markppcli Veteran
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I think I tried to answer this above.
I agree entirely. But if its ballistic range is 10 km is that artillery? Personally I think artillery these days is out beyond the 30 km mark. Everything else is Direct Fire/Close Support, especially when aided by UAS observation.
Probably, as noted above, along with other options.
I think that that is one role for them, again, as noted above, I believe them to be a flexible munition that can be employed by all services in a variety of roles. Something that should be as generally, and jointly, applicable as Ball ammunition, Sidewinders, AMRAAMs, ESSMs, CAMMs, Harpoons, NSMs, Hellfires, Brimstones, Tomahawks and SM6s. Something that can be stored for as long as, and as quickly fielded as M72s, AT4s, NLAWs, Javelins and Stingers.
In the current environment can you sustain fire from a mortar or any other platform? Or are you better with a box of Ready to Launch missiles, remotely sited and wired with fibre optics to a central FDC? Then you can launch all at once or separately, at a high rate or a low rate of fire.
The APKWS is a laser-guided ATGM.
No it’s not; it’s a guidance kit on a rocket with limited course correction ability. It is essentially a “beam rider” sure; but modern ATGMs have leaped past that.
The Switchblade 300 is a 76mm loitering munition - a little bit of engineering and you could pack a 70mm version into the same pod.
What’s your point here?
Javelin costs $240,000 a shot with a 4 km range. I can buy 12 APKWS shots for the same amount. Which would you rather chance? Being hit by one Javelin or 12 APKWS (call it 12 105mm HEDP shells)?
The Javelin every time. See Kevin Bs comments about actual pay load. Also HE vs Shaped Charge top attack.
Spike ER is an 8 to 10 km missile (Cavalry?)
Spike NLOS, which is similarly priced to the Javelin at $210,000 a shot is a 25 to 50 km missile. (Artillery?)
Spike NLOS costs about twice as much as the $113,000 Excalibur which has a 30 to 70 km range and 4 m CEP without laser guidance.
How do you feel about manning a PLGR to paint targets for the Excalibur S?
The point being that the launcher does not have to be in the same place as the controller/observer.
You don’t “paint” with PLGR. PLGR is a legacy GPS receiver. You drop GPS guidance weapons on hi fidelity (cat 1/2) co ordinates. Which usually means your either worked it in software or via a vector sterna. Very different.
Laser guidance, especially from a remote source, requires a lot of checks and balances to make sure it’s effective. It’s the stuff you’ve previously described as “worrying about admin,” but that doesn’t work super well for direct fire options and requires some exposer of the observer.
Assuming the target needs a big payload and not just accuracy.
Right payload in the right place
So?The Small Diameter Bomb started life as concrete filled 500 lb JDAMs in Iraq. It carries warheads in the 30 to 200 lb range.