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CDN/US Covid-related political discussion

Brihard said:
Balancing risks and rewards, I guess. I think he was trying to get ahead of and ease some of the tension in the major protests that have now spreading up here.

Yea, there's wisdom in that. For sure. But doesn't it still seem hypocritical? We've spent 2 months hunkering down, economy is shit, our kids kids will still be paying the fallout from this. Social distancing, two meters apart, fines for people who violate social distancing. Yet there he is, not socially distancing in a crowd of hundreds. How can we give out $1000 covid fines to people after this? Obviously it's a better outcome than the looting and riots we're seeing in the states. It still doesn't seem right. Ends justifying the means. It's also super hypocritical to basically shut down the parliament (and all the transparency and over sight with it) "because covid concerns".

saying 'we see you, we her you, we value what you have to say'

Phrases like that from the government bug me so much. It's such a hollow sentiment. Saying it about discrimination sounds just as ridiculous if they government said that to the families of long term care patients. Maybe part of our problem is that statements like this is enough to make people happy and feel like they've accomplished something.
Weinie said:
Heard that he paused for 21 seconds before he knelt. ;)

Kind of inappropriate in my opinion. He's still the PM should be given the respect that comes with that title. 
Target Up said:
No, he's just been hiding in his cottage for two months.
Maybe I'm getting old and delusional but I'm certain I've seen him providing almost daily updates since this all started.
stellarpanther said:
Kind of inappropriate in my opinion. He's still the PM should be given the respect that comes with that title.
Jarnhamar said:

I've long believed that our leaders should be treated with respect, if not the person but certainly for the position they hold.  As much as I disliked Harper, I made an effort not to personally slam him every chance I got.  Sometimes it was hard and I'm sure i did on occasion but it's not something I agree with.  I don't even like it when the media refers to the the PM simply as Trudeau or Harper or whatever.  I believe the words PM should be in front of that just as I won't condone someone under me just saying "Vance".  They've earned that position and deserve the respect that should come with it.  People who watch American media will probably notice they say President Trump and not just Trump.  Evan the ones who can say him.  It's showing respect for the office.

stellarpanther said:
I've long believed that our leaders should be treated with respect,

I'm working on not making the mods jobs harder by keeping on topic.
If you move your post to a thread about Liberals or the PM I would love to post pictures and story links to give you an idea how much respect I think his behavior had earned him.

As the saying goes, the PM should try to be PM for all Canadians.

So there will have to be some apologies, bowed heads, bent knees, on occasion.

[Add] "Bend the knee" and "take a knee" have different meanings.  Given recent events and usages, we should assume the latter and no-one should get worked up thinking it's a gesture of political subservience.
stellarpanther said:
I've long believed that our leaders should be treated with respect, if not the person but certainly for the position they hold.  As much as I disliked Harper, I made an effort not to personally slam him every chance I got.  Sometimes it was hard and I'm sure i did on occasion but it's not something I agree with.  I don't even like it when the media refers to the the PM simply as Trudeau or Harper or whatever.  I believe the words PM should be in front of that just as I won't condone someone under me just saying "Vance".  They've earned that position and deserve the respect that should come with it.  People who watch American media will probably notice they say President Trump and not just Trump.  Evan the ones who can say him.  It's showing respect for the office.

The old saying that "leopards can't change their spots" does not seem to apply to panthers. I recall a time, not that long ago, where you were warned about a disparaging remark you made about our current PM, and your displeasure about the warning. Glad to see your conversion on the road to Damascus, stellarpaul.
stellarpanther said:
Kind of inappropriate in my opinion. He's still the PM should be given the respect that comes with that title.

Respect is a two way street.

‘Loyalty to the nation all the time. Loyalty to the government when they deserve it.’ Mark Twain
Weinie said:
The old saying that "leopards can't change their spots" does not seem to apply to panthers. I recall a time, not that long ago, where you were warned about a disparaging remark you made about our current PM, and your displeasure about the warning. Glad to see your conversion on the road to Damascus, stellarpaul.

As I said in my earlier post, I probably have and you clearly pointed out an example of when I said something that was inappropriate and I was wrong.  You also correctly pointed out that I was warned because it was inappropriate.
I'm trying not to be so negative about my views on a lot of topics and also to listen to other peoples advice and point of view.

[quote author=stellarpanther]
I'm trying not to be so negative about my views on a lot of topics and also to listen to other peoples advice and point of view.
That's nice of you.
stellarpanther said:
I've long believed that our leaders should be treated with respect, if not the person but certainly for the position they hold. As much as I disliked Harper, I made an effort not to personally slam him every chance I got.  Sometimes it was hard and I'm sure i did on occasion but it's not something I agree with.  I don't even like it when the media refers to the the PM simply as Trudeau or Harper or whatever.  I believe the words PM should be in front of that just as I won't condone someone under me just saying "Vance".  They've earned that position and deserve the respect that should come with it.  People who watch American media will probably notice they say President Trump and not just Trump.  Evan the ones who can say him.  It's showing respect for the office.

I agree with this, and I admit that with Prime Minister Trudeau I have found it extremely difficult to live up to my own standards/beliefs and have slipped in this regard. Picked up my only warning point on this site (thus far) for expressing an opinion in unguarded terms on my view of his substance/ability.

I am well aware of all the stuff Jarnhammer could post, and it's because of that stuff that I struggle, but it's a good reminder that we respect the office not necessarily the man.
reverse_engineer said:
Did the PM or any of the other protesters receive COVID-19 fines?

Doubtful.  I doubt the folks responsible for the Parliamentary Precinct would have bothered or even if it is something they could do. 

I could be wrong but I think those fines are provincial/municpal?
I read that the maximum fine for an individual is 100k. I think if I was PM, I'd work something out where I pay the max fine but buy immunity for the rest of the populace to continue to exercise their right to peaceful protest.
reverse_engineer said:
I read that the maximum fine for an individual is 100k. I think if I was PM, I'd work something out where I pay the max fine but buy immunity for the rest of the populace to continue to exercise their right to peaceful protest.

What, like a bribe kind of thing? That’s not very liberal, errr, never mind.  Meanwhile:


Yes, I understand the source, and I find them grating too. But still...
If a bunch of people out west held a protest over the state of the oil industry, would they be fined? Is all protest allowed, everywhere? Or only some kinds of protests, in some locations?