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Car Thief Beaten- Will We See More of The Same?

hotelquebec9er said:
It's a slippery slope from liberal democracy to dictatorship/police states (just ask the Wiemar republic...)  Just a thought. 

Gad!  Enough with the slippery slope.  Holding asshats accountable for their deeds, terrorist or not, is not the jet stream to Nazi Germany.  In order to put together a terrorism case, there has to be heaps of info that most people cannot be privy to.  Rest assured, there are too many real G-balls to deal with that imagined ones don't need to be created.  And if someone wants to railroad someone else for some ulterior motive, it is easy enough to do. 
The slippery slope we are screaming down right now is the left side of the hill.  Personal freedoms are getting ridiculous, and the legal system is bankrupt.  We could stand about 20 years of hard ass policy change before things would need some tweeking the other direction. 

hotelquebec9er said:
On the topic of young punks being royally stupid.  I can sympathize.  I actually had $1800 worth of damage done to my car when two guys (maybe 18) got out of their car infront me and kicked one of my doors during in a fit of road-rage (Campbell and Wyandotte... nice and thugged out, they were in a '93 DeVille with 20" wire rim wheels)...  I know that the justice system isn't going to fix them or make them a valuable member of society, because they don't honestly care.  Maybe if someone gave them a good beat down they'd figure out that they aren't so tough and rules are meant to be followed. 

Were you to have done so, if I was the officer that arrived on the scene, as long as you hadn't killed anyone or used a weapon, I would have arrested the punks and helped you with your statement.  Did you get a plate?  PM me with it and I'll go hunting. 

hotelquebec9er said:
Maybe the Young Offender's Act is a joke

There is no "maybe".  But jokes are supposed to be funny.  BTW, it is called the Youth Criminal Justice Act now, and it is weaker than the old YOA.  Good times, eh? 
gawd I ain't a cop or lawyer, so I'm out of my 'lane' as it were; bring back the hole and chain gangs (make 'em work). Then, for 'minor' offences give 'em a choice: join the military or go to crow-bar hotel. I've had a few senior NCO's waaaay back who were given that choice and said it was the best decision they ever had to make...of course it'll never happen