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I was wondering if anyone around these parts ever had their CMTT lost and never found?  This is my situation.  I'm still waiting for an answer about what will happen.  It's been missing for almost two months.  They won't officially say it's gone for good yet, but I'm getting pretty frustrated having to wait for it, and having no stuff in the meantime.  I'm just wondering what will happen now since they can't find it?   
I waited 9 months for my barrack boxes from Bosnia in '94 and 6 months for my boxes from Afghanistan in 04. Mind, they had to come to Windsor from London. That took about two weeks. The rest of the time was Trenton to London both times. Two months? That's a charm. ;)

Well, in the end, you take that Packing List that you filled out for each of the 'boxes' sent by CMTT, and attach a copy to a Lost Damage Report.  You will get your Military written off and replaced.  Your Civie stuff is not covered.

It takes time for CMTT to move things.  It took me three weeks to get my UAB from Trenton to Petawawa, a three hour drive.
I'm a trapper , working in Comox. What happens now depends on a couple of things: who lost it? the CF or a commercial courrier? If you have your TCN (transportation control number) I can track it and tell you quickly whats going on. Or I maybe able to trace it by your last name and your stuffs origin and destination. If you dont want to post your info, call your base's MDC, ask to speak to someone in recieving and get some answers. Actually 2 months isnt too overdue... And for everyones benefit who reads this: CMTT stands for Central Materiel Transportation Terminal. And the term isnt used anymore. What you are looking for is your UAB, your UnAccompanied Baggage.  :salute:
This may not be in your case, but alot of CMTT befuddles occur due to ambiguous shipping
addresses, contacts, and item descriptions.  Make sure you get a copy of the CARF and the
destination/contact address is bang on. 

A contractor shipped a piece of equipment to me while on tour and I never received the
item.  No one could find it between the terminals or at my location even with the TCN#. 
Later, I found it in another section on-station.  They figured it was theirs since the item w
as related to their work and the contact name was the CO.  Got it sorted out but the core
issue was the ambiguous destination address/contact name.
Quick question on CMTT as I haven't used it in years

I am off to St Jean for 3 months and not driving my POMV down there.  I would like to be semi mobile while there so is it possible to ship a bike ( either broken down or in complete)?
There are special boxes you can get to ship a bike ... the front wheel and pedals need to come off, and the handlebars get turned, but it IS possible to ship a bike ...

Whether it gets there in time when you're only there for three months however ... that's a different story.

Also, you need a Fin Code (someone has to pay for it)
Otis if I am not mistaken the FIN CODE should come from the same sourcing that is paying the TD.....
Fin code might be the problem.....I am on course then task.  Neither one has onerous kit needs, so I may be SOL.  Oh well I'll just do what I planned in the first place and buy an old one when I get there.
MJP said:
buy an old one when I get there.

Wonder if they would let you keep the bike for the three months...



You would just need to figure out how to get it from Montreal to St. Jean..
Guess it wouldn't work - Found this in the FAQ's from bixi.com:

How long can I take a bike out?
You can take a bike out for a maximum of 24 hours. After that time, the bike will be considered stolen and a fee of $1,000 will be charged to your credit card.
MJP said:
Fin code might be the problem.....I am on course then task.  Neither one has onerous kit needs, so I may be SOL.  Oh well I'll just do what I planned in the first place and buy an old one when I get there.

MJP still shouldn't hurt to ask via your OR...... you might get a surprise.....
Go to a bike shop and get an old box, or order an "Iron Case" from Mountain Equipment Co Op.  Then, take the bike as baggage.  I've done it several times.  It works well.  Just remember to take the tools you'll need to put it back together.  It really sucks to fly 3000km, drag a bike box through the airport and then discover that night that you left the skewers that hold the wheels on at home.  Luckily, Purolator knows where Borden is.
Firstly your going to need authority to ship UAB. That is included in your message. It has all the fin coding etc etc there. If you intend to ship UAB you need to get a form from your orderlyroom that needs to go down to CMTT this is your authority to ship. Usually entitelment is on poundage and not on what you are shipping. Belive me I have seen it all from Rock Salt to Sound Systems even car tires and once a rear diff from a jeep.

Best thing to do though is instead of going on this forum to ask a question about military matters is get it right from the horses mouth. Phone your CMTT's Shipping section. They will give you the straight up and may even do you a solid by giving you boxes.

mover1 said:
Firstly your going to need authority to ship UAB. That is included in your message. It has all the fin coding etc etc there. If you intend to ship UAB you need to get a form from your orderlyroom that needs to go down to CMTT this is your authority to ship. Usually entitelment is on poundage and not on what you are shipping. Belive me I have seen it all from Rock Salt to Sound Systems even car tires and once a rear diff from a jeep.

Best thing to do though is instead of going on this forum to ask a question about military matters is get it right from the horses mouth. Phone your CMTT's Shipping section. They will give you the straight up and may even do you a solid by giving you boxes.

Oh I planned on heading down there, I was just on EWAT in the warehouse here so I know the traffic guys.  Just haven't shipped anything CMTT (except UAB for overseas) in years so wanted to be armed with the right info before heading down.  Thanks!
MJP said:
Oh I planned on heading down there, I was just on EWAT in the warehouse here so I know the traffic guys.  Just haven't shipped anything CMTT (except UAB for overseas) in years so wanted to be armed with the right info before heading down.  Thanks!
No Problem just trying to help a brother out.
But in the future. Get your info from the sources they are the subject matter experts and they are there to answer all you questions. . Coming into CMTT or any office and saying that "panzercommander66 on army.ca told me......." will get you strange looks and many eyes will be rolled at your general direction.
And you can get your answer in 5 minutes compared to 5 days.
Have fun in Quebec!
If you take a bike as baggage (i.e as one of your suitcases) on the plane, you don't need to go through CMTT.  The only authority you MIGHT require is if it becomes excess baggage.  Even then, if excess baggage is not authorized, you can still pay for it yourself.  The best part of this plan is that your bike arrives when you do.
mover1 said:
No Problem just trying to help a brother out.
But in the future. Get your info from the sources they are the subject matter experts and they are there to answer all you questions. . Coming into CMTT or any office and saying that "panzercommander66 on army.ca told me......." will get you strange looks and many eyes will be rolled at your general direction.
And you can get your answer in 5 minutes compared to 5 days.
Have fun in Quebec!

Welcome to MY life as a Recruiter ...

"So and so on Army.ca said I should get a signing bonus for Infantry because I belong to a gun club..."

Pusser said:
If you take a bike as baggage (i.e as one of your suitcases) on the plane, you don't need to go through CMTT.  The only authority you MIGHT require is if it becomes excess baggage.  Even then, if excess baggage is not authorized, you can still pay for it yourself.  The best part of this plan is that your bike arrives when you do.

Again call ahead get it form the source. Bikes are large and usually airlines have restrictions on baggage size and wieght. Plus the cost of shipping excess baggage my be too much to handle.