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City-state provinces in Canada? Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver

Good2Golf said:
So how should people vote if they are not City employees?

They should vote for the candidates of their choice. How do you  think they should vote?

Speaking for myself, as a City pensioner, I vote for candidates who support our emergency services. Because they are the only real sure thing in this town.

Humphrey Bogart said:
Urbanites and rural folk have a symbiotic relationship,

Some are more equal than others.
Some are ok with that, others not so much.

Humphrey Bogart said:
The Ontario government has done a piss poor job developing infrastructure in Northern Ontario, infrastructure that is desperately required to get the resources that exist in the North to the markets. 

"Thunder Bay mayor Lynn Peterson opposed Murdoch's proposal ( to allow the GTA to go its own way - mm ), stating that one of the perceived issues was inconsequential, specifically that policies defined in the Ontario legislature are not Toronto-centric.
Michael Gravelle, the Minister of Northern Development and Mines, said "I look at it from the perspective of would this be good for Northern Ontario . . . and I don‘t think it would be.”

You think the North gets no respect from the Ontario government?
Until 2006, The City of Toronto had to go to Queen's Park with hat in hand to beg for permission to install a single safety speed bump in any one of our 240 neighbourhoods.

Humphrey Bogart said:
I'd challenge your assertion that urban areas provide the manpower for resource extraction, there is a reason they call Fort Mac, "Little Newfoundland".

Who are you talking to? Who made that assertion? If it's me, what would I know about "resource extraction"? You mean mining?
All I know about that is what I see on "Gold Rush" on the Discovery channel.  :)

mariomike said:
They should vote for the candidates of their choice. How do you  think they should vote?

Speaking for myself, as a City pensioner, I vote for candidates who support our emergency services. Because they are the only real sure thing in this town.

I suppose we're different tat way.  I vote for whomever I believe will best lead the Canadian people's Government, even if that means there may be some tighter purse stings in a particular region.

On the theme of emergency services, I assume you bias your support towards urban emergency services, since rural emergency services are proportionally far less efficient organizations due to the extensive geographical dispersion that comes from supporting the similarly distributed rural folk.

Good2Golf said:
.. since rural emergency services are proportionally far less efficient organizations due to the extensive geographical dispersion that comes from supporting the similarly distributed rural folk.

Having dealt with rural emergency services during the blinding blizzard of early New Year's Eve in getting my hubby from our residence to a rural hospital and then the very expedient transfer into Ottawa Civic in 1.5 hours in extremely bad conditions with unplowed roads etc, it highlights why I vote those who consider an entire province and balance those requirements vice catering to the TO populace at the expense of all others.  Witness my hydro bill.  People should be in jail.

For being rural who have to deal with shitty conditions, dispersed residents and long drives to essential facilities, as you stated, these folks will ALWAYS cost more per person and be far less "monetarily efficient" ... but to this rural resident, they are worth it and the city folk who can't grasp that concept should get over it. 
ArmyVern said:
.... the city folk who can't grasp that concept should get over it.
I don't think I've seen you that... restrained.  You OK?  >:D
Good2Golf said:
I vote for whomever I believe will best lead the Canadian people's Government, even if that means there may be some tighter purse stings in a particular region.

Shall I guess where?

Good2Golf said:
On the theme of emergency services, I assume you bias your support towards urban emergency services, since rural emergency services are proportionally far less efficient organizations due to the extensive geographical dispersion that comes from supporting the similarly distributed rural folk.

We operated directly as an independent branch of the City government, same as the police and fire departments. We amalgamated in 1967, Police in 1957 and Fire in 1998.
Although under City control, we ( Toronto Paramedic Services ) were required to comply with legislation and licensing standards provided by the Ontario provincial government.

That last sentence has always been a touchy subject.  :)

ArmyVern: My usual retort to "those" people is to simply ask "Do you enjoy eating food?"

It usually comes just before I explain to them that, over here, regardless of the Highway Safety Act, farm equipment has the right of way at all time - so just move over.

When not at sea, I wouldn't live anywhere else than in farmland Canada.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
ArmyVern: My usual retort to "those" people is to simply ask "Do you enjoy eating food?"

It usually comes just before I explain to them that, over here, regardless of the Highway Safety Act, farm equipment has the right of way at all time - so just move over.

When not at sea, I wouldn't live anywhere else than in farmland Canada.

OGBD, clearly, while my having been born and grown up in Toronto itself, the family genes from the Prairies (SK and South. AB) must have adversely affected me...perhaps that's why I sometimes uncontrollably blurt out, "a good fertilizer makes the crop!" in the wee hours of the morn after a night with a few wee drams?  ???

Good2Golf said:
... "a good fertilizer makes the crop!"

But many of the recent threads here -- especially the political and procurement topics -- have no shortage of 'fertilizer'... yet the 'crop' is pretty abysmal.

ArmyVern said:
... but to this rural resident, they are worth it and the city folk who can't grasp that concept should get over it.

I can grasp being assigned to a nice quiet station out in the country. I can grasp that Big Time. 

To people who have never worked 9-1-1 operations in this city, it's hard to explain how busy it is. Especially when the car-count is low.

We have "rural folk" ( mostly savvy lawyers, from what I understand ) living in 250 homes on the Toronto Islands. We have to send our Marine Paramedics to transport them to the mainland. We have a land Paramedic crew stationed there for them also, to rendezvous with our Marine Units. ie: That's a Paramedic ambulance on the Island, a Paramedic marine vessel, and a Paramedic ambulance on the mainland to complete the transport to the city hospital. That's a lot of wo/manpower. But, if it saves a life, it's worth it.

Their ( the Island ambulance ) Unit Hour Utilization ( UHU ) is almost nil. But, our "rural folk" on the Islands are entitled to the same response times as they get in the city. If we don't stop the clock in time, the Department can get sued. They are entitled to their entitlements. ie: The same response time to their Island residence as they would expect at their law offices on Bay Street.

The crews stationed on the Island, must be taken out of the main car count. Which was always more than fine with me and my partner whenever we were lucky enough to be assigned there.  We get paid the same no matter how many lifts we do or don't do.  :) You became what they called "a dedicated unit".

It takes many years of seniority to bid into the Island station. Same goes for the City cops and firemen.

Because it sure beats breaking your back non-stop on fifth-floor walk-ups back on shore.  :)
I think I may not have caught the nuance...Toronto Island = rural?
Good2Golf said:
I think I may not have caught the nuance...Toronto Island = rural?

It was about as rural a station as I was ever lucky enough to get.  :)

They need that thin type ambulance to get across some of the bridges connecting the Islands.


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Toronto island is welfare for the well to do.  Sweetheart deals for land leases, with people with time and money to fight any waterfront use.  Island residents make traditional NIMBYs look positively open-minded in their outlook.
mariomike said:
They need that thin type ambulance to get across some of the bridges connecting the Islands.

How does that big, wide Class-7 fire truck get across the bridges?
dapaterson said:
Toronto island is welfare for the well to do.  Sweetheart deals for land leases, with people with time and money to fight any waterfront use.  Island residents make traditional NIMBYs look positively open-minded in their outlook.

250 houses. Still entitled to their entitlements - within 8:59 minutes 90% of the time - same as the other 3.5 million people in this town.

Island / rural lifestyle with city service.

Good2Golf said:
How does that big, wide Class-7 fire truck get across the bridges?

You really keep me on my toes!  :)

They also have the fireboat.


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Is the City paying the costs for 'personalized' plates on municipal vehicles?
Good2Golf said:
Is the City paying the costs for 'personalized' plates on municipal vehicles?

Good2Golf, you may have to call 3-1-1
Phone outside city limits: 416-392-CITY (2489)

mariomike said:
Good2Golf, you may have to call 3-1-1
Phone outside city limits: 416-392-CITY (2489)

I'll give 3-1-1 a yodel next time I'm visiting the parents -- I suppose the City may let the Association pay for the extra fee?

ArmyVern said:
Having dealt with rural emergency services during the blinding blizzard of early New Year's Eve in getting my hubby from our residence to a rural hospital and then the very expedient transfer into Ottawa Civic in 1.5 hours in extremely bad conditions with unplowed roads etc, it highlights why I vote those who consider an entire province and balance those requirements vice catering to the TO populace at the expense of all others. < snip about hydro bills and sending people to jail >

ArmyVern raised a point that was beyond my grasp. Paramedic service in the Ottawa area.

So, I did some reading.

Rural counties call on province to right impasse over Ottawa ambulance 'shortfall'
Rural ambulances diverted to help Ottawa with 'shortfalls' aren't being reimbursed: municipalities

Five eastern Ontario counties say their ambulances are increasingly being asked to make up for service "shortfalls" within the city of Ottawa, and want the province to ensure they get reimbursed for it.

An ambulance was free at CHEO, six kilometres away. Its crew was 31 minutes from the end of their shift when the call came in, not even quite in their don’t-send-us-out window. But dispatchers called in an ambulance from Rockland instead — 37 kilometres away.

See also,

Ottawa's paramedic service has major problems, province finds
They looked into Prescott-Russell’s allegation that Ottawa dispatchers spent that night grabbing out-of-town ambulances and calling them to Ottawa to keep their official response times low.

Counties outside of Ottawa have becoming increasingly frustrated by the growing numbers of calls they answer in the city.


ArmyVern said:
catering to the TO populace at the expense of all others. 

Sounds to me more like "catering to the TO Ottawa populace at the expense of all others."  :)

To add, regarding rural versus urban emergency services.

When transported by Paramedics, Ontario residents receive a bill only for $45.00.

Doesn't matter if you are in Toronto, or the most remote area of Ontario.

Your private insurance covers the $45.00.