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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

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space_sldr said:
It says "b. be no more than 15 cm (6 inches) in length and sufficiently short that" but then it says "c. be no more than 4 cm (1-1/2 inches) in bulk at the top of the head"...
I don't get it. Can someone give me an example?

I would think that would mean that you may have your hair lengh up to 6 inches in lengh, but you can't have it spiked straight up since that would make the bulk too much. So you might have your hair 6 inches long, but have it slicked back, having the overall height/bulk being 1.5 inches. You might also have your hair cut with thinning shears which could cut down on the overall bulk.

Smoothbore said:
So I don't have to shave my skull for the BMQ as long as my hair doesn't exceed the imposed limits in length?

Everyone gets a shave at BMQ from what I gather unless you are female, in which case there are different guidlines for overall lengh and appearance.
I am also confused now. The "rule" book states the 6 inches, 1.5 inches in bulk etc... but I just watched the CFLRS video from the website, and they shave everyone's heads except the girls.

Any clarification would be dandy.

Because it probably went down like this:

Instructors warn recruit platoon that they are being marched to the barbershop that afternoon and anyone with any extra hair will be getting it cut. They probably also get advised that there's a camera crew recording recruit training experiences and their haircutting session will be filmed.

A few over-zealous recruits decide that if they look like a movie soldier, they can then act like one and will obviously be taken for a movie soldier. So, when they get in the chair declare themselves to be in desperate need of the shortest allowable cut.

Instructor smiles and says "go ahead" to the barber.

Barber cuts away.

Director cutting scenes to build CFLRS film reviews a few hours of hair cutting video, and what does he select? Why, he selects the scene that best fits his own hollywood inspired impressions of what hair-cutting at basic training should look like. He picks the scene with a couple guys getting close cropped heads. But that doesn't make it the required standard for haircuts.

On my course, you could get your hair cut anyway you wanted as long as it is within the military hair-cut specifications.  I believe the specifications posted
earlier in the thread are accurate.  Some guys prefer shorter hair (like a 0 or a 1 clip) others preferred longer on top.

In BMQ, the staff repeats many times that everyone is the same.  We dress the same, behave the same, eat at the same time, march the same,
get disiplined the same.  During the second week of BMQ, our course had to get in-spec hair-cuts.  One section decided to get their hair cut using
a 0 clip.  Being in the BMQ mode, everyone in all sections got excited and decided to be the same and asked for the same short hair-cut.  It
was kind of the beginnings of platoon teamwork. 

In the Farnham field exercises, I appreciated a short hair-cut due to the rarity of baths or showers.  It was a winter BMQ so we worn our touques
alot.  Most body heat is lost thru the head so a short hair-cut in the heat of summer might not be a bad idea.  Its grows back anyway.

For the record, regardless of the official dress regulations, I would not recommend showing up at basic training with six inches of hair.  Nor would I recommend having six inches of hair as a male at any time, even after basic.  I have long hair for someone in the army, and mine's typically about 2 inches long, at the absolute most.  (And when it gets that long, I REALLY need a haircut).  Unless things have changed since I did basic, your instructors are going to make you get a #3 every two weeks or so, and they aren't going to take "no" for an answer on that one. 

Don't worry, it grows back.
Goldy said:
I am also confused now. The "rule" book states the 6 inches, 1.5 inches in bulk etc... but I just watched the CFLRS video from the website, and they shave everyone's heads except the girls.
When I went through St. Jean, the whole platoon lined up and we all filed into the barber one by one.  Even guys who had regulation cuts, and even those who had it shaved down to the nub (not recommend - you'll get a sunburn on your skull when you're doing PT without headress!).  Essentially, our Sgt's thinking was of the team mentality (i.e. if one guy does something, everyone does it the same way).  We were even ordered to grow sideburns (to the regulation length of course) because a couple of guys had them, so, therefore, we should all have them.  My advice; get used to that kind of thinking, and be prepared to shell out the 10 smacks even if you've already got your hair cut.
If you want to be all hardcore, get a high an tight, 0 on the sides 1/4 inch on top.
Baskin said:
is a shaved head better? or a little on the top? does it really make much of a difference?

Shaved heads are no good.  You'll get sunburnt in no time.  Get a nice short, neat haircut and that's all you really need to worry about.
Why are there different regulations for hair styles between men and women?  It can't have any practical reasons if they let one sex have long hair and the other not.


9. HAIR:

a. Hair shall not extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar.

b. Braids, if worn, shall be styled conservatively and tied tightly, secured at the end by a knot or a small unadorned fastener.   Single braid shall be worn in the center of the back and double braids behind the shoulder.

c. Hair shall be a maximum length, when gather behind the head or braided, which does not extend below the top of the armpit.
maggie said:
thanks for the info.,and good to hear that i don't have to cut it real short..contrary to a smartbutts input into the subject...lol
i don't think i'd look as cute as the guys in a shaved head!!!
Many females do decide to cut it short anyway, at least while on BMQ.  Not necessarily a close buzz like the males, but shorter - a lot easier to maintain, particularly in the field.
haha... ya I agree that too. Short hair is alot easier to maintain... you don't need much time to try after showering. I want to shave my skull, but I can't do that in reserve... (also my mom disagrees with that)
I think there are more important things for you recruits to be preparing for than how to cut your hair....
I shave my head Sundays and Wednesdays, and every 2nd day when we are bush. The secret is proper sun screen, and ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS wear a hat, and drink plenty of water daily (well over 6-8L/per day here no worries). I rarely get a sunburn, and if I do, its on civvy time, not military.

The Australian sun is a shocker, and it can turn a  black t-shirt grey in no time if left outside. One of every two Aussies will develop skin cancer during their lives.


Females can also be granted a "transision period" for their hair style. I believe this period is 6 months.
Yah, As an African Canadian, my hair is just generally short, it gets scraggaly if i don't cut it every...oh...say 6months =P, but i shaved it pretty short, i leave for summer BMQ in 11 days, I'll probably cut it myself again before then, nothing drastic, just the same height all the way around, if they want to cut my hair on course let them have at it, but i'll die before i pay 10 bux for something i can do for free and in under 10minutes myself... or at least, that's what i'll be thinking to myself as i shell out the cash! =P
If you have outrageously long hair and can take some heat I suggest holding out for as long as possible.   Nothing will entertain the platoon or give the Sgts and MCpls more pleasure than seeing some 4lbs of hair buzzed off.   My personal favorite was one guy who had been cultivating a giant mushroom cut for some four years.   One run of the razor down the middle part and it was all over.

London Drugs and $30 - $40 will produce a platoon razor and a backup career in hairstyling for one or two lucky members.

Good luck.

Yip at 45C in the shade and 95% humidity, you would be suprised how much water one requires especially if one is doing a bit of hard yakka (work). Noramally a soldier here carriers at least 4 litres ( two 1 litre water bottles on webbing and a 2L one on his pack, plus sometimes another 2 or more 1L waterbottles on his pack too. Many now are camelbaking it, like me.

Our GMV 6 x6 LR carrys 100 litres of water in 5 20 litre jerries, and only two 20 litre diesle jerries. The crew of the GMV is three, and we get more fresh water daily too.


Six pack said:
Yes Man said:
Why are there different regulations for hair styles between men and women?   It can't have any practical reasons if they let one sex have long hair and the other not.
yeah, i agree... i'm a woman and i personally would love to have one regulation for all of us... then i wouldn't have to worry about it

After thinking about it briefly, why can't you?  If you decided to shave your head, or get any sort of masculine hair cut, I really can't see anyone saying you can't.

I don't remember the exact wording, but the rough idea of the female dress regs is that the hair either needs to be worn in a bun, a single braid, or short enough that it's off your collar and doesn't interfere with the wearing of your headress.

If you shave your head, your hair is clearly too short for a bun or a braid, and clearly won't touch your collar.
After thinking about it briefly, why can't you?

Just a word of warning here..while in Wainwright the females were not allowed to shave their head or cut their hair as short as the men.  Now, times may have changed but there was, at one point, something ridiculous about women being feminine looking. 

Anyway, if I were you I would get my hair cut short when you get there simply to check out what they want during your training.

Best of luck to all.