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Beware What You Post on Public Forums

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Well, maybe this is just me but I personally feel that that individual didn't do anything wrong. I mean, maybe the profanity was unnecessary but I think that the individual in question should be able to let his opinion be known without any consequences. It doesn't in my opinion speak negatively of their character. Perhaps this is an issue of me externalizing myself onto other people, in that I would not be offended regardless of what horrible things anyone said about me, especially if they were untrue. And if what's being said is true, well then I guess one of the consequences is that other people know about it and I'd have to deal with that.

From what I've read (forgive me if I've misunderstood), people here seem to think it would be acceptable so long as only the individual's family and friends were the only ones to hear of it, what bothers me with that position is what was said.. was still said, so why is there no issue with that? Would the statements also be unacceptable if an individual's friend or member of their family betrayed said individuals trust and mentioned their comments to somebody outside of that immediate group?

( As an aside, what if the individual was unaware that other members of their network could view their profile and only intended for his family and friends to see his comments. Is that not akin to someone walking past their residence with a sound amplifier and hearing their conversation? )
meist as members of the CF we do not have the luxury that other Canadians have. We have a Code of Ethics and are governed by a code of conduct 24/7. We are under public scruntiny 24/7. Everyone knows this, this should not come to a shock to anyone in the CF, if it does then those people are in for a world of hurt. This persons comments casts us all in a negative light because he gave his opinion publically.
We also have to think about libel and defamation issues.

Meist, if you were to post the same thing about your boss on Facebook and some of your co-workers saw it.  Now, let's say that some of the co-workers believe what you say to be true, and start to undermine your boss, simply because of what they read.  I'm no lawyer, but it sounds like libel to me.  Either way, it's wrong, unprofessional, and immature to treat people this way just to make yourself feel better.
Meist said:
Well, maybe this is just me but I personally feel that that individual didn't do anything wrong. I mean, maybe the profanity was unnecessary but I think that the individual in question should be able to let his opinion be known without any consequences. It doesn't in my opinion speak negatively of their character. Perhaps this is an issue of me externalizing myself onto other people, in that I would not be offended regardless of what horrible things anyone said about me, especially if they were untrue. And if what's being said is true, well then I guess one of the consequences is that other people know about it and I'd have to deal with that.

From what I've read (forgive me if I've misunderstood), people here seem to think it would be acceptable so long as only the individual's family and friends were the only ones to hear of it, what bothers me with that position is what was said.. was still said, so why is there no issue with that? Would the statements also be unacceptable if an individual's friend or member of their family betrayed said individuals trust and mentioned their comments to somebody outside of that immediate group?

( As an aside, what if the individual was unaware that other members of their network could view their profile and only intended for his family and friends to see his comments. Is that not akin to someone walking past their residence with a sound amplifier and hearing their conversation? )


Aside from the Code of Service Discipline that he broke, he in naming names would have broken a Civilian Law or two and be open to the named parties suing him for Libel.

As for your example, of walking past a residence and hearing the offending remarks, this now falls under the terms of "Harassment" and is again a punishable offence under the Law, and the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.

I imagine, there are many more instances that we can find that are more likely to land up in Civil Court, than in Military Court, if we examine the case in detail.
Im under the belief if your gonna say it stand behind it.

Now if he offered proof his command was Right out of her... >:D

In all seriousness it aint right to do online.And not to mention a bad career move.
Anyway, now that this matter is being dealt with formally at the disciplinary level -- regulations would hold that we cease discussing it or it's particulars.

As such, I'll lock this topic up.

It's being handled, but let it be a lesson for all that your conduct on and off duty while you serve is observable, is actionable, and you are indeed accountable for both your words and your actions ... whether it be something on the internet or elsewhere.

The Milnet.ca Staff
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