I have pictures of my Father and Uncles wearing the Brit style button out BD. My Father was with the Essex Tank then to the 1st Recce Sqn( Airborne). My uncles were with Essex Scots/ Engs. The best picture is the one of the Scot at Jackson park, some old guys with brass shoulder titles and some with OD slippon type, it just shows how to date when they get in the Army.
I have some BD pants dated 42/44, they were very unused,they were still in the paper shipping bag. They had no flap on the Map and only one crease on the first aid pocket. Both brod arrow C.This was brought up in England, at a reenactment I was at. Some Cdns wore the eco BD tunic/pants, we found out that CDN did buy brown and Serge Green made in Eng.Brown ended up with units the were on Cdn loan, mostly officers. This old vet was wearing his. It like today, I have a set on Cadpat with square straight pockets made first run in 1994, not the rectangler.
And I‘m sure I seen a SSR in the movie. Or just alil miss read.
It‘s the Guy that owns WPG, I was looking for the Collarless WW1 Tunic. And he said he never seen one. So I sent one of my Grand father in uniform.
I hope he starts making them.
Just viewed your web site very very good. I enjoyed it very much. First time I seen someone that had the Army in coveralls, I remember my Dad wearing them on the Tanks.
I‘m pickup your Tin lids one day, You know your books go for 30$ US on E-Bay(signed?)
Thanks to read some thing more than I wish I had cadpat or why does the regs get this.
Many Canadians actually wore British BD, especially in Italy, but also in England and NW Europe - your dad is probably wearing a British BD blouse if the buttons are exposed. Thanks for the comment on the books. Tin Lids is not mine, though - Roger Lucy wrote that one. The trousers you describe are indeed Canadian - we did not box pleat the first aid dressing pocket the way the British did on theirs.
So did anyone spot the Canadians in the latest Band of Brothers episode? The only way you could tell it was them was by the silhouette of their helmets because it was pitch black outside (they didn‘t speak at all). Also they do mention that the Canadian Engineers would be helping out with the rescue of the British at Arnhem.

Yeah, so it was a small part, but it‘s something. At the very least, it acknoleges our existence.
I TOLD you there were going to be there, didn‘t I? :rolleyes:

It was kind of neat to see ‘em.

Have you seen the new GMC commerical - "the year was 1944...." lots of dark engineers in that one too.
Is there any mention of Canadians in the commercial or do the Yanks take all the credit for building all the bridges, in addition to doing all the fighting, and saving the Allies? ;)
The commercial is all Canadians. It‘s at night, so you can only see the silhouette of most of the soldiers, but they‘re pretty obviously Canadian. Also, the big "GMC" on the truck in the picture is pretty obvious. I would say it was pretty well done.
In previous posts we discussed the fact that there wasn‘t that much inter-operational coordination among the allies, at least in the conext of BOB.

Well, last night‘s episode was proof of that.

Apparently (and this came from the interview snippets with members of the CDN airborne during the commercial break), the US airborne unit was getting hammered in Bastogne, but that they had refused help from the Canadians -- apparently they wanted to wait for US troops rather than to get help from elsewhere.
And where did that little nugget of info come from. Anybody who has studied anything about the Battle of the Bulge knows that is BS. Bastogne was on the southern flank , while the British & Canadian Forces were on the North-Western flank. Patton and his 3rd Army were closer and it had nothing to do with ego.

In actual fact, 6th Airbourne (1st Canadian Parchute Battalion inc) were used as backstops along the Meuse River in case the Germans break thru.

Although I am not in favour of the Americans rah-rah style and the they think thay won the war by themselves, lets keep the facts straight. The commercal gives the impression the the Canadians fought there, but in actual case saw very little action there. Any vets out there, I stand to be corrected. History is in the books, not TV.
I was going to precis my previous statement with the explanation that I know nothing of the topic, but decided that it likely wasn‘t necessary (anyone who has read my previous posts on the topic of BOB and WWII knows this to be fact).

So, that said, I stand corrected. My comments were based on the interviews with the former CDN paras -- they seem to suggest that their help was UNWANTED rather that not required.

But, that‘s what this board is for -- discussing the issues and bringing out the details.
Although I am not in favour of the Americans rah-rah style and the they think thay won the war by themselves...
You mean we didn‘t? :D ;) :)

Seriously, if anyone can claim to have won the war on their own , it would have to be the Russians. The Soviets killed more Germans, and took more casualties than any of the other Allies, and even a casual study of WWII shows that the war was won on the Eastern Front.
BOB is about AMERICANS in ww2. and the series was made for AMERICANS. if you hate the show just cause it does not show any soliders form other countries, well im sorry

but i have only wached 6 episodes and i‘ve already seen beguim resistence solider, british commandos, and french resistence
Why shouldn‘t the Americans have rah-rah movies and TV shows? Their soldiers fought bravely and well, and were respected allies and friends. After Kasserine Pass, the US Army never lost a major battle in World War Two. They fought some bloody awful ones - Anzio, Hurtgen, Omaha Beach - but never lost one.

You can say the same thing about the Canadian Army after Dieppe.

Couldn‘t have done it without them. And vice versa.

We don‘t need fewer US rah rah, we need more Canadian rah rah.
I‘m with you Michael,

I think a movie about Juno Beach, Ortona, Dieppe, Vimy, the Somme, the Liri Valley, would be more than welcome. If some big Hollywood producer would be willing to make it, all the better; get the work out that there were Canadians there too.

Yes, the Americans have a tendancy to flag-wave a lot. So, rather than critisize their patriotism, why don‘t we aspire to the same level, even try to outdo them. Everyone remember when that "I am Canadian" commercial first came out? If a beer commercial can raise Canadian patriotism, think of what a major Hollywood movie could do.