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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Insane...  I didn't want to comment because people may not have seen it.

HOWEVER...  the cylons had to have infiltrated the human race long
before that "event" happened... therefore it isn't his fault.

Sorry for being vague.. but I'm protecting the plot line for those
who haven't seen it.
I agree with Trinity, that certain event was not his fault. Interesting stuff though.
The events that took place after the incident suggest the Cyclons were well prepared for war.
Not much is understood of Cylon pre-war preparations.  At worst, the certain event may have
initiated the Cylon timing.
Possibly...  possibly not accelerated. It all depended on disabling the defences through Baltar.
After that... it was all gravy.

Let's take Boomer.  How long would it take Boomer to get into the Colonial fleet? A
few years of flight training, etc to make the rank of Lt. at least?  So we can assume
the Cylons had crossed the armistice line anywhere between 3 and 5 years before the attack.

OMG... I am a sci fi geek.  I think I'll give a sermon on this next week.  ;D
I'd been away for a while, and I come back and see posts about BSG.  Thats something.  Count me in on that one hehehe.  That and House is the only TV I watch.
Slim said:
Are you allowed?! :P

Sure...  Probably NO one would understand.

So Admiral Adama... is like Moses.

Moses wandered the desert for 40 years.
Adama is wandering space... probably for 40 years.

Now the Cylons are like sin.  The humans created the cylons to help them but
after many years they turned against their masters.  This is similar to sin
as we commit sin and it come back to haunt us as we must take responsibility
for our actions. 

The whole series is based on a good vs evil premises.  Humans aren't always
the good guys, showing that we also contain and execute evil ideas which show
our wounded humanity and the need for spiritual intervention.

I have no idea really what I'm typing..  I'm just goofing around with it.  Although
because the principles of the show do show a moral nature (especially the last episode)
I could easily use example of the show to a much younger parish if they were geeks.

It reminds me a lot of the early Star Trek which tried to implement morals into the shows also.

Trinity, you almost make me want to start attending church on a regular basis. If only we had more geeky Padres.  8)
The original writer and current executive produce is Glenn Larson. He is a Mormon. He took the Mormon mythology (Judeo-Christian based) and created the Battlestar Galactica Allagory. The original series is even more related, I could give numerous direct theological links from the original storyline and script, so your point of Moses and Adama is dead on. (even if it was suggested in jest)

The new series is much better, but it continues to examine philosophical and theological ideas. It is now done with a complexity and sophistication never seen on any Sci-Fi before.

Of course I am on course on the weekend's so I am missing the series. Interesting aside, one of my training Sgt's referred to the series to discuss a point. I was surprised and mildly amused!
From a Judeo-Christian perspective, wouldn't be considered blasphemous for a "Moses-like" character, Adama, to worship multiple Greek gods?

Interesting that a Mormon writer would have the "good guys" worship multiple pagan gods, and the "bad guys" worshipping one god...
Touche!  ;D

niner domestic said:
I'm in serious withdrawals already...2 freaking weeks before the show comes back on! 

Yeah, what's up with that!?  :rage: :threat: >:(
RangerRay said:
From a Judeo-Christian perspective, wouldn't be considered blasphemous for a "Moses-like" character, Adama, to worship multiple Greek gods?

Interesting that a Mormon writer would have the "good guys" worship multiple pagan gods, and the "bad guys" worshipping one god...

In the original series the Humans did not worship multiple gods, there were the "Lords of Kobal" but these were not really gods per se, they seemed to be enlightened beings or holy men of god. (In Mormon theology Kolob is the nearest planet to where "God" lives. Easy to see where Glenn Larson got his idea from.)

The new series is far more sophisticated and takes a whole new tack on the theology thing.
Okay, it's past midnight and BG was on and NO ONE has posted what happened?
Did you all just up and die?
Now I have to wait and watch the tape in the morning!  Dang! >:D
Just kidding, I taped it so I shouldn't get so wound up.
Later spacers.
I never liked Kat anyways....

however... this could mean she's a cylon?