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Changes, needed fixes in Cadets (merged)

Who do you think has the most influence on the major changes to cadets in the last few years?

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Officers in my corps, aswell as all cadets wear combats on regular evenings (aside from CO‘s parades and formal events).

Alberta is the only province that is barring combats from use.
Originally posted by McBear:
[qb] Is Borden an Army cadet camp?[/qb]
Blackdown is now all the services i think i didnt hear much about the navy being down there i know the air cadets are down there now..man it must be **** to go to the mess every day to get something to eat when i was last there(2001) it took us 30mins just to get in half the time
I was staff there in 95 and it was only tents like old Pet. and a hurricane hit it, its a palace now compared to what it was
Originally posted by Caz:
[qb] Franko - CIC will only wear CIC badges, even if the cadets in his corps get to wear RCD as an affilated unit. It could be that they didn‘t know any better... hopefully the guy gets a copy of CFP 265 stuffed in his face, and corrected so he is setting a proper example.[/qb]
Well now, this is interesting. At my corps, the officers are encouraged to wear the regimental badge and shoulder tabs, and both the CO and TrgO do so on a regular basis -- only the OpsO and SupO wear their CIC badges. This comes from the CO of the regiment. Apparently the ACO isn‘t pleased with this, but to my knowledge it‘s never ordered our officers to NOT wear regimental kit.

I would also like to see my corps ban combats on training nights, both for cadets and officers. Sorry guys, I just think they look sloppy. I‘ve always felt that cadets need proper uniforms to instill a sense of discipline and hard work, promote a coherent unit image and create a sense of espirit de corps. Wearing combats provides none of that for cadets, IMHO.
Thanks for keeping things on track, Jason. If you guys want to discuss other things, Pm each other; dont waste space on this thread.

I dont agree with having officers wear the units cap brass, as they arent members of that particular unit, theyre members of the CIC. Also, Im quite sure some members of the regiment would (justfully) disagree with this.
Primer...the guy was a CIC officer...a Captain at that. As for CIC wearing affiliated unit‘s badges and such...it‘s a HUGE no no. Firstly, they are not a part of the Regiment. Secondly, they are not a Regular force officer. I know the district commander of LFAA cadet area from a while back and he touched on this very subject. His response to me was: The officer would be brought up on charges and the book would be thrown at them.

Please understand I‘m not saying that a CIC officers‘ commision is not a commission but there is a HUGE difference.

Regular force officers in the Corps go through YEARS of training to become a 2Lt, More to push up to Capt. When they get to Maj...well it‘s enough to take up this entire thread.

Needless to say this individual was trying to pass themselves off as a gentleman officer of the Royal Canadian Dragoons...when he most assuredly wasn‘t. Therefore this is construed as impersonation...therefore chargeable under the QR&O Vol 2.

As for cadets wearing Regimental regalia...I‘m all for it. It brings up moral and ensures closer ties to their affiliated unit. But when a CIC officer does it...well you know the rest.

It also aets a HORRIBLE example to the cadets.

Comments please

If you didnt earn it, dont wear it. This is just like that air cadet i mentioned in the para thread who wore jump wings when i was in Trenton.
Franco was this officer working at Blackdown Cadet Camp ?????... if you cant say here goto different means...
I don‘t know where Blackdown is (I‘m new to Ontario)...I‘m assumeing it‘s at CFB Borden...where this incident happened.

As for going on other means...there is nothing to hide...except for names of which I will not divuldge.

That kind of makes me wonder. Whos responsible for disciplining an officer in such a case? Isnt it supposed to be the Adjutant? in any case, im just wondering how staff/course cadets would report such a thing.
Originally posted by McBear:
[qb] That kind of makes me wonder. Whos responsible for disciplining an officer in such a case? Isnt it supposed to be the Adjutant? in any case, im just wondering how staff/course cadets would report such a thing. [/qb]
Theory is, the Adj should take care of it. It wouldn‘t be up to the course/staff cadets to correct the officers‘ dress.

Primer - yes, your combats are your work dress, just like NCDs for the Navy, and our work dress pants/shirts for the Air Force. However, you shouldn‘t need, as an officer, to wear work dress on a regular basis to the LHQ for mandatory training. Do you see the XO of the local Sea Cadets Corps wearing their NCDs?

As for regimental shoulder titles and cap badges, I direct you to CFP 265, Chapter 3, Section 4, Para 19:
[qb]19. Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) Officers.
CIC officers shall wear only approved CIC badges.[/qb]
CIC Army will only wear CIC Army cap badge and shoulder titles, as the CIC is their branch of the CF. Any Army CIC officer who thinks otherwise needs to go back on BOQ.
Another thing that i‘m not sure if it has been mentioned, that could be improved for cadets, is for the CIC and CCM to recognize former military training/qualifications...

ex: We want to do winter ex‘s. We don‘t have any CIC winter qual personnel in my unit.
but we DO have: a {former} infantry officer (he‘s still in service - just now CIC) and has taken winter survival
a former reserve Sgt (now Capt CIC) who was instructing the Rangers up north in the Yukon....

and we don‘t have anyone qualified? this is an example ... and this does happen across Canada- the CCM has to recognize former trg and quals.... in order to keep trying to persuade any former military members to help out with cadet units/ CIC,..
The issue is sometimes finding old Officers/NCM‘s who want to volunteer with a corps as a posting. Where there are units around, it isn‘t an issue. What about that Sea Cadet Corps in a city that has one Army Reserve Unit? Probably not too many interested....even some ACA‘s and ACO‘s that get posted aren‘t happy they. They didn‘t join the forces to work with 12-18 year olds. They join to do whatever trade they joined into.

Poster Child for the CIC:


LCdr Gloria Walsh. 8 and a half months pregnant, and running the largest Sea Cadet Corps in BC as a Reservist. I have the highest respect for this woman.

A lot of ex-cadets who go CIC mock the BOQ Course...But after a lot of discussion, you have to realize who it‘s designed for. It‘s designed for the Mom who got pulled into it, and knows NOTHING about the military at ALL.

Give the people a chance.

Recruiting officers isn‘t always easy. A lot of parents get ‘roped in‘, with the line, "One night a week, and the occassional weekend" which I‘ve been informed is some sick joke shared by CIC Officers ;) It‘s a hard job!

There‘s some CIC Officers that could out-lead a PRes Officer, and vice versa. Some of it‘s personality, and some of it is how you take the training and apply it.

Every corps is going to run somewhat differentley. We could try to unify them all, but a) that would be boring, and b) it wouldn‘t work for everyone.

Every group of cadets is different, every group of NCM‘s, and officers at a corps.

If I were to give some general advice for the CCM as a whole?

Teach mentoring. It doesn‘t happen enough, and a lot of people don‘t know how. It‘s hard for an 18 year old to just ‘know‘ how to mentor a 12 year old. Give them some knowledge!

Use the IT Lessons as a Guideline, and allow people to develop their own style. Rigid instructors are boring. Technically, they may follow everything written in the book, but it needs a personal flare!

We also have the realize that cadets need to ENJOY attending every week, especially the 14/15 year olds who are starting highschool. Once the cadet enters high school, you are in competition with clubs, plays, sports teams, partys, etc. Does it mean you have to change thre program to make them LOVE it every week? Not necessarily, stick to the basic rules, but realize that tearing a cadet out for boots that don‘t look amazing isn‘t going to win you any points.

They don‘t have to take it -- and they won‘t.

In the grande scheme of things, cadets is a YOUTH ORGANIZATION. Sometimes we forget that.


Ed, can you explain ‘winter qual‘ CIC?
