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Canada/US Border Integrity Thread

The closest permanent CBSA presence would be Iqualuit. BSOs also travel north to do cruise ships during tour season. I was referring more to the YK/AK border.
Been there and glad I am not posted there


There is zero funds for Border Security. It was not in the last Budget (obviously Trudeau didn't think it important last Apr 2024). This is a new funding requirement (Suppy Motion)that needs the approval of Parliament. Guess what, it's prorogued. When the Parliament next sits a month or so from now, there will probably be a Confidence Motion.

QUOTE: I think Haggis’ point is there seems to be a lot of money and kit being thrown at different agencies, except for the one actually tasked with protecting the border.UNQUOTE

What money? Not funded.

Smoke and mirrors now, not funded. No money.

The Government of Canada’s Border Plan: significant investments to strengthen border security and our immigration system

Canada is investing $1.3 billion to bolster security at the border and strengthen the immigration system, all while keeping Canadians safe. This includes $667.5M for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, $355.4M for the Canada Border Services Agency, $180M over 6 years for the Communications Security Establishment, $77.7M for Health Canada, and $20M over five years for Public Safety Canada.

The Government of Canada’s Border Plan: significant investments to strengthen border security and our immigration system

Canada is investing $1.3 billion to bolster security at the border and strengthen the immigration system, all while keeping Canadians safe. This includes $667.5M for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, $355.4M for the Canada Border Services Agency, $180M over 6 years for the Communications Security Establishment, $77.7M for Health Canada, and $20M over five years for Public Safety Canada.
Is that 'new money' being invested for specific outcomes, above & beyond their annual budgets?

Or is this 'all of the money' as in the only funds allocated to each agency?
SO in the Winnipeg Sun today a human smuggler who had been arrested for smuggling humans was granted bail. Well guess fucking what?

He has be arrested again within 15 km of the MB/US border and guess what he was doing there? It wasn't shoveling snow.

The laws on bail have to be tightened up - thank Judge whoever and the shitty law for letting this asswipe go.
SO in the Winnipeg Sun today a human smuggler who had been arrested for smuggling humans was granted bail. Well guess fucking what?

He has be arrested again within 15 km of the MB/US border and guess what he was doing there? It wasn't shoveling snow.

The laws on bail have to be tightened up - thank Judge whoever and the shitty law for letting this asswipe go.
I agree…ABSOLUTELY. For quite a number of years now people have been getting away with murder and then getting out on bail…only to repeat the whole process again and again. And if it’s not murder then it’s trafficking of drugs…or women…or those entering Canada illegally. I happened to meet a prosecutor for a certain very large city in Ontario who gave me example after example after example of how his successful prosecutions of criminals are often undone by either extremely lenient judges or laws that make it too easy for repeat offenders to escape punishment. The vast majority of people want something to be done about the problem, but despite the talk, little seems to be done about reforming the judicial system. Does the problem stem from our Charter of Rights? If so, is it possible to amend the Charter of Rights? Or is the problem deeper or more profound than the Charter?

Politically speaking, I’m probably like many if not most Canadians…I’m a bit left of centre on some issues and right of centre on others. But when it comes to dealing with crime I would probably rank myself as being quite a bit to the right. It seems that regardless of the government in power, whether municipal, provincial or federal, little seems to be done regarding bail reform and sentencing. Hopefully I’m not hijacking’s this thread with a topic that’s probably been talked about ad nauseam, but I would appreciate some input from others here in this website who are in the legal or law enforcement sectors.
So how long before the CAF puts troops on the border? Public Safety Minister McGuinty said it's not going to happen, which means it's going to happen and they hope they don't get caught.
So how long before the CAF puts troops on the border? Public Safety Minister McGuinty said it's not going to happen, which means it's going to happen and they hope they don't get caught.
The CAF apparently has sent the Mounties a pile of drones. No operators though.
The CBSA union has pointed out, once again, that Canada has no authority to stop people from entering the US. That's a "them" problem. As the union president said, this whole Canada stopping illegals from entering the US is just "border theatre".
A number of years ago I was on Alberta’s bail reform advisory group. When we were moving from the police acting as Crown to hiring dedicated Crowns for all hearings.

One of the things that was noted immediately, was that the prep time for hearings increased significantly as the documents / information the Crown required for each package far exceeded what Crown needed to speak to bail. As well as check sheets for all the clerical “stops” along the process (intake, Crown, JP, records) that the police had to add all the tombstone data to.

Also increased time for Crown and Defense to read all the additional material.

Then we noted that Crown started weighing all the evidence at a standard of “likelihood of conviction” right then. So we had Crown rejecting packages and directing police to do simple releases with no conditions or agreeing to Defenses requests with no arguments.

In order to get through the files and close the bail office at 2300, we often saw the JP say you have 7 you are asking for remand on. I have time to hear 3. You choose. The Police then had to release the others with little or no conditions, no cash bail and no chance at remanding.

We have today the offspring of those initiatives.
A number of years ago I was on Alberta’s bail reform advisory group. When we were moving from the police acting as Crown to hiring dedicated Crowns for all hearings.

One of the things that was noted immediately, was that the prep time for hearings increased significantly as the documents / information the Crown required for each package far exceeded what Crown needed to speak to bail. As well as check sheets for all the clerical “stops” along the process (intake, Crown, JP, records) that the police had to add all the tombstone data to.

Also increased time for Crown and Defense to read all the additional material.

Then we noted that Crown started weighing all the evidence at a standard of “likelihood of conviction” right then. So we had Crown rejecting packages and directing police to do simple releases with no conditions or agreeing to Defenses requests with no arguments.

In order to get through the files and close the bail office at 2300, we often saw the JP say you have 7 you are asking for remand on. I have time to hear 3. You choose. The Police then had to release the others with little or no conditions, no cash bail and no chance at remanding.

We have today the offspring of those initiatives.
Add to that when COVID came along our doctors whined loudly that all the inmates would die in jail if it ever got in there and many needed to be released. Justice listened and again we are reaping what we sow. The doctors should have been told "thanks but STFU"

Of all those inmates that remained in custody in Manitoba guess how many died in jail from COVID?

NONE - not one.
The CBSA union president also described the practice of RCMP, local sheriffs, police and game wardens picking up illegal border crossers coming into Canada and delivering them to the closest CBSA port of entry as something akin to "Canada's most expensive taxi service".

There's also the issue of sustainability. How long are these other agencies going to be able to keep up this "theatre" alongside the demands of their existing mandates? Once POTUS47 finds something else to distract him (oohhh, shiny!) things along the border will likely fade back to what we did back in November and nobody will notice except the criminals.
The CBSA union has pointed out, once again, that Canada has no authority to stop people from entering the US. That's a "them" problem ...
Well, that's often the line we get when someone brings up illegal guns coming from the U.S. :(
Apologies if this has been posted before:

View attachment 91112
True, but love it or hate it, facts don't matter :(

Meanwhile, a couple of more tidbits to add to the discussion ....