Currently my trade is WFE (Water, Fuels, Environmental) Tech, and my QL3 is supposedly starting in November, but I've heard different things every week, including that the course was already fully loaded, and I would have to wait until next April. The course lasts a touch over 6 months.
As to why I went NCM to begin with, several reasons:
-None of the officer trades that I was interested in, or my degree was relevant to, had openings that year (or so I was told).
-This trade was the closest NCM trade to my field of knowledge/interest that I qualified for "medically" (colour vision requirement makes me unsuitable for a slew of air force trades that would be a lot closer to my field of study).
-And lastly, yes, I actually believed the recruiters when they told me that commissioning would be a breeze because I already had a degree. Silly me, I know.
I don't want to VR, but I'm afraid of a Catch-22 with this QQL3 requirement. I can't go SCP without it, but if I get it and apply for SCP, I can see them telling me that they won't let me commission because they just spent time and money training me and they want to get some use/work out of me as a return on their investment. I'm just baffled that a DEO candidate with literally no military knowledge/background is given an easier ride than someone who has passed BMQ (which is virtually equivalent to IAP - Initial Assessment Phase), and has the same degree as the DEO.
I'd love to hear people's thoughts/advice on this.
Thank you.