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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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George Wallace said:
That would bring us to Col Deering meets Seven of Nine.........oppps!

Stop that, that's enough.  Borderlining on men's #1 dream.
Move on citizen, there's nothing of interest here.

George Wallace said:
Nothing a sonic screwdriver couldn't fix.
After facing the Daleks (especially the 70's version) the Cylons should be a piece of cake
It says on Wikipedia that the Colonial Fleet in the new Battlestar Series had 120 Battlestars, but only two survived- Pegasus and Galactica.

I find that hard to swallow even if I did see how the Cylons were able to infiltrate Colonial computer networks in the re-imagined Epic Galactica Mini-Series that was the pilot to the current series.

Maybe Adama's last command before Galactica- the Battlestar Valkyrie- somehow survives too and meets the fleet too? That would make things interesting. What good is an Admiral with just one ship to command?
CougarKing said:
What good is an Admiral with just one ship to command?


accuracy to the original?

Well... as accurate as he should be.  He's taking some liberties such as

starbuck a woman
boomer a woman
new type of cylons

But the original had a lost a second battlestar just like this series.
And the search for earth seems a lot more interesting than in the old.

You just need to learn to appreciate the "non kick ass take names" part of the show.
CougarKing said:
It says on Wikipedia that the Colonial Fleet in the new Battlestar Series had 120 Battlestars, but only two survived- Pegasus and Galactica.

I find that hard to swallow even if I did see how the Cylons were able to infiltrate Colonial computer networks in the re-imagined Epic Galactica Mini-Series that was the pilot to the current series.

Maybe Adama's last command before Galactica- the Battlestar Valkyrie- somehow survives too and meets the fleet too? That would make things interesting. What good is an Admiral with just one ship to command?

That's because there was originally 12 Battlestars, not 120... 1 for each of the 12 colonies!

Private Joe,

It definitely says 120 on Wikipedia for the new series. 12 was the number of Battlestars in the Original Series.

Besides, Commander Adama said in the pilot mini-series that 30 battlestars were lost in the opening attack and that Admiral Nagala was gathering a fleet to counter the Cylons. There had to be around 120 battlestars in the new series for that statement to be true.

(your answer will be like, "Whatever, I don't give a...").
Now CougarKing, are you taking Wikipedia as being "Gospel"?  Someone could have made a 'typo'.  Did you check the history of that entry?
George Wallace said:
Now CougarKing, are you taking Wikipedia as being "Gospel"?  Someone could have made a 'typo'.  Did you check the history of that entry?

See.. I thought the same thing

But wikipedia is written by geeks... who would know the in's and out's of BSG, or any other Sci Fi show?!?!?

Geeks? Excuse me?


As if all of us watching this show and chatting about it in this thread wasn't Geekish enough? Hehehe...

Well 12 or 120- does any of us really care? As long the rest of the show is good, it doesn't matter.
Yeah well...I'm still bemoaning the fact I don't get a pocket protector for this show...so it can't be that geeky...lol
CougarKing said:
As if all of us watching this show and chatting about it in this thread wasn't Geekish enough? ...

nope... that's not really remotely geekish

Go to a star trek convention... or watch "Trekkers"http://www.trekdoc.com/

Then.. you will know what truly geeky is like.

CougarKing said:
Private Joe,

It definitely says 120 on Wikipedia for the new series. 12 was the number of Battlestars in the Original Series.

Besides, Commander Adama said in the pilot mini-series that 30 battlestars were lost in the opening attack and that Admiral Nagala was gathering a fleet to counter the Cylons. There had to be around 120 battlestars in the new series for that statement to be true.

(your answer will be like, "Whatever, I don't give a...").

WHOA WHOA WHOA there tiger!... Correction: Couger! ... I would not have such an adverse reaction!... I just thought that's rather crazy... Considering the size, manpower and firepower of those!!! 120!!!.... That would be a wicked battle scene.... They should somehow have a flashback episode where we get to see that 30+battlestar fight with the Cylons!!! Whose up for a big can-o-whup ass anyone???....

Remember how boring De*p Sp*ce 9 was until the Dominion Wars??? ..... Big battles!!! Gotta have some! Enough of the drama and crying, I wanna see fights!

But there was no big battle scene in the pilot mini-series between those other battlestars and the Cylon Fleet. BTW those 30 Battlestars were caught in space dock in th initial surprise attack, the other 88+ were with Admiral Nagala or scattered around the colonies. All you see are some broken up battlestars when Boomer and Helo pilot their Raptor toward Caprica in one of the mini-series episodes.

Galactica was alone on her way to decomissioning. Pegasus was in space dock at Pykon but escaped, as Admiral Cain stated in one of the later episodes in the current series. AUUGH! AUUGH!  :-X That's enough- I'm REEKING GEEKINESS to Mars by now!
sigh.  Time for me to show my true colours as a geek....

That's because there was originally 12 Battlestars, not 120... 1 for each of the 12 colonies! 

Besides, Commander Adama said in the pilot mini-series that 30 battlestars were lost in the opening attack and that Admiral Nagala was gathering a fleet to counter the Cylons. There had to be around 120 battlestars in the new series for that statement to be true.

You are both correct.  During the mini we found out that there were twelve ships of the Galactica class built during the first Cylon war (with each representing one of the colonies).    This tidbit was given to us by Doral towards the very beginning of the miniseries.  Just listening to the part of the miniseries again, and it almost sounds like the galactica and her class were the first battlestar type ships made by the colonials...
And later when Adama and Starbuck are talking in the CIC about the attack, Adama mentions that they've taken heavy losses and that 30 battlestars were destroyed in the first wave of the attack, Kara replies with "thats a quarter of the fleet". 

Of course we haven't found out if there are different classes of ships, or if they just refer to all colonial warships as battlestars... 

and holy christ, i'm a nerd.

As for the end of the series, I'll go with the Firefly hypothesis, as Firefly has already made an appearence in show - during the miniseries in the scene where Laura finds out about her breast cancer, you can see a Firefly ship fly past the window.

Okay bed time.

Now, everyone remember what Baltar did in the HQ back in Caprica.  He sabotaged the Defence Computers, allowing the Cylons access to all the Defence Codes and gave them the ability to override or destroy the systems on the new Vipers and Battlestars.  The Galactica was stripped and on the way to becoming a museum piece, and did not have any of the updated systems as were its' Vipers.  The Pegasus, was in Dry Dock and its' systems were off line at the time of the attack.
    Ok, I just watched it last night from tape.  Kind of a fizzle out if you ask me.  But opened a whole bunch of doors. 
    Starbuck and Apollo getting a little hot in the Raptor (memories of the old one coming in and it's...eeewwwww). So theres the on again off again sex story with them. 
    Athena (who in the original was Apollo's sister, big hair and tight costumes) finds out that her child is alive, from no other than herself.  Dr. Freud where are you?  Opens a new storyline of her and Helo going to find the baby on the base start. 
    The Eye of Jupiter theme can go a long way if they story it up right and don't blow it to smiterines come January .  Maybe go for a fifth season.  Just getting there would be the rest of this season's then hanging out on Earth for one more.  But it killed the original.
    Back to who's who in the zoo.  I now strongly believe Baltar is a Cylon but doesn't know it yet.  Hence his cerebral convos with Six/Caprica.  And somebody please tell me WHY he gets to sleep with D'Anna and Caprica???  And why Cylons need and do the sex thing?  Or is it appeasing the viewers who are looking for sex?
  We now return you to your normal geekiness day.
George Wallace said:
Now, everyone remember what Baltar did in the HQ back in Caprica.  He sabotaged the Defence Computers, allowing the Cylons access to all the Defence Codes and gave them the ability to override or destroy the systems on the new Vipers and Battlestars.  The Galactica was stripped and on the way to becoming a museum piece, and did not have any of the updated systems as were its' Vipers.  The Pegasus, was in Dry Dock and its' systems were off line at the time of the attack.


I think I already mentioned the condition of Galactica and Pegasus at the time of the Cylon attack in one my recent posts in this thread. But still about that part in the first season of the current seseries about the defense computers- wasn't Baltar exonerated of that when one Cylon copy of number six showed up with a doctored tape showing him sabotaging those computers?


As for the end of the series, I'll go with the Firefly hypothesis, as Firefly has already made an appearence in show - during the miniseries in the scene where Laura finds out about her breast cancer, you can see a Firefly ship fly past the window.

Well just because you see a cameo or appearance to another SciFi show doesn't mean it's a clue to how the series will end. BTW, if you notice any of the screenshots with Galactica and the civilian fleet, notice in the distance that the original Constitution-Class USS Enterprise of Captain Kirk is in the background- probably a model added for lack of other civilian ship models to add to the scene, or some sort of hiddden joke by the CGI person who made the scene. Hehe!

Oh know! I committed Blasphemy myself! AAAAHH!!! The Revenge of the Nerds is upon us!!!!!!!!!!!! :o