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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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George Wallace  sorry  about the type O .  I forgot to use spell check the last  two post I will  be more carefull about that in the future thanks,  any other problems just let me know I will do my best to fix them.
George Wallace said:
Last year it was re-running BSG on Sundays at 6 pm EST.  Just checking my schedule and it is on a 5 pm EST.  I don't know if that is going to be the norm or just because of the two hour Season Premier.

Thankyou : )
Jack O. said:
Does Space re-play the episodes on Sunday or perhaps another channel does?
Space plays it again at 2 am and at 6 on sunday.
mmmmm Battle Star Galactica.... such a wanderful show. I really like how they've ramped things up and changed the story from its original form.
Rice0031 said:
All I have to say for the season premiere:
-Lee: man you let yourself go.

See what marriage and four months can do to the warrior?  :o
Rice0031 said:
All I have to say for the season premiere:
-Lee: man you let yourself go.

That was my first thought as well, "Didn't he used to be a stud?" WTF happened? Guess there's not much phyiscal to do for a Battlestar commander who stopped giving a damn.
What do you guys think of the way they split up season 2 in 2 different DVD sets ? (Season 2.0, and 2.5)

I'm all watched up till season 3, but will wait for the DVD set.
They had best get everything back into space or I'm going to lose intrest. If I wanna see suicide bombers and ground combat I'll close my eyes. ;)
Sig_Des said:
What do you guys think of the way they split up season 2 in 2 different DVD sets ? (Season 2.0, and 2.5)

A Marketing Ploy.  Have you noticed that all the Box Sets coming out now are in new formats, filling half the discs and at about the same price.  The older Box Sets, in the new format are really cheap though.
I think the changes have been great.  I like that story has moved to planet and how have to work to get free.  It was a good thing as the space thing was getting a bit dry.  This leaves the story open for pretty anything.
Sig_Des said:
What do you guys think of the way they split up season 2 in 2 different DVD sets ? (Season 2.0, and 2.5)
I think it is pretty dumb. I have season 1 but refuse to buy season 2 because they split it up. I think they did this because during season 2 they took a 10 week hiatus (was it 10 weeks? I think so), therefore justifying (to their marketing dept.) releasing the season as two sets. I think its b.s. and they just want more money.

I think what they did with the show is great, though. The whole "oh shits, Cylons! Jump!!! - repeat" thing was starting to get a little old. Though I was enjoying the politics that they were starting to get into, and the whole philosophical bit.
I'd say that by far this is definitely one of the best sci-fi shows, ever.

I have always somewhat suspected Gaius of being a Cylon, but is he really? (dun dun dunnnn). Their whole situation now really is all of Gaius' fault if you think about it. And for several reasons. (WARNING: Possible spoilers).
  • 1 - He inadvertently gave 6 the access to the colonies' defence grid
  • 2 - He is easily manipulated by 6 (when she is influencing him in his mind), for her own ends
  • 3 - He naively delivered the nuclear warhead to the Pegasus' 6 as a "sign of good faith" (ie: he was getting lonely and wanted a little somethin somethin), which she later used to destroy herself, and as a result, the Cylons used the nuclear fallout to detect the humans, which puts them in the situation they are currently in.
I am sure there are other things I have missed, but these are the key things that stand out about this guy. The whole thing is balanced on Balthar's bad decisions.

Its nice to have this show back. Also LOST (but that discussion is for a different thread ;)). 24 should be making its way back soon, too.
Rice0031 said:
I have always somewhat suspected Gaius of being a Cylon, but is he really? (dun dun dunnnn). Their whole situation now really is all of Gaius' fault if you think about it. And for several reasons. (WARNING: Possible spoilers).

Have you seen 3.01? It strikes me that what happened over signing the order for the Cylons might negate that theory - that they would have just told him by now what he was. I agree that there's a lot of evidence in favour of the theory, but it almost seems too much, that he's really just a tragically flawed & too self-absorbed to care about the damage he's caused.

Of course, there have to be at least one or two big reveal secret Cylons at some point, stupid conveniently suspenseful plot devices!
I used to think Col Tyes wife was.. until the last episode.  Now it doesn't wash.
I used to think Gyeus was but.. once again, with situtations in the last episode it doesn't make sense.

I'd love to see Adalma or his son be one.. but alas it won't happen... or Starbuck.

I thought the former president (Mary McDonald) could be one... except she got cancer
and was cured by Cylon blood so thats not possible.

I predict maybe one major sleeper Cylon. The rest will be introduced like
the priest or Lucy Lawless... just a new person in the show and then an episode
or two later you find out. 

If I had to guess... I'd say Dee was a cylon.
No reasons.. I'm just guessing for dramatic effect.
Tyrell might be one as well.

you could always start a poll trinity with possible choices. :D
Trinity said:
If I had to guess... I'd say Dee was a cylon.
No reasons.. I'm just guessing for dramatic effect.

I could see that. Quick change in romantic interest of a character though, sounds familiar, doesn't it?

All your info to help you can be sought here!
Trinity said:
I used to think Col Tyes wife was.. until the last episode.  Now it doesn't wash.
I used to think Gyeus was but.. once again, with situtations in the last episode it doesn't make sense.

I'd love to see Adalma or his son be one.. but alas it won't happen... or Starbuck.

Starbuck is getting screwed in a totally different way.  With her cylon bady and stalking cylon daddy... much better than if she if a cylon herself.  And Sharon looks set become cylon turncoat is a good spin as well.