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Changes or Cancelation of LDA coming?


I don't find it interesting.  They endure the "hardship" of both environment, and should be compensated as such. 

Are you in Germany yet?  I'm down in Oberammergau until the 11!
SupersonicMax said:
I don't find it interesting. 
Hey Max - welcome back from the fight!

The interesting tidbit is that they get to "double-dip" the time towards the next level of LDA, ACRA, SDA, etc (ie 4 years at sea = 8 years of points towards next level)

No father-land for me - I have always been only going down south.  Flew the big jet for the first time last friday.
Zoomie:  They did endure twice more the "hardship" than a regular aircrew posting I suppose, so I find it fair.  The way it could be improved is by applying the points to specific allowance (ie: Months at sea only count towards SDA, months in a flying position only count towards ACRA).  But I'm not going to complain so some people to get less money :)

Sorry, I though you were the last guy going to GK!

SupersonicMax said:
The way it could be improved is by applying the points to specific allowance (ie: Months at sea only count towards SDA, months in a flying position only count towards ACRA).
My thoughts exactly - but like you said....

Sorry, I though you were the last guy going to GK!
Nope - luckily I have a bit of job security by going down here - also good prospects for combat missions (ie guaranteed SWA, South, ?)
It's a fresh breath of air to be among combat aircrew - I am finding my niche here.  Also good to be flying a heavy jet.  AAR is a good challenge, especially with fly-by-cable flight controls.  :-)
Zoomie said:
Ok, now I am confused.  Could you provide an example?

Only a qualified dolphin-wearing submariner can collect Submarine Crew Allowance (SUBCA), and only someone who has met a very specific condition can collect Maternity Allowance (MATA).  Both SUBCA and MATA are Special Allowances.
SupersonicMax said:
The way it could be improved is by applying the points to specific allowance (ie: Months at sea only count towards SDA, months in a flying position only count towards ACRA).  But I'm not going to complain so some people to get less money :)

We essentially used to do it that way.  For most members, it makes no huge difference.  However, it could make a huge difference for some support trades.  Keep in mind that many of the specific factors for which some of the Environmental Allowances are paid are the same for each allowance (e.g. wear and tear on the body).  Is it fair for the Sup Tech who has spent 15 years at sea to be paid Level I  LDA when he gets his first field posting?  After all, he has the same creaky joints as the soldier who has spent 15 years in the field.

At the risk of getting corrected again by pusser, collecting SDA and aircrew allowance simultaneously is common in MH Sqns.  While you collect both allowances, your points towards the next level only advance as if you were in receipt of only one allowance.  At least that is how it was when I was on Sqn.
been abit busy around work ,just checked now, and to answer some questions, pretty sure reg force infantry of one specific unit that  would be only affected sounds strange even for me with almost 2 decades soldiering lol;. Now to be fare when everyone that was not in the field at the time was forced to go to  the field to hear a general say something ( heck im a jr  nco that usually only worries about the next time i gotta do ... )i actually was luckily actually doing some time sensitive work( civie hours ).But with the change of the name in the head guy of the army came that annoucement . will happen, happen soon, ........ sooooo with all the connected people low and alot of high that check this site i was hopeing for a bit more specific info.
alot of people seem to still think this is rumour, while no one seems to know how much or how far cuts will be for not just my branch, but the ROYAL  branches as well . j
(had to throw the royal in  just to raise some bristals.... only because our branche doesnt mind either way .
Im drunk right now, and even I can tell that post made no sense whatso ever...
twistedfang790 said:
been abit busy around work ,just checked now, and to answer some questions, pretty sure reg force infantry of one specific unit that  would be only affected sounds strange even for me with almost 2 decades soldiering lol;. Now to be fare when everyone that was not in the field at the time was forced to go to  the field to hear a general say something ( heck im a jr  nco that usually only worries about the next time i gotta do ... )i actually was luckily actually doing some time sensitive work( civie hours ).But with the change of the name in the head guy of the army came that annoucement . will happen, happen soon, ........ sooooo with all the connected people low and alot of high that check this site i was hopeing for a bit more specific info.
alot of people seem to still think this is rumour, while no one seems to know how much or how far cuts will be for not just my branch, but the ROYAL  branches as well . j
(had to throw the royal in  just to raise some bristals.... only because our branche doesnt mind either way .

I says pardon?
thanks, i am not very good at articulating what is in mind to written form. Basically as an infantry unit i am pretty sure we are still on the designated lda list.The general who told my unit i am not sure of but will ask the guys at work.The point i was trying to get across was that with so many members in the forum i was hoping for more info.
I will keep on plugging away on these forums and eventually my writing skills will improve lol .
@ Zoomie:

It's a fresh breath of air to be among combat aircrew...  Also good to be flying a heavy jet.

I didn't know that combat aircrew and heavy jets could go hand in hand!  >:D  ;D

HeavyHooker said:
I didn't know that combat aircrew and heavy jets could go hand in hand!
Best of all worlds. I fly formation, air to air refuel, contribute to all avenues of the fight - plus have the range/wherewithall to fly anywhere in the world without stopping.
HeavyHooker said:
I didn't know that combat aircrew and heavy jets could go hand in hand!  >:D  ;D

Zoomie:  Just a Tac Hel guy busting your balls  :warstory:

CDN Aviator:  Point taken.  I guess the BUFF can be considered combat from 50K ft.  I prefer 50ft personally  :fifty:
So, here is MCG's initial crack at an option for an LDA alternative: Super-FOA.

SFOA will be based on a daily base rate like CLDA and the old FOA - a key difference will be that this base rate is somewhat higher than either the past or current system.  In this SFOA, payment is for actual days in the field but it increments to recognize greater durations of consecutive days as follows:
  • First 2 days in the field:  90% x base SFOA rate
  • days 3+ in the field: 100% x base SFOA rate
  • days 5+ in the field: 105% x base SFOA rate
  • days 20+ in the field: 110% x base SFOA rate
  • days 40+ in the field: 120% x base SFOA rate
  • days 60+ in the field: 150% x base SFOA rate
  • Saturdays & Sundays will always be a minimum of 100% x base SFOA rate when they occur in the first 2 days
  • Statutory holidays will include a +10% x base SFOA rate
A few other fine detail mechanisms would be required.  If a unit takes a long weekend at home in the middle of a two month exercise, the soldiers should not start back at day one when they return, but if a unit is home for every TGIF and weekend during an FTX then that should result in a reset every time.

Unlike other environmental or operational duty allowances (including the current LDA), SFOA would not recognize an accumulation of points system.  However, points will be accumulated for all days at rate of % x base that is being paid.  These points will accumulate and be recognized when considering entitlement should members become entitled to a system that does give credit for accumulation of points (so the 5-years-in-a-field-unit Sup Tech is not starting at base rate on posting to a ship).

It is not a perfect mechanism, but I think it addresses the concern of fairness, recognizes that longer field deployments are themselves the cause of greater hardship,  and resolves the CM frictions that resulted from LDA.  On the down side, I don't know that it would improve soldier satisfaction or be easier to administer ... maybe?


Thought #1:  Too complex.  Simple systems are easier to diagnose and repair when things go horribly wrong.  RMS clerks are human and make mistakes; a system with that many moving pieces would require every member of the Army to spend a disproportionate amount of time monitoring their pay records.

Why not return to the old FOA system, but track accumulated days, and have FOA at different levels - so as you accumulate more days, it is in turn worth more - and thus acts as an incentive to get senior people out in field?  For example, a base rate of $25/day, increasing to a maximum of $70/day.

That way, if the CF School of Basketweaving spends more days in the field than the 2nd Bn, Royal Canadian Basketweavers, the school staff will receive a greater reward and, over time, will also receive a higher level of FOA.
Or, do we need to start tabula rasa and work forward to identify the behaviour we wish to incentivize, then determine the method to do so?