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C7 sights: Optical & Iron

For the C7, which would you prefer: Elcan C79 or Iron Sight attachment?

  • Doesn't matter

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • C79

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Doesn't matter

    Votes: 4 7.4%

  • Total voters
Gremlin: I was thinking the same thing, I think that the text that comes normally with the pic says so..  I didn't see it but....  :salute:

Anyone can take a guest as of the Corporal MOC??  a radio and a GPS, could it be any MOC or is he in comm branch?
Anyone can take a guest as of the Corporal MOC??  a radio and a GPS, could it be any MOC or is he in comm branch?

Due to the fact that he is out on patrol, I'd say your pretty safe betting he is an 031 type.  Radios and GPS are handled by all soldiers at the most basic level, especially Infantry on dismounted patrol.
Geez, Louise ... I can't believe this:   Nobody has commented yet on the "high-speed, low drag" sunglasses the other dude's wearing ... (chuckle - JUST KIDDING - there was a whole thread that got hi-jacked a while back about which sunglasses are worn by ... er, um ... well - I can't tell you who, or then we'd have to kill you ...) ;)
bossi said:
Geez, Louise ... I can't believe this:   Nobody has commented yet on the "high-speed, low drag" sunglasses the other dude's wearing ... (chuckle - JUST KIDDING - there was a whole thread that got hi-jacked a while back about which sunglasses are worn by ... er, um ... well - I can't tell you who, or then we'd have to kill you ...) ;)

(Humming the James Bond theme) Dada-Dadadaaaa...  8)  Come on guys, theres only one uni...excuse me group of soldiers who use those shades!

Cpl Sebastien Cloutier (L), and Para Ismael Oussman, Canadian soldiers with the 3rd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment Battalion Group (3 R22ndR Bn Gp), wear the CADPAT (AR), (Canadian Disruptive Pattern Arid Region) uniform during a dismounted patrol near the ruins of the King's Palace in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Above is taken from the splash text shown with the picture from the public Combat Camera site.

Cool shades btw...

Edit:  Just wanted to add that the radio, GPS, and patrolling doesn't automatically mean 031, could also be CIMIC, Engineer, or pretty much anyone.  However the PAQ-4 on his weapon his weapon in this pic... http://www.combatcamera.forces.ca/photoarchive/HiRes/%212004/050804/IS2004-2057a%20copy.jpg (watch it, its large) would indicate that he is infantry.
"Cool shades" are allowed on tour, at least on all the tours I've been on.  The guy in shdes with C9 is Infantry with 3RCR (not that "other" unit) and the civie with shades is the patrol's language assistant.  :cdn:
I'm suprised that with the backup iron sight the CFs didn't opt for one that could be more easily adjustable for windage and distance, such as http://www.bushmaster.com/shopping/scopes/arms40.asp

I'm getting some mixed feedback from CFL, Doug and Da_man. Is the rifle C7A1 or C7A2? I thought the C7A2 was still in the development stages.
cheeky_monkey said:
I'm getting some mixed feedback from CFL, Doug and Da_man. Is the rifle C7A1 or C7A2? I thought the C7A2 was still in the development stages.

the C7A2 is issued only in Afghanistan for now.
It is a C7A2.  there are quite a few of them around the forces, our entire BG for ROTO 2 Op ATHENA has been issued C7A2s

Could someone please explain what PAQ-4 actually is?  It's been a couple years since I was a ground pounder and we didn't have any of these newfangled pieces of kit when I was in.  As for the C7A2 in Af'stan, they issued a number of them for operational trials during this tour before the officialze the whole refurbishment program, the idea being to identify any improvements to the A2, like the groovy little handle some troops are sporting under the handguard.  It is not infact a "replacement" rifle as many seem to believe but simply a refurbished C7A1.  The CASR site has a nice link about it here:  http://www.sfu.ca/casr/101-c7a2.htm
IceHawk said:
As for the C7A2 in Af'stan, they issued a number of them for operational trials during this tour before the officialze the whole refurbishment program, the idea being to identify any improvements to the A2, like the groovy little handle some troops are sporting under the handguard.   It is not infact a "replacement" rifle as many seem to believe but simply a refurbished C7A1.  

C7A2 is getting foisted on us regardless - the new CH is a POS and the "improved" ambicatch cause more mags to be dropped (it has a larger button than the Norgon original)

Troops ask for a RAS - we get the TRIAD
Troops ask for a Vertical grip we get ignored - until enough have flaunted the CANFORGEN on wpns mod that the system desides to get one.

Troops ask for a BIS (still waiting) the Diemaco Rear Sight is not a backup it is an alternate - for a true back up allows for both to be used in tandem.  Like the first four pictured here 

Diemaco recently introduced the C7A2. It is the Canadian Forces midlife upgarde from the A1. More info can be found at
As seen in the photo the CF has started field testing the A2
Thanks tips.

The C7-A2 is in operational use by deployed army units; you obviously didn't read the thread.
Thats what I meant, simply that it hasn't replcaed the A1 as the standard service rifle.

The field testing is over, with the proposed changes being adopted and the funds dedicated to the refurbishment costs

If soldiers are using it on active deployment, then it is a standard, isn't it?

Don't you have some marching or rank structure to be practicing?
Your profile stated earlier that you were at St Jean.  If you are a recruit, you obviously should be doing other things then supplying "expert" advice on Army small arms (incorrect advice that contradicts earilier posts on this thread).
