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Best Coffee Joints

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"JUST 1 COFFEEE!!!!! Make the line quicker for those of us just looking to grab a cup of joe and get out."

- And some sort of death ray that can engage the scrotes who wheel into the drive through then go into a coma, or order enough food to cater a wedding reception.  I actually turned my car off to save gas in the line up at the TH on 97th St in Edmonton last Saturday.  I ended up yelling out the window at the lead car five cars in front:  "Hey Buddy, whadja order?  The smoked freakin' salmon?"

- Fast food, my arce.

well - the navy has a deal with Tim Horton to provide them with coffee so it shouldn't be too complicated to get Their coffee served on base.... but would it make sense for the army to serve good coffee..... think of the lost business at the local "off base" Tim Horton.

On another note - during LFQA concentration last summer.... orders had to be issued to
1 prevent convoys of more than 4 trucks from stopping at Timmy's at any one time
2 no weapons inside
3 no MLVW or HLVW at the drive thru
Timmies............*drool* My lifeline when I ref before noon. Espically for the 7 am games.....
I personally try to avoid TH like I try to avoid leprosy. There coffee taste like @$$, but it's hot, and ready when you order it, which can make up for the lousy taste.  But its not all bad, there is something to be said about Tims coffee after being outside working for 16 hrs in negative fifty that hit's the spot nicely with a good sandwich.(which by the way they will charge $11 for a 3 bite sandwich)
(damn this post is making me hungry/thirsty)
The nice thing about having a large tin of TH coffee while being "away" is that you don't necessarily have to drink what "others" call coffee (NOT!)

I'm more of a tea type of guy.... Mmmmm.
Caesar said:
I realize I am not in the majority here, but wtf is so special about Tim Horton's? Their donuts are half cooked and frozen in Ontario, then shipped to the stores where they finish the job (I believe the most prestigious restaurants do the same thing). Their sandwich 'baguette' is so crusty it cuts your mouth....should be called a 'Ham and Swiss on a french Bayonet'...at least it's cheap. And their coffee, if you can call that dog diarrhea coffee, is only marginally better than IMP coffee, and inferior to even 7-11 coffee. I wouldn't walk across the street to get a free Timmie's coffee, nevermind actually paying for it. Timmies is to coffee what bud light is to beer.

The only thing Timmies has to offer the CF is lousy coffee and crappy tasting fat pills. We need neither.

You sir, are unCanadian, and a traitorous cur ;)
Jumper said:
You sir, are unCanadian, and a traitorous cur ;)

With my roasting of Timmies, I kind of expected to be utilized as a walking bayonet scabbard.  ;)


have you checked your back lately? (JK)

Hail Ceasar :salute:

The only deal that timmies should make with DND is paying for the pensions that are cause by their products because some fattie has an addiction to the cream they put in their colored water.

Timmies was good about 15 or so years ago, but lets face it, the food, the coffee and the service have gone way down hill. All it amounts to is supporting a brand name.
People quit smoking to save money yet still spend over 5 bucks a day on crap that only makes you fat and edgy.

Tim Hortons is the devil and I am calling a preist!!

Now if you want a REAL coffee, and you're not in Holland or Turkey, get an Americano, half-full at any Starbucks or other place where they have an espresso machine. An Americano is espresso with hot water. 'Half full' means half the normal hot water added, making it stronger.

NO SUGAR! NO CREAM! If God wanted you to have cream and sugar in your coffee, you'd brew it that way!

That'll put hair on your chest and a fire in your belly!
Caesar said:
With my roasting of Timmies, I kind of expected to be utilized as a walking bayonet scabbard.   ;)

That's alright, my signifcant other hates the stuff, she likes the Second (snooty) Cup.
Timmies Coffee is only bad if left longer than 20 min on the burner.
But you'ld have to be a long time coffee drinker to know.

I've got some great coffee from Cuba.....yes I've been out long enough to go.
(Got some great Cigars too)
If you can't float a Fifty Calibre barrel on it, it ain't coffee.

I'm drunk right now, so I won't remember this post, but I think they should make a deal with the CF, and should get me a vanilla dip donut and a bottle of ice cold peach juice on the double!!
Jumper said:
That's alright, my signifcant other hates the stuff, she likes the Second (snooty) Cup.

Ever try and just order a regular coffee....the dumb founded look you get back is priceless.
Between my tea bags & my small personal expresso machine, don't need Timmy, 2nd Cup or *$....
(though 2nd Cup provides me with expresso bean)

and you're right.... when you jump from 0.50 cents a cup to 2.00 for a lousy cup of coffee, it ain't only the cream that's rich
  And the funny thing is you guys ( while at least the ones in NS) pay $1.60 for a large coffee and it only costs 16cents for the big guy to make it  ... or at least that's what we were told while I worked there last summer. :warstory:
.16 to make it,
then consider the coffee that gets thrown out if not served within XX minutes (want fresh!!!)
then consider the consumables that people put in it
then consider your pay (while you were working behind the counter......) and the free coffees & doughnuts that are given to the staff & local constabulary :)

though, as stated, 1.60 to 2.00 for a lousy cup of coffee is STEEP!!!!

geo said:
coffee is STEEP!!!!

That would be Tea is Steeped.  Come on get with the comercials.

Any of you seen the new TV screens that are popping up behind the counters and in the Drive thru lanes?

As if we needed more indecisive people in line at Timmies.....