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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Guess what? I like Tory :D Maybe it's just my attraction to the women of the Indian persuasion, but she is one good looking cylon :D

Ewwww Saul's wife is SOOOO not an aged version of 6... I mean I'm sooo turned off by that thought.

Cally was overrated anyways :D Glad that she's gone  >:D
MedTech said:
Cally was overrated anyways :D Glad that she's gone  >:D
 I don't care what any one says I will miss Cally she had that really cute girl next door look , and Tighs wife wasn't that bad looking for a cougar .   It will be interesting to see what happens to the crew next episode .
Everyone they kill comes back as a Cylon lately, no? 

Cally a cylon (despite that would make 2 cylons reproducing)
Maybe that is why the final 5 left.

Cylon Civil War = COOL
Trinity said:
Everyone they kill comes back as a Cylon lately, no? 

Cally a cylon (despite that would make 2 cylons reproducing)
Maybe that is why the final 5 left.

Cylon Civil War = COOL

What if Tyrol isn't the kid's father?  Personally, I was leaning towards Ellen (Tigh's wife) being a cylon.  First, she and Tigh don't have any kids, which could mean she is a cylon; there was that episode where Ellen shows up baltar says to head-six that he would never tell what her test results were; finally, cylons generally seem to be attracted to one another (Tyrol/Boomer, Anders/Tori, looks like we might see some Tigh/Six action) Ellen was with Tigh, and spent a good deal of time with Cavril.

That's a neat theory about every onerecently killed and  coming back as a Cylon but there is no proof that Starbuck is or isn't .  I will agree with you that a Cylon civil war is pretty cool  move for this  season .
I dunno, the civil war seems to be pretty darn convenient at a critical time for the humans.  Kinda Wraith vs Replicators, don'tcha think?  God, I just outed myself as even more of a nerd.
So since I have the last episode on DVR.... 

I watched the upcoming scenes from next week.
A weird flashback involving Tigh's wife happens.  He is interviewing 6 in the brig
and all of a sudden she becomes his wife (I can only assume in his mind).  That is why
I was wondering if 6 and Tigh's wife were one in the same.  Either way she makes a reappearance

I highly doubt the fifth skinjob is Ellen Tigh, my guess is that the scenes where Tigh sees Ellen's face is just another sign that his already fragile psyche is beginning to crack even more.

And yeah, +1 to whoever said Torry is hot.

As for the Civil war, while it may be convienent, I think it was a long time coming.  It's actually quite interesting to see this side of the Cylons.
I'm still in shock! I liked Cally!
Clearly the final 5 may have some evil in them (well, Tori anyways).
The cylon civil war thing seems like it might be a bit much to fit into one season, considering this is the last. But I like it. :)
Silence! Thou shalt not make comments of my beloved Tory as such! She can do no harm nor foul!

So say we all!
I still think Cally should have punched the airlock while she had the chance to get Tory as well :P That was pretty damn heartless.
MedTech said:
Silence! Thou shalt not make comments of my beloved Tory as such! She can do no harm nor foul!

So say we all!

So Medtech, you finished wiping the blood off the conference room floor from your cameo with the other Centurions during the last episode?

After all, Head 6 did say "please" to you. hehehe.

My bets is that Tory isn't evil.

She didn't have a choice but to kill Cally in order to keep the secret.

If Cally told anyone... think of the consequences.  She had no choice but to kill her.
I think the writers did that on purpose to make us think the final 5 are evil. 
I rescind my previous comment on them being perhaps inherently evil. I'd say they're the same as us. Imperfect.
That doesn't change the fact that I do not like Tory very much anymore. Not that I ever really did...
And Chief Specialist Tyrol is losing it. So is Tigh.
I feel really bad for Tyrol and Tigh because we have known them since the start of the series. Each of them really is having a breakdown in their own way and it's almost painful. Then again all the people who went with Starbuck are having their own problems too.
Tory is just too much of a conniving bitch to get away with it for much longer.  Senior staffer in the government hanging out in dive bars getting plonked all the time and hanging all over grease monkeys doesn't go unnoticed.  I see chief eating a gun soon, fragile mind at work.
Of course in the hollywood world everyone has to have an internal crisis, I guess the hollywood types can't fathom a world where people put their issues aside and get on with it.