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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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I wouldnt recommend you join as a cook and try to remaster while you are NOT qualified. Some people I know tried to do this and it didnt work at all, theyre still on PAT plt waiting for their release. Don't forget that if you get in then release, you'll wait 6 months until you get released, then you'll have to wait another 6 months until you can apply again, then you'll wait another 6 months to be selected and enrolled. Think about it... it doesn't look very good from an employer's point of view, does it?

Btw , don't even think about changing trades while you are not qualified, it's rarely possible. Everyone I know that tried this ended up releasing. Why don't you go get a teacher and try to get a mark high enough to be a gunner? IMO you should do things right first, rather than try to patch your lacks with solutions that will not make you progress at all. So  go get some lessons, score high enough on CFAT and then you'll be a gunner. To me it sounds like the most intelligent option.

Good luck!

thats what i think i'm going to do, i think i can pass the test easily next time because i know what to expect now nd it won't pressure me as much. does anyone have any comments on the person that is taking the test 3 times, how does that work?
Time to nip this in the bud.  Please read the Rules of Conduct for this site.  Also, Search CFAT and you will find tonnes of info on it.  For instance:

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT): Questions and Answers  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23193.0.html

Just got the call for CFAT.  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34855.0.html

CFAT PREP COURSE  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/37725.0.html

CFAT Testing    http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34069.0.html

CFAT didn't go so well..    http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/32923.0.html

CFAT - Questions??    http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/30956.0.html

Hints to do well on the CFAT (aptitude test)    http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/25548.0.html

.......and there are many more.
Don't think for one minute that something that is happening to another applicant should automatically apply to you.  I highly doubt that the other person is writing the CFAT for the third time unless there are extenuating circumstances in that person's particular case.  As to your case you have one more chance to write the CFAT and that is three months from your first attempt.  Start working on improving your chances for the next time and stop worrying about what is happening to other applicants.


leave him be. Let him spend the next 3 months worrying about others, instead of actively trying to improve himself.

That way he'll never become MY problem.
Hi there,

Can someone tell me if there are logic tables and questions in the CFAT?  Questions like those found on http://www.puzzlersparadise.com/onlinelogic/SpringCurtains.htm  ?

They are like truth tables.  I don't see them being used on the CFAT as they would take too long, but I did notice that the CFAT example site that the recruiter gave me had some of these tables in them.

ohdiesel said:
Hi there,

Can someone tell me if there are logic tables and questions in the CFAT?  Questions like those found on http://www.puzzlersparadise.com/onlinelogic/SpringCurtains.htm  ?

They are like truth tables.  I don't see them being used on the CFAT as they would take too long, but I did notice that the CFAT example site that the recruiter gave me had some of these tables in them.

No but the other questions can be really scary.

Thanks for the insight.  I'm shaking in my boots now!!  :crybaby:
I wrote the cfat 4 years ago and did my time in the armoured corps, and I'm now trying to get back in as Something more tech oriented, i got called today and was told the my first test scores were no longer good for the trade i wanted, does anyone know if the test has changed much in the last few years, also does anyone know much about the test scores and how they determine what trade we get.Having rewrite this test has got me more nervous than i have been in my entire life,as much as i enjoyed my time there i don't want to end up back in the corps  :'(
I doubt that the tests have changed much in four years.  Anyone who changes Trades must do it.  Tips:  Don't Panic and get hung up on a question, move on and do the rest, come back to it when you can.  Don't loose track of what question you are on.  You should do ok.
was told the my first test scores were no longer good for the trade i wanted

So you were Crewman and now you want a different trade.  So you made the cutoff for Crewman four years ago but you didn't score high enough to meet the cutoff for the trade that you want now. So if you want to be eligible for the trade you want now, you will have to rewrite the test or come back as a Crewman.  Sounds pretty straightforward and doesn't sound like the test has changed does it?

Crewman011 said:
I wrote the cfat 4 years ago and did my time in the armoured corps, and I'm now trying to get back in as Something more tech oriented, i got called today and was told the my first test scores were no longer good for the trade i wanted, does anyone know if the test has changed much in the last few years, also does anyone know much about the test scores and how they determine what trade we get.Having rewrite this test has got me more nervous than i have been in my entire life,as much as i enjoyed my time there i don't want to end up back in the corps  :'(

I just did the CFAT in June, and was trying to score high enough for a "tech" trade also (226).  My advice, for what my own little experience with it, and what I believe helped me, was reviewing math, specifically fractions.  The spatial stuff was a bit hard on the head, but you can't really prep for that, IMHO, so...math it was for me.

And, I started with the basics, to confirm, and then got going on the fractions.  I can honestly say I used this website too.  Laugh if you will, but...my score was good enough on CFAT to qual for all NCM trades, so it worked for me.  Maybe it will help you, too.


That was my starting point...5 years after completing college.  ;D

PS - I wrote the apptitude test wayyyyyyyyyy back in '89 when it was paper and pencil, so the trade I wanted didn't even freakin' exist then.  Yup, I was nervous too.  I went thru the "what if I don't score high enough for ANYTHING and I have to turn my kit in?"    ;D

I took the test two weeks ago.
Get this book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0768910765/sr=1-1/qid=1155228308/ref=sr_1_1/002-4038039-8096050?ie=UTF8&s=books
Without it, I would have failed again.
Good luck to ya laddy!
Derek said:
The problem isn't stress at all, sorry I didn't really specify what my problem is. I just haven't done good on the numerical ability part of the CFAT. I do good on everything else. I am going to study some more math, I just dint see how me doing not to well on the math section would make me fail?

Anyways I am fully aware of all of the resources available to me to prepare Just wondering if there is if any way to get a waiver on if I do not do very well on the numerical ability section of the test!

Thx again.

Also thx Mcpl PPCLI for your input....its appreciated! :salute:

Yes i had the same problem when i first took the test i blanked out and forgot how to do even the simple math problems, i was 16 at the time and am now turning 22 in oct. I'm re-writing the test in a few weeks and have been studying my math like crazy so as long as i dont get to nervouse and stay calm i should be good :) when i did the practice test i recieved a 76% so i'm hopeing thats good enough to pass the actual test. not to sure if you did that test but it be a good idea i just cannot remember the address to it:(
Ok, I may sound completely stupid here, but i did find the thread about CFAT but couldnt post to it? So please dont bash me for asking again, because after reading most of that thread, i am officially terrified.

- I am pretty aweful at math, what grade math should i study to prepare myself for the test?

- How many can you get wrong wtihout failing?

- Is it true that if you fail you cannot join for one year?

please dont just tell me to read the other forum, this is like, the only thing i have ever wanted in my whole life, and reading this site is scaring the shit out of me!

thanks guys...
the only thing i have ever wanted in my whole life,

If it's all you've ever wanted to do, then reading some other threads and posts on this very subject doesn't seem like a very big deal.
v4nity said:
please dont just tell me to read the other forum, this is like, the only thing i have ever wanted in my whole life, and reading this site is scaring the crap out of me!

thanks guys...

First and best advice is to learn the site.  Look under recruiting and read everything you can find that has the words CFAT in it. Do a search... You'll find tonnes.  And yes, that means using your well polished public education to read...

You can't reply to those threads as they are locked. (with a padlock) No one can reply. They are there for your information, not for more discussion. The moderators and other members are here to help you. But , first and foremost, you have to help yourself.

There is an absolute wealth of information in old threads, you just have to read.  Grab a coke/beer/whatever, settle in... and read... read everything you can.  Take the next 2 or 3 days to learn this site in and out.  But I think its safe to say, do not post anything until you are up to speed... *Cough* andpaidyourmembershipduesinfull..  ahem....

I spent the first month on this site learning it before I even created a username.  And I still keep my mouth shut....

Good luck and good READING... 

- I am pretty aweful at math, what grade math should i study to prepare myself for the test?

- How many can you get wrong wtihout failing?

- Is it true that if you fail you cannot join for one year?

Just awful at math? :'( :'(

If you don't meet the cutoff for your chosen occupation(s) you have to wait three months until you can rewrite.
A couple sites for those waiting to do their aptitude, I suggest reviewing them for your benefit.

www.math.com - great site that explains mathematics in a simple, easy to follow and learn manner.

http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/grt_test_e.htm - a practice aptitude test to exercise your mind.

Best of luck.

You should do better in the verbal section, since now you know which words to look up in the dictionary... Math, you've just got to study the stuff based on what you didn't understand before, and spatial ... well.. That one is a lot harder to study, in my opinion... When I was doing it, I just tried to use the scrap paper to try to simulate the shapes... Not sure if it helped or hindered, to be honest :)