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Canadian Forces women hit $5M lottery jackpot

That was the best news I heard all day.  Good on ya ladies!  And as my grandmother used to say, don't spend it all in one place!

From The Times of London


Sergeant under fire is fortified by lottery win
From Tim Albone in Pashmul, southern Afghanistan

CAKED in mud as he digs trenches and lays explosives intended to thwart the Taleban, he may not look like a man who has a lot of money. But Sergeant Neil Coates, a Briton serving with the Canadian army in Afghanistan, has just won half a million dollars on the Ontario lottery.
“I’m the richest sergeant in Afghanistan,” he told The Times yesterday.

Instead of celebrating his win, worth about £300,000, with a bottle of bubbly, a stretch limo and a luxury Caribbean holiday, Sergeant Coates, who emigrated from Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham, 16 years ago, finds himself marooned in Afghanistan and under fire. He has not showered for a week.

Fellow soldiers in Two Combat Engineers of the Canadian Army have made it their mission to ensure that Sergeant Coates, 44, survives his six-month tour of duty unscathed, if only so that he can buy them a round of drinks when they return home to Canada. One has drawn dollar signs on his helmet.

Warrant Officer Roger Perreau, 36, said: “We are trying to keep him safe so he can enjoy his money. I’m impressed he is keeping on with the mission when he has all this money.”

Sergeant Coates left the Royal Engineers and England in 1990 for a new life in Canada, settling in Petawawa, Ontario. He served with the British Army in the Falkland Islands in 1982 and after emigrating he joined Canada’s equivalent of the Territorial Army before returning to a full-time post in the military.

When he was posted to Afghanistan his wife, Cheryl, took a part-time job in the officers’ mess and paid C$2 a week into a lottery syndicate with seven other wives. When their numbers came up they discovered that they would share a total of C$5 million.

When Sergeant Coates, who earns about C$40,000 a year, was told that he should telephone home he feared bad news. “I was worried. The wife told me to sit down, then she said, ‘We have won the lottery and I’ve already booked the limo’, I couldn’t believe it,” he said.

Until the lottery win, Sergeant Coates and his fellow Engineers have had little to cheer, living out in the open and surviving on rations.

One of their colleagues was killed during a clash with the Taleban. “We lost a good friend, so the lottery win is a morale lift.”

He has drawn on his experience in the Falkland Islands to help him to endure the tough conditions in Afghanistan.

“The closest I’d relate this to, of all my operations, is the Falklands, the way the ops go, the collateral damage and the fact that you’re always on the go.”

Now Sergeant Coates is dreaming of a trip home to England and watching Newcastle United. He has other plans too. “I’m just looking forward to being debt-free, buying a new car and looking for a new home,” he said.

There will be no career change, though. “I don’t think I’ll leave the Army,” he said. “I’ve been doing this so long.”

BernDawg said:
Just found this on cbc.

A group of Canadian Forces women is getting a $5-million payout on Tuesday, but it isn't from the government.

The eight women, who are civilian staff members...

- This alone tells us that the winners (and congrats by the way), are NOT Cdn Forces winners, but DND winners.  As civ employees working on a mil base, they're not part of the CF but ARE a part of the Dept of Nat'l Def...and yes, there IS a distinction, hence the two terms (DND and CF) in the first place.  They're Not interchangeable.

Man, what I/we could do with that kind of cash eh?
Bigbird said:
- This alone tells us that the winners (and congrats by the way), are NOT Cdn Forces winners, but DND winners.  As civ employees working on a mil base, they're not part of the CF but ARE a part of the Dept of Nat'l Def...and yes, there IS a distinction, hence the two terms (DND and CF) in the first place.  They're Not interchangeable.

Man, what I/we could do with that kind of cash eh?

I think you have a fair point, but it should also be noted that a number of them are wives of CF members based at CFB Petawawa.  In my mind that definitely does qualify them as 'Canadian Forces Women'

Here's to ya ladies! 