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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

mover1 said:
Promote that man   ;)

I keep standing in the mirror, saying that and pointing at the reflection when the CO walks by...no luck so far

Maybe he thinks you are talking and pointing at him and he is really appreciative :)
As embaressing as this is to say, I used to live in Kamloops, and probably went to school with the S***heads who did this. The even more sickening part is that my grandfather, a Decorated hero of WWII, had one of his friends grave stones overturned. WHy would anyone in their right mind, or in any state of mind, do something so evil. I am appalled at the gull of these people.

Just answered your own question...why would anyone in their RIGHT mind

They have fallen, and they can't get up type thing...only mentally.

Please lock if this has been posted already
This has to be the most discusting thing I've seen In a while.Hats off to Dr. Michael Pilon who somehow managed to stay calm and now ram his fist down this hippies throat.It appears he has been asking for somekind of solution with no response.How about GGFG taking a post in ceremonial dress there.Having a troop actually there would proably be enough of a deterrent and being downtown be a tourist attraction.

So besides gestapo and curb stomping how else do you guys see preventing this desecration from happening?

Is she clueless?

Sgt. Monique Beauchamp, a spokeswoman for the RCMP, said the force works in partnership with Ottawa police and the various government agencies who organize Canada Day to patrol the festivities, but there are no specific measures to protect the war memorial.

"I wish we could be everywhere and take care of every single incident, but the important part is to make sure people have a safe place to enjoy the fireworks and then be on their way home safely," she said.

Seem to me that specific measure ARE needed at least on Canada day!
Tears well up in my eyes when I read these things and my heart sinks in my chest.
Today's youth has little repsect for anyone or anything...and IMO it starts at home...

My grandfathers would be rolling in their graves  :rage:

+1 George to electrifying it


Yrys said:
Is she clueless?

Seem to me that specific measure ARE needed at least on Canada day!

Although I do agree someone should have been watching the tomb,I do understand what she is saying.They were there to make sure everything was safe.With the terrorist threat,drunken idiot's fighting etc I'm sure they had their hands full.

But really what are the solutions that they could implement.It seems every couple holidays this place is targeted by idiots such as in the article.Remember the graffiti a few years back?

I personally think it could fall into the GGFG's hands full time or a rotating duty through 2 CMBG.Stay at the laurier and do shifts at the tomb....sounds like a good go to me.

I'm really interested in what comes of this and how bad he will get charged.Public indecency for sure,hopefully see some extra charges added.All he had to do was go to the rideau center...but I guess that 37 second walk just wasn't a possibility.
Right across the street, facing the NAC, is a park and lots of bushes........then of course the Rideau Canal, in which to wash up after (or during) the act.....
I personally think it could fall into the GGFG's hands full time or a rotating duty through 2 CMBG.
I like this, too. Troops could be put on TD or something. I'm sure that the Reserves could use the work, and it gives the CF a higher profile, as well as giving Ottawa another tourist attraction.

They'd need some ROEs, though, and LEO coordination, I'd think.

And they have the gall to celebrate Canada Day,

They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.



paracowboy said:
I like this, too. Troops could be put on TD or something. I'm sure that the Reserves could use the work, and it gives the CF a higher profile, as well as giving Ottawa another tourist attraction.

They'd need some ROEs, though, and LEO coordination, I'd think.

I would think most people would respect the fact that there is a soldier standing there with a c-7 bayonet mounted.But for the few that didn't they should be allowed the power of arrest,soft tissue stuff.

Or better yet two ceremonial guard on each side from the army and a RCMP in full dress uniform.That takes care of all the legal ROE problems which would arise in soldiers in the city of Ottawa.
paracowboy said:
They'd need some ROEs, though, and LEO coordination, I'd think.

Ya want ROEs?

How about this:

1. Pers caught desicrating the tomb or site gets a throat punch.

2. When in doubt see ROE 1.

3. When ROE #1 is completed, throw them into a patrol car and throw the book at them.

Scumbags....I hope someone knows this arsehole and does the right thing and reports him to the RCMP in Ottawa.

The US never would have such a problem as there is a guard mounted on the tomb at all times.  Considering we pay for Skyhawks and Snowbirds, I don't see how a permanent guard could be considered a waste....

Infanteer said:
The US never would have such a problem as there is a guard mounted on the tomb at all times.  Considering we pay for Skyhawks and Snowbirds, I don't see how a permanent guard could be considered a waste....
Excellent point,and an excellent argument.That would be a post any soldier would be honored to do.My point would be to put a Mountie on it along with the military for special occasions.

With all the funerals our country now has,our ceremonial drill which seemed to be lacking prior is now coming back in public view.As infanteer pointed out the Americans have troops posted to these positions.Maybe DND should start looking at dedicated drill and ceremonial teams for tasks such as this.Hence why I thought GGFG would be the key in.
(by the way excellent drill on Canada day,you guys looked real sharp).

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