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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Hey everyone sorry haven't been on in a LONG time but have had a few "challenges" to take care of but now I'm back. I will be reapplying to the CF because I did not qualify for the Infantry on my first visit. Does someone know how high you have to score to become an infantryman? I know irs not much but the math killed me on the test. I did good on the other portions of the test. I qualified for a cook or a steward!! Laugh it up  :) I was also wondering if I can't pass for infantry again this time through and I become a steward because I can't cook for crap :) is it possible for me to transfer into infantry later ion because that is what I have my sights set on!!! Thanks all and I hope everyone had a great holiday!! Thanks for all help :salute:
I would like to know how the test is administered...

1) is it done on paper or with a computer ?
2) is is separated in three (or more) parts or you do all of the parts at once and they give you a delay of, let's say, 45 minutes ?
silverbach said:
I would like to know how the test is administered...

1) is it done on paper or with a computer ?
2) is is separated in three (or more) parts or you do all of the parts at once and they give you a delay of, let's say, 45 minutes ?

With a computer and each part follows the other without delay.

armyrules said:
Hey everyone sorry haven't been on in a LONG time but have had a few "challenges" to take care of but now I'm back. I will be reapplying to the CF because I did not qualify for the Infantry on my first visit. Does someone know how high you have to score to become an infantryman? I know irs not much but the math killed me on the test. I did good on the other portions of the test. I qualified for a cook or a steward!! Laugh it up  :) I was also wondering if I can't pass for infantry again this time through and I become a steward because I can't cook for crap :) is it possible for me to transfer into infantry later ion because that is what I have my sights set on!!! Thanks all and I hope everyone had a great holiday!! Thanks for all help :salute:

You can't transfer if you don't meet the CFAT for the trade.
gregorydewolfe said:
anyone know how I can find out through the website what all the MOC codes are.  I did very well on the cfat but got these papers saying what jobs I can do, but they might as well have given it to me in german becasue they are all codes and I have no idea what most of these jobs are.  I tried the CF website and found some answers but couldn't have about half of them even tried to search by the numbers or whatever but no luck there either.  I'd like to do this research at home instead of at the center. 

As of the time when I was sworn in they were changing from MOC numbers to MOS ID numbers.

eg. infantry used to be MOC 031, now it's MOS ID 00010

Silverbach..... are you seriously not going to bother searching for the answer? It's been covered in detail in a pile of threads.

Since I'm feeling generous, and am just on tonight to kill time until I can go for a run without puking a burger all over the place (nice image, huh?), I'll tell you:

Depending on where you are, you either do it on paper, or you do it on a computer. A few people I know of have recently taken the paper test, but it's quickly becoming a relic. Count on a computer.

You do the test in three separate timed sections, one after the other. If you are given 15 minutes and are finished in 10.... you wait until 15 minutes has passed.
silverbach said:
I would like to know how the test is administered...

1) is it done on paper or with a computer ?
2) is is separated in three (or more) parts or you do all of the parts at once and they give you a delay of, let's say, 45 minutes ?

Have I missed something or is there some new rule to life that says one must know absolutely every little wretched detail before one commits to any endeavour? Gee whiz, take a plunge, do something blindly, live on the edge.

Here is your answer:

1) technically both
2) yes, yes and no

And here's a little known fact: I'm pretty sure the pen they give you is one of those invisible ink kinds.  ::)
NavComm said:
Have I missed something or is there some new rule to life that says one must know absolutely every little wretched detail before one commits to any endeavour? Gee whiz, take a plunge, do something blindly, live on the edge.

The technical term is "afraid to leave mother syndrome"  ::)
Is it new that the aptitude test is done on the computer? I remember doing mine on paper only.
silverbach said:
The technical term is "afraid to leave mother syndrome...

...you know AESOP081, there are wonderful gagets in these forums, like that icon that leads to the profile of the guests and members...if you would have known that, you would have seen that I am 9 years older than you...son !

Age is not relative to knowledge, personality and maturity.
silverbach said:
The technical term is "afraid to leave mother syndrome...

...you know AESOP081, there are wonderful gagets in these forums, like that icon that leads to the profile of the guests and members...if you would have known that, you would have seen that I am 9 years older than you...son !

Mr silverbach,

I'm fully aware that you are older than I, i did look at your profile.  My comment however was not specificaly aimed at you ( it was indirectly however) but more in general terms to the 15 and up crowd who must know exactly how many thumbtacks the will be issued on the second hour of day 2 of BMQ.

That being said, is it necessary for you to know every single detail of the CFAT before writing it ?  i'm sure that in your 39 years , you have written many tests and can pretty much figure it out !!

SON ?  i have no desire to start a flame war with you.  You may be older than I, but after 13 years in the military, you have not earned the right to lecture me or refer to me as son.

Good luck on your application.
I found this website.  I wish I found when I was writing my CFAT.
I'm sorry...but what a crock!
Judging by the graphics (looks like a marine to me) and the copy "... Canadian Navy, Army, and Armed Forces" this site does not belong to anyone who has any first-hand Canadian military experience. So how they are going to help you "pass each stage of the Canadian Forces recruitment process." is beyond me.
Save your money and review advanced grade ten math and english. Take FREE online tests if you want, because that's likely all they will providing you anyway. As for interview, medical, etc., you have the best resourse you could hope for right here.

Cheers  :cdn:
I was going to order this, but realized how easy it is to get information on the net. I failed my first aptitude test, and the recuiter told me that it was my math that dragged my overall scores down. It's easy to brush-up on your math, but if you're like me who's math capabilities are non-existant, you'll have to devote yourself 100% to learning the math, and focus on nothing else. Take my word for it: The hardest part on the CFAT is most definately the math. But if you're hungry for it as much as I am, then it's no issue, just takes concentraion, time, practise, and a hell of alot of patience. Do what needs to be done, and everything will fall into place, and the rewards will be incredible.


Even if it is practical..it costs WAY TOO MUCH, I practiced with a book that was $20, aptitude testing book from Indigo and I did perfectly fine. There's no reason you need to waste 98$. Plus, if you're in the field and haven't practiced your math skills in a bit, does that mean you're going to get your declinations all wrong and get everyone lost?!?!? Just do the test and don't worry, they want to see how well you can think on an everyday basis, not necessarily how well you can think being bottle-fed for a week before.
(Sorry about the rant  :-X )

Good Luck, it really isn't so hard.
Here are some helpful material for those have problems solving word problems. Visit these sites and get as much information as you can about these types of problems, and LEARN them! If you don't know how to do these concepts in the first place, you're likely to run into problems sooner or later in your military career. Please take my word for it and learn this before you write your aptitude test, but don't stop at that, do as much math as you can before you write your test. Learn your multiplications table, long division, and everything else that will likely be of use. Save your money and use what material you easily have access to

For rates, distances and time:


These are just a few that are really helping me. I also picked up a GED and SAT preperation book that are about 4 inches thick, and I will go through both of those thoroughly before I even think about rewriting my aptitude test. If you failed, it's either because you're not military material, or because you didn't know how to do it: SO LEARN! And don't cheat yourself or cut corners, I am sure the Military has no use for people like that.

If there's a will, there's a way. And the Army is all about will.

i can give you some advice, I took it recently

know how to multiply and divide by paper and pen, the last time I did was in grade 3 and i forgot, i had to estimate my answers.

the english and spacial questions you can't really prepare for.
Hey guys, sorry for asking this question but i bet it has been posted a dozen times.  ::)

  I went in to do my App test and i failed, not by alot but enough to fail it :(

  I would like to get this right this time and not go in so worryed about failing again.

Are there any good websites? that i can run through Fake tests? Please don't post those websites with 2-3 questions.

Thanks in advance.

PM me if you like.
hey guys, i just wrote my CFAT test a week ago, and i'm sorry to say that i only qualified for a cook. i enroled for 49th field regiment, and i needed a score that was in the 20's (can't remember) i failed by 1 point in the math, and this really pissed me off because i am not a stupid person, i have 70-80% averages in university level high school courses. now i have been talking with some recruiters about this option: i do my BMQ as a cook and complete it, than i leave and write my CFAT again to see if i score high enough for a gunner. what do you guys think of this plan, will it work. i'm waiting to talk to one of the recruiters, who is out of town unitl next week.
on a side note, i was talking with a buddy of mine, who is just about to complete BMQ, he said he is taking his basic, with a cook who has already wrote the test twice, and is writing it again. is this possible, is their really loophole to taking the test more than twice, because if there is, than it would ease alot of my worries, about not qualifing for my desired trade.