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CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

The CL-415 is considerably smaller (and with shorter range) than the US-2.

Question is....is it enough range for the role?

As a history buff - YES PLEASE.

As a realistic military capability...heck no.

As a Canadian hoping for best bang for buck for our military? I think it's as good an option as the Bombardier concept aircraft that's being touted...how about we re-open the bidding process and allow both this AND the Bombardier plane to submit?
Not on your life - it is a completely different role, if you identify a CAF need for a Amphibian, then look no further than the Japanese US-2 that @FSTO has put up.
Another useless idiot trumping Bombardier Vapourware Aircraft.

I guess he never asked if Bombardier met the terms of the competition?

oh, that’s right- Bombardier wanted this contract sooooo bad, they never even submitted a bid proposal before the deadline closed….
I guess he never asked if Bombardier met the terms of the competition?

oh, that’s right- Bombardier wanted this contract sooooo bad, they never even submitted a bid proposal before the deadline closed….
Like a wayward teenager that plays hooky from school, then complains when other students pass the year and they want everyone else to attend summer-school with them to be allowed to start the next school year…
Another useless idiot trumping Bombardier Vapourware Aircraft.

In a publication barely anybody outside of Ottawa can even read... (Subscription based, and I'm a Canadian just flush with disposable income these days)
But don't underestimate the very real power that these guys, and people like them have in TrudeauVille; they count for a lot more than Bill Blair and Wayne Eyre put together.
But I also think they understand will utter FUBAR the Canadian economy if Trudeau veers from P-8 acquisition.
North American defense issues is where we enforced toeing a strong line.
The RCAF is integral to that.
But don't underestimate the very real power that these guys, and people like them have in TrudeauVille; they count for a lot more than Bill Blair and Wayne Eyre put together.
Depends on which mode they exist.

Cynically, these types…they aren’t lobbyists, but rather part of the cabal tasked with providing Trudeau room to manoeuvre and support his (and perhaps more accurately, Laurentian elites’) interest, while appearing on the surface as having to respect the facts that Bombardier was nowhere to be seen (or heard) when the legitimate system was defining and stating the capability requirements and procurement documentation AND engaging openly with industry to participate in that process. No one has really held Bombardier to account for what they were doing during the legitimate process. Sniped somewhat from the sidelines, but not given a solid “you had opportunity to participate and chose not to…now go away.”
But don't underestimate the very real power that these guys, and people like them have in TrudeauVille; they count for a lot more than Bill Blair and Wayne Eyre put together.

Depends on which mode they exist.

Cynically, these types…they aren’t lobbyists, but rather part of the cabal tasked with providing Trudeau room to manoeuvre and support his (and perhaps more accurately, Laurentian elites’) interest, while appearing on the surface as having to respect the facts that Bombardier was nowhere to be seen (or heard) when the legitimate system was defining and stating the capability requirements and procurement documentation AND engaging openly with industry to participate in that process. No one has really held Bombardier to account for what they were doing during the legitimate process. Sniped somewhat from the sidelines, but not given a solid “you had opportunity to participate and chose not to…now go away.”

In defence of Bombardier (I know I really should not) they have just been released from the "you can not develop defence business" from the government. And then after that they had to get a plan together. Bombardier is now just business jets and looking around the defence business with their platforms is the only areas they can grow the business. They don't not have enough capital to develop new aircraft or grow the business. So if you are Bombardier this is an excellent idea get the Canadian government to help get you in on their dime. My big question is their partner GD is also their biggest competitor with Gulfstream. I had always thought GD would push mission systems more with Gulfstream. Back a few pages the mission system platform market is a big or larger than business jets market.

And to KevinB point....to make Washington stay less angry just announce something less that is needed. Since the CAF needs almost everything. Announce a tank purchase program, or a sub program etc. I don't think if you get teh P-8 your in trouble.....if you throw something else is in.

Again I am just shooting the breeze here.
Didn't someone use the Bombardier platform for a "Wedgetail" system? A few such aircraft might actually be useful and then we can get on with the P-8 buy.
IF we don't go with P-8, I believe Canada will fall off the list of "who to call for maritime fixed-wing missions" as the Aurora serviceability degrades even more while the "whatever plane is selected" is invented.

We will be out of the game with our Allies, like we already are in so many other ways.

Do I believe the current govt and party give a single or even half a shit about that? Not one bit...
Didn't someone use the Bombardier platform for a "Wedgetail" system? A few such aircraft might actually be useful and then we can get on with the P-8 buy.
Ish. It’s a localized system without the E-7 range of detection etc. most where IIRC Ground surveillance and EI roles.
For smaller AO’s that sort of smaller airframe can be useful, but not for Canada.
But don't underestimate the very real power that these guys, and people like them have in TrudeauVille; they count for a lot more than Bill Blair and Wayne Eyre put together.
One name on the list really stands out: Gary A Doer former Premier of Manitoba.

Under his watch the Crocus Fund went broke and we lost about $20K .

It was a disgraceful era in Manitoba where investors lost their money - many of them seniors. AND to add insult to injury we were being told "you deserved to lose your money".

And Gary Doer did nothing. A Teflon Premier.

I will adjust my WAG for an announcement timeline, based purely on a random thought while enjoying a morning coffee at home, ahead by say…1 month (my original WAG was around the middle of this month).

Tick tock…
I will adjust my WAG for an announcement timeline, based purely on a random thought while enjoying a morning coffee at home, ahead by say…1 month (my original WAG was around the middle of this month).

Tick tock…
Ahead….as in the middle of August?

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