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C13 grenade is junk

bobtiji, here are three explanations for the lines of junk you are handing us....

(1) If your dad is a service member than he is violating some serious regulations that can land him in the slammer in club ed

(2) If he is not in the military, than look out. YOU JUST ADMITTED YOUR FATHER IS COMMITTING A MAJOR CRIME !!!

(3) Last option, your full of sh*t and I suspects that is it. If thats the case, 'fess up.
we trew nades only so i could know how to use them and the precaution to use "they werent live ones"
and second i wasnt firing and my father was "MAYBE" firing and we where "PROBABLY"  in a regulated shooting range.
is say probably cause my dad aint no jackass that's gonna hand me a .50 or shoot in the woods.
Bobtiji, you are straying out of lane.   Refrain from commenting on the effectiveness of military weapons systems if you have no real knowledge base (first-hand or otherwise) on the subject matter.

This is your initial warning.
Am I the only one having flashbacks to the thread on missing kit?
BernDawg said:
Am I the only one having flashbacks to the thread on missing kit?

Yeah i was thinking about this thread too.    ;D

More of the same poster...

4  The Parade Square / Weapons & Ammo / Re: Barret vs the Mac.  on: Today at 07:23:17 
my father got a similar and i already tried the barret m82.

bobtiji said:
we trew nades only so i could know how to use them and the precaution to use "they werent live ones"
and second i wasnt firing and my father was "MAYBE" firing and we where "PROBABLY" in a regulated shooting range.
is say probably cause my dad aint no jackass that's gonna hand me a .50 or shoot in the woods.

Nope. Not clarified. You've gone from "I've done this... " to "maybe I've done this..." to "I haven't done this....". Here we call that being a poser and troll. I suggest you get back in step and follow the guidelines, or your time here will be short lived. I suggest, also, that until you've got the experience and age to speak on the level you've been trying to, you just read the threads, enjoy yourself and talk about only what you know or can prove you've experienced.

Tracking someone on the internet is not that difficult. There are plenty of police, and others of the same ilk, that come here. I wonder what your dad is going to say if they come to his door with the, possibly, incriminating evidence you've posted.

That's not the point.  He clearly gave misinformation and was advised that he shouldn't be straying out of his lane, and then he kept it up.  And if anyone has read the agreenment that you click on when you join, it states that if you BS on here, you will be repremanded.  I"m sorry, but there is no way in hell that a 16 year old kid and his dad threw grenades and shot .50 inside this Country without someone noticing it.  The last time I fired a .50, it was kinda loud and kinda noticeable  :p
today on the range, 4 were duds!
The C13, invented by thuds!
Enemy bullets coming like alot of hail,
Oh crap the C13 grenade will fail!
You will be happy to know,
In Canada C13s we grow!
Someone in Ottawa is getting paid,
for the lousiest grenade ever made!
To the poor Canadian soul,
Who now rest in a hole,
Why did he have to die?
Because of a pure political lie.
V40, I think I remember those - pingpong balls - right? They were no longer in use when I entered, but we did get to check out the blue ones - they looked pretty dangerous, really light. Did anyone every have any accidents with them.  We used the m67's; I found them to be reliable - don't recall any duds. Then again when we used live, it was mostly in the States on exercise so they were probably American made.
AmmoTech90 said:
Yes, it had a short and ignoble career with the CAF.

But its' concept was interesting; the ability to carry 10 - 20 grenades in a C9 Pocket vs 2 - 4 M67s in the same space.

Seems the major complaint was they were too flimsy to handle (spoon was secured by thumb and fore-finger.) Anyone have experience with these?
We were told, in 85, that they had a problem with the fuses and recalled them all after one went off in someones hand in Germany on the range.  Apparently it had no delay what-so-ever (major fault there) and, after the guy prepped and pulled, it went off as he was releasing it for his throw.  Alas I wasn't there and only have this from hearsay.  We can only hope that the weapons cadre wouldn't mislead us.
BernDawg said:
after the guy prepped and pulled, it went off as he was releasing it for his throw.

This actually happened a little while back in Borden with a C13; supposedly the person didn't check the fuse type while intiially examining the grenade(s) he was going to throw. It could have been a smoke grenade fuse (no delay) that prematurely set it off! But just as you say it; I, too, wasn't there and can only vouch for this as hearsay. In any case, it's a shame that a grenade with such potential in combat ( the v40 ) had to be so cumbersome (even in the confines of controlled ranges.)  :(
NATO Boy said:
This actually happened a little while back in Borden with a C13; supposedly the person didn't check the fuse type while intiially examining the grenade(s) he was going to throw. It could have been a smoke grenade fuse (no delay) that prematurely set it off! But just as you say it; I, too, wasn't there and can only vouch for this as hearsay. In any case, it's a shame that a grenade with such potential in combat ( the v40 ) had to be so cumbersome (even in the confines of controlled ranges.)  :(

1.  There is no in-service Canadian smoke grenade that shares a fuze type with a C13.  You can't switch them.
2.  Smoke grenade fuzes have delays as well.
3.  If somehow you did manage to bodge a smoke grenade fuze onto a C13 nothing would happen.  You would get as much of a detonation out of the C13 as if you stuck the fuze in a snowball.
What does your last sentence mean?
AmmoTech90 said:
1.  There is no in-service Canadian smoke grenade that shares a fuze type with a C13.  You can't switch them.
2.  Smoke grenade fuzes have delays as well.
3.  If somehow you did manage to bodge a smoke grenade fuze onto a C13 nothing would happen.  You would get as much of a detonation out of the C13 as if you stuck the fuze in a snowball.

Hence why I only vouched for it as hearsay, nothing more.

AmmoTech90 said:
What does your last sentence mean?

To clarify, I meant that it was a shame that the V40 (with the potential to give a rifleman 3-4 grenades in the same footprint as one C13) had so many problems and was put to rest because of said problems.
NATO Boy, you are entertaining to read with your interesting limited perspective on the world and the infantry...