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Combat Arms and ROTP 2010/2011


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Hey everyone --

Sorry if this should be attached to another thread -- I tried in the ROTP 2010/2011 section, but I do not seem to be getting the answers that I am looking for, largely because it seems to be more of a support group for Ocdt hopefuls than a group of people with specific answers. That being said, I am grateful for that in some circumstances, and I am also aware that my recruiting center is the place with specific answers.

On to my situation -- due to medical, I was overlooked on the first round of ROTP selections, but have since been deemed medically fit (it was due to an allergy -- got tested, and in the last ten years, something has changed and I no longer suffer from allergies). My trade choices are Armored, MPO, and Infantry in that order. I did not get loaded on the MPOAC, so that is no longer an option.

I keep hearing a lot of rumors circulating and tried to have my file manager dispell some of those rumors, but all that she could say is I am merit listed for the second round of selection which is supposed to occur in this month (April, 2010), that my file is competitive for both of my remaining trade choices, and to be patient.

I keep hearing that both armored and infantry are full for officers already coming out of the first round. Will this mean that I will not be selected? Also, another candidate from the ROTP 2010/2011 selection was told he was not picked for Infantry in the first round because he was not competitive enough and it filled, they then listed several other trades they could offer him, none of which were his three trade choices. Is this something that is common place?

Lastly, what is the current demand within regiments for Infantry officers and armored officers? I seem to hear more about NCM -- Armored is in need, Infantry is full.

Thanks everyone for any insight.
Murch, I to am looking at Officer positions for Infantry and Armoured roles. What I hear from the recruiters is that, until recently, Infantry Officer was "oversubscribed", but I have heard recently that Infantry Officer opened again. From first hearing about the positions closed to them being open again was about one month of time, so I say check back every 2 weeks.
Latrine (seems odd to type that to address some one, oh well hahaha),

Since your after the same occupations as me, I'll fill you in on what I have heard as well... unfortunately all this information floating around is just going to further jam us up. Anyway, my best friend got in as EME under ROTP last summer, and basically was told no you were not selected after they completed the second round. A few people backed out of ROTP, and did not accept offers for whatever reason. He was then contacted in July, and offered a spot, and then asked to go to St. Jean for the last two weeks of August of that summer for Orientation Period.

Now, based on what you have said, it seems apparent that this whole process is dynamic. No one gives us information, because our recruiters cannot share anything with us until it is a "yes" or a "sorry, in-take for your trade is closed, everyone has accepted, we are closing your file". From what I have heard from certain sources about Infantry being full, I think it is safe to assume that they "filled" it by sending out more than the quota of offers... if you are hearing it is open again, that means that people are declining offers. I guess from the Infantry side of things, we should just both hope we are high enough on the merit list that they go to us after people continue to decline.

From the Armoured side of things, you are the first person on the forum who I have encountered seeking entry into the trade as an officer for this year. I just hope that they are giving out lots of offers for this trade as well... it was my first choice, and its close between armoured and infantry, but it would be great to receive an offer for armoured. Best of luck, and hopefully I will see you on the other side. Keep me posted on how things work out for you.

Spoke with a Recruiter yesterday and they tell me there are positions open for Infantry Officer and, I believe, Engineering Officer. 2 weeks ago both were full, so definitely check back every 2 weeks, or when you are speaking to anyone at the CFRC.

When I first applied, all DEO careers I had in mind (Infantry, Armored, Artillery) were all closed. Then on April 6 word came through the Milnet.ca forums that Infantry Officer was open. Finally, yesterday, when booking an appointment for a CFAT test, the Private on the phone informed me of a number of current positions in DEO roles for the Combat Arms careers, which was nice of him to do and was fantastic news. Right then and there he let me switch over my primary career to DEO Infantry.
Just received an update and thought I would share. A recruiter told me just now that Armoured Officer has no openings at this time under ROTP. Infantry has multiple openings at this time, but (obviously) they could not release an exact number at this time as it changes so quickly. Best of luck everyone.
Murch said:
Just received an update and thought I would share. A recruiter told me just now that Armoured Officer

~Armour Officer