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Canada AM


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Are we making progress in Afghanistan?



As of 0953 EST

  (32 %) 85
  (68 %) 183
As of 0956 EST

      (32 %)    87
      (68 %)    187
That poll is retarded, the people putting input should be the ones who ARE there or WE"RE there, not us outsiders.

Useless input as far as i'm concerned.

Now sitting at...

Yes    (33 %) 100

No    (67 %) 201

They have the right to their opinion (informed or otherwise) just like you do.

Snafu-Bar said:
Useless input as far as i'm concerned.


People could say that about your posts on this site too. They could say that about anyone's posts.
At 12:11 Rock Time

Are we making progress in Afghanistan?

Yes    (34 %) 123

No    (66 %) 244


CDN Aviator said:
They have the right to their opinion (informed or otherwise) just like you do.

People could say that about your posts on this site too. They could say that about anyone's posts.

What i meant was the total votes with any actual proof of forward progression/or degregation in Afghanistan would be found through a poll of people who have a hand in it.

Public perception of things(this poll) will be skewwed by people not caring or not following the events as they unfold and simply clicking a choice for the sake of compliance.

But yes everyone has the right to thier opinion :)

Latest as of 12:10 EST

Are we making progress in Afghanistan?

Yes    (35 %) 172

No    (65 %) 324

13:12 EST

Are we making progress in Afghanistan?

Yes    (35 %) 202

No    (65 %) 374

So what's the goal of this?  Am I supposed to be voting?  Am I supposed to be influencing the vote?

It looks pretty obvious to me that of course, (right after a couple of deaths) the population would be voting the way they are.. DUH.

I say run the poll again the days after a very successful operation where we capture an AL-Queda op and see what the outcome is...
As of 1538 ADT

Are we making progress in Afghanistan?

Yes    (35 %) 221

No    (65 %) 406

Strike. that was a rhetorical question.  However, I always thought the section dedicated to polls was actually an internal one.  For the typical " do you like watermelon?" yes/no kind of polls.

To be honest, I don't frequent this section.. I just saw that it was Recce by death that started the thread so I figured it might have some value..turns out it's just a pointless Canada AM vote that will mean nothing as soon as another news subject is "hot"...

Nothing against RbD on this.. just CanadaAM...and the news media...

Bzzliteyr said:
Strike. that was a rhetorical question.  However, I always thought the section dedicated to polls was actually an internal one.  For the typical " do you like watermelon?" yes/no kind of polls.

To be honest, I don't frequent this section.. I just saw that it was Recce by death that started the thread so I figured it might have some value..turns out it's just a pointless Canada AM vote that will mean nothing as soon as another news subject is "hot"...

Nothing against RbD on this.. just CanadaAM...and the news media...

Meh....I just found it kinda neat that I took the poll as soon as it appeared on the site (I refreshed the page and there it was) and there was already many votes prior to the announcement on Canada AM of the poll.

Seemed kinda set up for a negative outcome from the get-go.

As of 20:21 EST

Are we making progress in Afghanistan?

Yes    (36 %) 297

No    (64 %) 522

Snafu-Bar said:
That poll is retarded, the people putting input should be the ones who ARE there or WE"RE there, not us outsiders.

Useless input as far as i'm concerned.

Canadian forces have made significant gains in Afghanistan, however, Gen. Walter Natynczyk admitted the country's overall situation is worsening.

Insurgent attacks have increased year over year, specifically in some parts of the country.

"You have a worsening security situation, especially localized in three areas -- the Kabul area, in the Regional Command East, where the Americans are, and in the south where we are with the British forces and the Dutch," Gen. Walter Natynczyk said.
Hardly 'useless'.

While the poll is retarded, the overall situation is getting worse.