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Battalion Selection???

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The French Exchange is no longer offered to cadets anymore. It was not a Para course either, it was a cultural exchange, which involved some sport parachuting (free fall). As far as I know, you obtain your free fall qualification, but are not entitled to wear any type of wings.
Also MJP, you are correct, the cadet jump course is the EXACT same as the CF Jump course. But its no longer at Pet, they moved it to the CPC in Trenton a few years back (98 I beleive) :)
oops my bad....I meant Trenton...It never was at Pet. It was in Edmonton before.
Actually, pre-1998 the cadets did their jump course in Pet (not sure about the Regs/ResF), before it moved to Trenton.
ACTUALLY I was stating where the the jump course was taken and it never was in Pet. Before Trenton it was in Edmonton...I really could care less where some pre course was.
The French Exchange is no longer offered to cadets anymore. It was not a Para course either, it was a cultural exchange, which involved some sport parachuting (free fall). As far as I know, you obtain your free fall qualification, but are not entitled to wear any type of wings.
Thanks for clearing that up, MikeM, I didn‘t think it was still active.

Jason you are wrong. Cadets DO go on the CF jump course. IT is transferable upon entry into the CF. They go to Pet like CF members do, they go through the same three week course that CF members do, They jump out of the same planes as CF members using THE SAME drills as CF members hence they get the SAME COURSE QUALIFICATION as CF members do. Do some research and you‘ll realize your wrong.
Re-read my original post, MJP, and you‘ll see that I was responding to death from above 0202‘s post about "some other course offered in cadets as well but i dont know much about it." I‘m fully aware that the army cadet jump course is the same as that offered to RegF/PRes members.

Proof your response a little better next time.
Jason, if you read the thread again I hope you will realize that there are several different topics being discussed concurrently. In this case you were not really clear and others misunderstood you, myself included.

A good way of making things clear is to quote as you have done or state who you are replying to. It helps a lot in threads like this.
MJP, I think Jason was referring to "there is some other course offered in cadets as well but i dont know much about it." that Qy Rang Cdt mentioned. So, MJP was not wrong...he was simply talking about a different course. Man, don‘t go wild making accusations at people...slow down and read what they are actually referring to.
Originally posted by uatemycookie:
[qb] ok I just talked to my recruter again today and he thinks that most of the us from edmonton will be going to third battalion! thats good news for me but things can cange.... [/qb]
The recruiters are like used car sales men!
SURE SURE you can have what ever you want ----Now just sign the papers so I can fill my quota---------- Did I say that out loud?
The last few Battle School classes in Wainright have been mostly headed to 3rd Battallion in Edmonton, but from my understanding, they‘re going to start sending following classes to the 2nd Battalion.

The 2nd will soon be moving in completely to Shiloh, and they are expecting to lose some people due to the move. So they will probably need some infusion of bodies.
For anyone wanting in to PPCLI in Edmonton it should be no problem especially if your already on course, a Recuiter down my way said first battalion are dying for some fresh blood.
Hey all: FNG‘s first post.

Waay back when I went to Battleschool in Wainwright, our Pl was slated to go to the 3rd(they were still at Workpoint at the time), then for some reason about 2/3s of the way through, we found out that we were instead going to 1VP in Calgary(Currie). As I recall shortly after we got to Calgary, part of our graduates ended up going to the 2nd. Are things still this dynamic?
is the 3rd battalion better than the 1st for some reason? i never hear anything about the 1st, its always the 3rd this, the 3rd that....

also, what is the difference between ‘light infantry‘, and just regular infantry?
The differnce between LIGHT and MECH / REGULAR infantry is method of transport. Light gets trucked lots of places and walks lots of places.
Mech / Reg infantry get driven to the attack point in battle taxis ie. m113‘s and lavs. . light infantry gets to guard places and things.
Mech / Reg gets to attack @ the double right to the fence line. Light BN‘s have 1 jump company. are a little easier to move around .
you well be told what battalion you are going to when you are on BIQ
This is probably a long shot, and I doubt if I am even in the right place.....  Im looking for a friend.  His name is Christopher Parks and he is from Manitoba.  He took his Basic Para Course in Edmonton in 1993.