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Boys try out for girls teams...thoughts

Scoobie Newbie

Army.ca Legend
Reaction score

Tue, September 26, 2006

Boys try out for girls' teamsUPDATED: 2006-09-26 03:16:22 MST


WINNIPEG -- Boys are already trying out for girls' teams after a human rights hearing ruled last week two girls should be allowed to play on their high school hockey squad, says one official who fought the ruling.

Morris Glimcher of the Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association said five requests were e-mailed to his organization following Friday's decision allowing twin sisters Amy and Jesse Pasternak to try out for the boys' team at Winnipeg's West Kildonan Collegiate.

Glimcher said the requests would be refused until the association holds its next board meeting, likely on Oct. 12.

"Until we have a meeting, we're going to say no, the status quo holds," Glimcher said.

The association had forbidden girls from playing on a boys' team when a school has a girls' squad. But in Friday's ruling, independent adjudicator Lynne Harrison said the policy could not be justified and was discriminatory.

Glimcher would not identify any of the high schools where boys have made the request, but said they were rural and urban and were for volleyball, basketball, curling and fastball.

All five were at schools which do not have a boys' team in a particular sport, but which have a girls' team, Glimcher said.

Sarah Lugtig, the Pasternaks' lawyer, insisted Harrison's ruling still leaves girls' sports as girls-only. The decision did not address the question of boys trying out for girls' teams.

But Glimcher said the association fears girls could get cut from girls' teams if boys are allowed to try out for them.

What's good for the goose I suppose... :blotto:

Girls win, hockey loses

By JODY VANCE -- 24 Hours Toronto

Sometimes even when you win you lose in the long run.

Equal time and equal opportunity are important, of course, but the story out of Winnipeg this weekend about the hockey playing high school twin girls who won a legal battle to try out for their school's boy's hockey squad has me perturbed.

This wouldn't be a bee in my bonnet if the determined young ladies didn't have the option of trying out for the school's girl's team ... but they do.

Apparently the pair are unimpressed with the calibre of play on the team designed for their sex. They say "some of them can barely skate."

I suggest perhaps they take that problem on rather than bypass it and leave it for others to fix.

Why don't these self-professed talented skaters help their fellow girls learn?

Surely parents and teachers could help them to see this as an opportunity to lead by sharing knowledge and honing skills.

These young ladies, who are so talented beyond their gender, need to help their gender. They can look at it as a challenge and a rush to become builders of the sport.

The sisters say they are ecstatic about their chance to battle with the boys for a roster spot, or two.

Fine, but the guys who don't make the boys' squad now don't have the right to try out for the girls' team, sending the aforementioned less-than-excellent-female skaters to the showers.

I have a headache just thinking about what this first legal domino has set in motion.

What's lost in this hockey battle of the sexes is how it affects schools sports on a larger scale. Some schools can barely afford to support hockey programs -- ice time and equipment certainly is not cheap. Add legal wrangling and the option to take to the ice at could be gone from schools for good.

Being a winner isn't always about the scoreboard.


Jody Vance is a sportscaster with Leafs TV. Her columns appear Tuesdays and Thursdays in 24 hours.

Girls fail to make boys' team after legal battle
Updated Tue. Sep. 26 2006 7:27 PM ET

Canadian Press

WINNIPEG -- Twin girls who won the legal right to try out for a boys high school hockey team in Winnipeg have failed to make the squad.

Amy and Jesse Pasternak, who had played on community boys teams for years, called their school's girls' team a joke.

The 17-year-olds won a human rights decision Friday that allowed them to try out for the boys' team at West Kildonan Collegiate.

Both girls learned Tuesday that they were cut from the team.

The Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association had refused to allow girls from playing on a boys' team, but an independent adjudicator ruled that the policy was discriminatory.

Tuesday was the final practice for the West Kildonan boys' team before the final roster was set.

The twins had been skating with the team since tryouts started last week.

Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Boys are already trying out for girls' teams after a human rights hearing ruled last week two girls should be allowed to play on their high school hockey squad, says one official who fought the ruling.


But Glimcher said the association fears girls could get cut from girls' teams if boys are allowed to try out for them.
The ruling must work both ways or it violates the rights of boys.  We no longer have boys' and girls' teams.  We only have A and B teams.
Lets go PC then.

3 teams.

Boys AND girls.

Girls AND boys.


mixed/co-ed teams.


Then no one can complain.
The sad part is I know the girls who brought this up, (not well, but I know them) and they REALLY don't care about hockey as much as they like to say...

But, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I'm not perticularly against it or anything, it's just sad that it came from someone trying to 'stick it to the system'...

I agree,

Rules should be applied both ways.  Human Rights is not for one gender, race, etc...

In this case, should there not have been a women's hockey team I would say have at 'er and go try out for the men's team.  But this was not the case.  I agree with Jody in that they should have stayed with the women's team and share their "expertise" and contribute to the improvement of that team.

Now that they are cut from the men's team will they try and scramble back to their "joke" of a team?

Frederik G, I would say the opposite.  This could very well end up being 2 boys teams now.  A Team with 1 or 2 phenominal girls (or maybe none) followed by the B Team with a handful of girls and the majority boys.
The Hell with this,.... Schools should just have Teams, if your good enough, you play, if your not,you watch.

This is just reinforcing the thoughts that the Cdn Womens Olympic team is better than the Mens team because they won Gold. I'd love to see Haley Wickenhieser or Cassis Campbell last one shift in a Mens game. Yeah, Yeah, I know, Haley played in a low, very low level Eurotrash team but I didn't see many offers from real teams.

Open it up, let them all play together. With the exception of very few females in the lower levels of hockey, it will still remain split. I can't wait to hear of the first male who plays with the ladies. Hockey that is!!!!!!
I can't wait to hear of the first male who plays with the ladies. Hockey that is!!!!!!

He would be the smartest player on the team i think. ;)
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Frederik G, I would say the opposite.  This could very well end up being 2 boys teams now.  A Team with 1 or 2 phenominal girls (or maybe none) followed by the B Team with a handful of girls and the majority boys.

Equal rights means equal rights. Feminazis have been bitching for decades about equal rights. If they came out clean and said "we don't want equal rights; we want to swing the pendulum so women have more rights than men," I'd be all right with it. I wouldn't agree, but I'd accept their agenda. Now they're being hypocrites of the worst kind by claiming things to be about "equal rights" when all it comes down to is having the upper hand.

What if a boy wasn't good enough to play on the boys' team? Could he try out for the girls' team?
Now that they are cut from the men's team will they try and scramble back to their "joke" of a team?

They have no team to go to since according to the first article about these girls way back in June
Amy, a goaltender, and Jesse, who plays defence, do not play for the school in the Winnipeg Women's High School Hockey League and have not tried out for any leagues -- men's or women's -- at the community level. Nor has either of the girls applied to take part in hockey development camps.
from Girls' game 'a joke'
Twin sisters fighting to play hockey with boys  By ROCHELLE SQUIRES, Legislature Reporter

BTW: spouse of c1984ml here - a female - and I don't agree with the ruling at all.  And we have girls that play hockey.

The girls and thier team will have an unfair advantage.

The guys on the other will not check and hit with all they can, even in competitive sport most blokes will not go all out against a girl.

Thus the team with women has that unfair advantage.

That ruling is bloody ridiculous, the feminists are at it again.