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Canadian Army videos


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Hey, i was just looking in putfile at some of the Canadian army videos i was wondering if anyone new were anymore are because i like to watch them they are great so if anybody could send me some links that would be great thanks.
I had replies to "freedom fighter"  but being that his post is gone, I will delete them...

Now onto "forrest_gump"

Youtube, the last time I checked had a few.  Some of them were pretty good as well.  If you have never been there before, the link I am providing will be to the main page, where you will see a search bar at the top.  Enter what you would like to look for in the bar, and presto, it will bring up videos that matched your search.


Edited to get rid of the replies to the deleted post provided by the gonad Freedom Fighter
They've finally updated some of the recruiting videos too. Check em' out:

Darn! Still no video for the Int O and Int Op categories....would have been amusing to see.
Centurian1985 said:
Darn! Still no video for the Int O and int Op categories....would have been amusing to see.
I concur, I'm so interested in what they actually do. From the description alone it seems interesting.
Centurian1985 said:
Darn! Still no video for the Int O and Int Op categories....would have been amusing to see.

I know.........No Sarcasm Smilie yet........But, I know......
The samething as Traffic Techs on Army bases.....they drink coffee....lots of coffee.... ;D
Here is a couple more.

look on the right for "New video of troops fighting taliban"




Here are some more good videos for you guys to check out enjoy.

armyrules said:
I found another video on Google video its a video on a soldiers SQ I think it was great!!


Who was taking the vid's on the range?  I particularly liked it when they were live-fire on the '6 and buddy was pretty much even with the muzzle.  wtf?  I shut 'er down after that.  Didn't want to see anymore.  I never, in 17 years, seen something like that allowed on a range.  Nor would I let it happen, or did I let it happen, on a range where I was 2 i/c or an ARSO.

Times must be changing... ::)