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CF Rank

What[u] is[/u] or [u]was[/u] your rank in the CF?

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Army.ca Fixture
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My apologies to those who use ranks like Sapper, Trooper etc.

Please pay attention to the last 4 options if they apply to you.
Was PO2, now Cpl.Ā  Still getting used to the new one, so I put mine in as the old one, and can only pick one!Ā  Not that my AF rank is there.Ā  You know, the whole no-rank-first-name-only thing.Ā  :D
CDN Aviator said:
So the answer to the poll would have been CPL. You're not a P2 anymore, let it go

That was the point to my post.Ā  I put it in automatically and can't change it now.
Officer cadet, going on 5 years as one now. Oh well, at least it's only one more yearĀ  >:D
Good idea on the poll.
Is this to see who the sm rt ones are, or just who has more time to waste... ;DĀ  Ā  Ā  8)Ā  Ā 

airmich said:
Was PO2, now Cpl.Ā  Still getting used to the new one, so I put mine in as the old one, and can only pick one!Ā  Not that my AF rank is there.Ā  You know, the whole no-rank-first-name-only thing.Ā  :D

Once a sailor always a sailor... ;D
Thanks for the interest in this poll, I am disappointed that one may have spoiled it but there are idiots in every group.....yeah I am skeptical about the vote for General/Admiral, sorry I just cannot see the CDS or any one retired of that rank level voting. I was expecting the majority at this time to be corporals and leading seamen but the numbers in the Captain/Lieutenant surprise me.
I hope to be in the reserves this time next year holding the lofty rank of OCdt. But as of right now I have never held a military rank, not even cadets.
OCdt (and thats how I voted) for now, but come 14 Dec I get a xmas present and off to 2ly and lovely Gagetown for winter cocktails around a canteen cup and stove lol
van Gemeren said:
I hope to be in the reserves this time next year holding the lofty rank of OCdt. But as of right now I have never held a military rank, not even cadets.

did you just say... 'LOFTY' rank?Ā  ;D
Hey Ex, you never know. I heard rumors that the boss comes on here often to read what some of the troops have to say. Maybe he got interested in your pollĀ  :)
Well the best rank in the military is leading right now, Corporal. Navy leading Seaman

As I was a Cpl for life and loved every minute of it. At the end of my career as and older Cpl people tended to leave me alone, got all the cushy jobs and best postings, after all a Cpl can go and fit in anywhere, every body wants one. Want something done right, get a Cpl, want something in a hurry, ask a Cpl, Want to know how something works, ask a Cpl. Piss of a Cpl, you don't get anything... Didn't you know that Cpl's hold the keys to the pearly gates, its called QM, CQ stores and everyone thinks the quartermaster runs the show, ha, not likely... it's the Cpl's. Who's the first smiling face do you see when you walk into QM or your CQ stores, who serves you in the pay office, who tends to your BOO BOO's in the MIR.. a Cpl.

And for all you infantry officers on phase training in good old Gagetown, want a few extra goodies on those torturous endless days and nights in the field, like say McDonald's,Wendy's, hot coffee or even an extra hay box of fresh rations or other creature comforts, get to know your storeman driver, yes its a Cpl, he is your best friend, he can get things for you, so be nice to him... He is the difference between you eating MRE's three meals a day or eating fresh rations and having fresh hot coffee at least once a day.

Yep, nothing like buttering up your Cpl Amb Driver....."Do ya think you could stop by Tim's on the way back from Pembroke General, I'm buying...."

For Officers, it'd probably Lt - you've probably got a Pl (when the Pl WO lets you play nice) and enough background to know who to go to in order to make it all work, and you're low enough that you can still point at your rank and say "I'm only an Lt, what the hell do I know?"
Leading Seaman here. I know many RMS Clerks in the Naval Reserve who do not want their leaf as it cuts employment prospects in half and more so with each promotion.
Staff Weenie said:
Yep, nothing like buttering up your Cpl Amb Driver....."Do ya think you could stop by Tim's on the way back from Pembroke General, I'm buying...."

I know that saying a lot... and love it. ;D