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CF Rank

What[u] is[/u] or [u]was[/u] your rank in the CF?

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geo said:
Within the band structure, Ranks are based on their level of competentcy.... but they have to take the NCO leadership courses the same as everyone else....

Yes ... we had a female "with the band" on our JLC with us; a mere two years in, but she could play a mean flute and she needed to pass that JLC before they could promote her up to the rank her "skills" had decided she should be. Tonnes of extra hours spent in the evenings trying to get her to sort herself out, get a military bone in her body, and stop crying and shaking when standing in front of us (in a shack room) to practise her instructional techniques for her lessons.

It was pretty sad actually. Instructing drill was a nightmare (with more crying on the parade square) and her small party tasking definitely did not go over so well. But heck, she passed ... and picked up her new rank on grad parade (bear marching back to the ranks afterwards -- must be something about marching without an instrument in their hands that rendered her marching ability useless). The rest of us just shook our heads.

Why bother sending her on a Leadership course?? -- Her passing the course was a given from the get-go (and was quite obvious to all of us), and all her being there did was piss the rest of us off who saw course-mates who fared better, paraded in front of CRBs while she never ended up gracing their presence ... mysteriously. It was a situation that was 150% NOT conducive to good moral. Quite the eye-opener actually.
Shoulda been good grounds for those who did get bounced to file a grievance - WRT fair and impartial treatment.

I witnessed the opposite out of LFQA's battle school...  musicians DID require a lot of coaching and help - some passed, some did not.  Those who did not cut the mustard did not pass "GO!", did not collect 200$, they went back to their unit...
MedTech said:
It depends on component and trade. Question is too broad to answer.

In the Infantry in the Reserves you get permonted two years after your swear in date as long as you are DP 2A Qualified, althought some times you only need DP 1
veale said:
In the Infantry in the Reserves you get permonted promotedtwo years after your swear in date as long as you are DP 2A Qualified, althought some times you only need DP 1

....original poster did not specify component, element (Pte Recruit could be either AF or Army), or trade that's why I said it was too broad to answer.
veale said:
In the Infantry in the Reserves you get permonted two years after your swear in date as long as you are DP 2A Qualified, althought some times you only need DP 1

Does getting permonted hurt?
Shamrock said:
Does getting permonted hurt?

- Permonted: verb, to undergo permontation (colloquially: permonting), original Cdn Mil slang meaning: to undergo a warm Pepsi-Cola enema while hungover.
