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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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Sk94 - I see a merge coming shortly.

LOTS of info in the newly-merged topic for you to learn from.

Milnet.ca Staff

Information and material in this thread seems to be quite out-dated in relation to BMQ. I wanted to inquire if one is allowed to bring his(her) own set of clippers and buzz it during BMQ. I usually buzz 1/100 of an inch every 3 to 4 days and shave sideburns starting adjacent to the helix of the ear and everything under. Are hair clippers considered "edged weapons" because of their nature, albeit shaving kits?

nn1988 said:

Information and material in this thread seems to be quite out-dated in relation to BMQ. I wanted to inquire if one is allowed to bring his(her) own set of clippers and buzz it during BMQ. I usually buzz 1/100 of an inch every 3 to 4 days and shave sideburns starting adjacent to the helix of the ear and everything under. Are hair clippers considered "edged weapons" because of their nature, albeit shaving kits?


nn1988 said:

Information and material in this thread seems to be quite out-dated in relation to BMQ. I wanted to inquire if one is allowed to bring his(her) own set of clippers and buzz it during BMQ. I usually buzz 1/100 of an inch every 3 to 4 days and shave sideburns starting adjacent to the helix of the ear and everything under. Are hair clippers considered "edged weapons" because of their nature, albeit shaving kits?


1. It is not outdated whatsoever. We don't change our hair regs on a monthly rotational basis just to keep people guessing.

2. Clippers are not an edged weapon. They're hair clippers.

3. If you want to shave your head pretty much completely while on BMQ, fill your boots. You may or may not have time to care about such things. I'd advise that rather than worrying about that, get it nice and short before arrival, and get it cut nice and short again every two weeks. As long as it's within regs, you shouldn't be wasting time caring what your hair looks like while on BMQ. You'll have a hundred other things that are more pressing demands on your time.
Brihard said:
If you want to shave your head pretty much completely while on BMQ, fill your boots. You may or may not have time to care about such things. I'd advise that rather than worrying about that, get it nice and short before arrival, and get it cut nice and short again every two weeks. As long as it's within regs, you shouldn't be wasting time caring what your hair looks like while on BMQ. You'll have a hundred other things that are more pressing demands on your time.

Thanks for your input.
Thanks tips.

Here's a download for the full meal deal pdf you can keep.

Sup all!

First, i did search concerning facial hair. But i've read so many different answer and after talking to my recruiter and to some people i know who work in the CF, i would like to know what's the real thing.

Talking to most of the people, Facial hair is prohibited except if you have a paper from the doctor saying you got some skins problems. But, after taking to my recruiter, he told me that facial hair (Beard), is allowed for Navy and Air force, but for the Ground army (?? Not sure if this is the terme to use in english), it's not well seen to have a beard. He also told me that for my trade (HCA), it's okay to have a beard considering i would work in an office all day long.

So what's the truth, can I got one or can't I. Do I can in every occasion, every field or just some. I mean, what's the real thing concerning this.!

I am sure there are many threads about this but here we go.  Info from the CF Dress manual:

(3) Beards (see Figure 2-2-2) (3) Barbe (voir figure 2-2-2)
(a) Subject to procedures established
by commanders of commands,
permission to wear a beard shall
only be granted to all ranks who
wear the naval uniform, wherever
serving; all ranks on strength of an
infantry pioneer platoon; adherents
of the Sikh religion (see Section 3);
and personnel, on the direction of a
medical officer, subject to medical
reassessment at intervals not
exceeding six months. Other
personnel shall shave off their

(b) Where beards are authorized, they
shall be worn with a moustache;
kept neatly trimmed, especially on
the lower neck and cheekbones;
and not exceed 2.5 cm (1 in.) in

(c) When a beard is grown or removed,
identification documents shall be
replaced in accordance with
security regulations

Unless you are Navy, beards are typically not permitted in the Air Force or Army (sauf vous etes R22R ;D, et comme ASSAN, vous ne feriez pas partie des Van Doos). 
ArmyDoc said:
Unless you are Navy, beards are typically not permitted in the Air Force or Army (sauf vous etes R22R ;D, et comme ASSAN, vous ne feriez pas partie des Van Doos).


Then I'll call tomorrow to change my choice from Air Force to Navy!

What are the regulations regarding female pixie cuts? As long as there aren't strange undercuts or super long on the top, would they be fine, like a short bob that doesn't reach past the collar? Or would I have to adhere to the men's standards?
Go see the dress regs above for the specifics, but the short answer is yes pixie cuts are fine and are not required to meet the male standards and bobs that don't go past the bottom edge (I believe) of the collar don't need to be up in a bun. I have a pixie cut and I really like it because I don't need to worry about it, and unlike a bob it doesn't get in my face. With either, you want to make sure it looks professional, the regs state something to the effect of 'no outrageous or bizarre' styles, and it can't get in the way of wearing your headdress.

Hope that helps, but look in the dress regs for the complete rules.
SarahRad said:
What are the regulations regarding female pixie cuts? As long as there aren't strange undercuts or super long on the top, would they be fine, like a short bob that doesn't reach past the collar? Or would I have to adhere to the men's standards?

Like these?


Both acceptable.

Just don't have the hair long enough to hang in your eyes.  Or if it is, brush it or pin it back.
I have a question about my hair for BMQ.

In the Canadian Forces Dress Instruction  under the 'Hair' heading, it says that "Hair on the head shall be neatly groomed
and conservatively styled". I am a girl who currently has hair that could technically be a mohawk as the center bit is longer than the sides, but the difference in length between the two is not a lot and my hair is quite short almost buzzed on the sides). Is it still conservative if there isn't a lot of difference in length between the sides and the "mohawk", or will I most likely have to cut the back bit off.
