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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

Wolfe117 said:
I kinda like the idea of the Cadpat combat boot.  Are we really going to have to wear it only for feild stuff and wear a black boot in garrison?  Soooo many types of boots now.  It seems a waste.

From the impression I have so far got (from visits to 101 Col By in Ottawa) and seeing Supply Techs and others in NDHQ wearing them, it will turn out to be another case of "Garrison Dress".  We will wear them in Garrison, and black boots in the Field.  ;D
Of course they are... it's always a conspiracy, and those Supply techs will decide.  ;)

No worries, all word I've got so far is it's your choice and that they are not going to be restricted to Garrison.   ;)

How does one clean and maintain the appearance of the CADPAT boots?  Are soldiers issued a little 'paint by numbers' set along with the boots?  Will RSMs (like kindergarten teachers) be judging soldiers on tendencies to 'paint outside the lines'?
Blackadder1916 said:
How does one clean and maintain the appearance of the CADPAT boots?  Are soldiers issued a little 'paint by numbers' set along with the boots?  Will RSMs (like kindergarten teachers) be judging soldiers on tendencies to 'paint outside the lines'?

This question has been answered before, but in other threads running on the cadpat boots, vice this thread.

The boots will be issued with a paste that is tinted a green colour. The dye used in the leather of the boots is not just topical, but rather the leather has been dyed right through. You scuff your toe etc...it is still green leather underneath.

I wonder how much more it cost to make CADPAT boots vice a new black or brown colour of the same boot?
hahaha I want a pair of those neat AR CADPAT platforms, where can I get em? I'm looking for a size 7.5  ;D
Cadpat leather comes from Cadpat cowhide, coming from a Cadpat cow :)

FWIW, I figured that it would take all of 30 seconds to shuffling around on a dusty road to make my MkIIIs go from black to grey/brown....
But, what do I know.... guess I'll just have to knock down a wall to make room in the closet for the additional footwear.
ArmyVern said:
That's 8 pair right there. I'd expect some sort of phase out of the MkIIIs will occur at some point in time, but nothing official to date.

Sorry to bring an old thread back to life - it's summer and I noticed the forums are a bit quiet. 

Anyway, not that this is anything official but I went to Supply to swap out some Mark 3s and since my size were not on the shelf - I was then sized for the GP Cbt boots to be ordered in for me.  So take from that what you will, but I have this funny feeling that the old black caddys aren't being restocked when they run out.  Plus shortages for these were not listed - so...............

Of course this is the part where I'm jumped all over for assuming - and I'm going to be slammed by someone who knows far more than I.

Let the jumping and slamming begin -  ;D

Bintheredunthat said:
Let the jumping and slamming begin -  ;D

No jumping nor slamming need to occur...

as the phase-out has now begun!!  ;)
Woo hoo

<commence self pat on back>

Goodbye old boots - we'll miss you.  This is so going to open up the flood gates on pro/con Mark 3s.  Let me be the first (in this thread anyway), no matter what studies and tests have said, the Mark 3s were ok for me. 

RIP Mark 3. :salute:

well I for one will be happy to not have to pay for vibram soles on my boots.
If you had gotten a medical chit, the QM would have had it done for you at no cost.
If he had no medical issue, then he was right in saying he'd have to pay.  We wouldn't want people screwing the system now would we??
geo said:
If you had gotten a medical chit, the QM would have had it done for you at no cost.

I chose to get them before my knees got to the point that I needed a medical chit.
been wearing my GP boots, for several months now, and my feet have been sooo much happier.

goodbye mark3's, i will not miss you  :D
DirtyDog said:
Still waiting on my pair to fit my orthotics.  Hopefully they don't come with the slippery Vibram sole of the WWB which I've been wearing the last few weeks.  I aslo hope they show up in the next few weeks before DP1 starts.  I'd rather not break new boots in/size them on course.

A bit of an update, I got a pair and wore them in between courses and thought I really liked them.  Once on course however (ie.marching, shuffling, rucking, uneven terrain, etc.) I discovered they didn't fit quite right and I got along fine with the Mark IIIs.  Infact, I grew to like Mark IIIs and didn't experience the leg pain that led to the chit for the GP's in the first place.

In the meantime I had ordered another set of GP's 1 size down.  Unfortunately I couldn't go down just in length (the problem) but also a reduction in width.  Within an hour of wearing the new ones I knew they were out of the question as my toes were completely squished and experiencing pain.

If I can't get a pair of GPs sized properly (The WWBs seemed to always fit fine) where does that leave me when the Mark III's are gone?  Does that now open the door to something like SWATs or Danners?  I survived a DP1 on 1 pair of Mark IIIs but I much rather join the 21rst century and get some decent footwear.
The Boots, GP were to come in the very same range of sizes (width/depth/length) as the WW Boots.

It is entirely possible that your required size just hasn't made it's way to your location yet. They're coming, they're a brand new item into the system; it can't all be done overnight.

PS ... we've yet to receive a single pair of the new GP boots, any size, at this location.