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Combat Readiness Regen: The Spreadsheet

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
There's been a lot of talk about how the CR regen timer works and how Initiative affects it vs. how raising your Max CR affects it. To help clear the confusion, I've put together a simple tool to help clarify.

Using the attached spreadsheet, you can enter any valid values for your Max CR and Initiative. The sheet will show your current regen timer, as well as your timers if you increase your max CR or your initiative. Good for planning things out. :)

Ok, that's far cooler than the one I made.

30 initiative only gives me 9 seconds off my timer. That's almost sad panda territory.
Well, it seems that 1 initiative is -1 second for me. We don't get enough merit points for me to consider boosting initiative yet.
Um, Mike, I  tried to enter some of my info and the program says it's write protected and needs a password...any help here guys???  :piper:
Works for me, this is awesome, thanks

BYT Driver: Does your computer make files read only when you download them for security purposes?
BYTD, there are only 2 fields you can enter info into... one for Max CR and one for Initiative. :)
I've replaced the attachment in the first post with an unlocked version. That'll teach me to try and be fancy. ;)
crooks.a said:
Well, it seems that 1 initiative is -1 second for me. We don't get enough merit points for me to consider boosting initiative yet.

LOL. What level are you at??

Just wait until you're up here ~ 50. I'm now pushing a 10 000 CE gain requirement to level up (about 3.5 days worth of my full CR - IF I don't fail any missions  :P) ... all for a mere 5MP boost. LMAO, I'm STILL addicted!! Highly freakin' irritated, but addicted.  ;D
I just locked down Spin Boldak, so I'm happy, I get the Rescue mission....alas, a 66% chance of success right now, but a 5.5:1 return for CE on CR's.

That's the best stat I've seen yet for invest vs return.

I was very pleased to be able to lock down Spin Boldak with a single set of CR's, with points to spare to run a mission!  I'm doing the "strategic" medal redemption plan.  I've got about 4-5 that I haven't redeemed yet, because I'm saving them for when I need their benefits.  (The permanent benefit ones get used right away, the "12 hours" options get saved for later.)

NavyShooter said:
The permanent benefit ones get used right away, the "12 hours" options get saved for later.

I do the same... haven't cashed any of those in yet, nor the ones that train you on all unlocked equipment, until I unlock more equipment. :) The only reason I may cash some of those in early is to get access to the 'Claimed Medal' incentives. :)
Thanks for the helpful tool but why does it show Incentive as being useless in comparison to dumping it into CR? (540 CR vs 540 Incentive). Is incentive really worthless?
You mean initiative? And yeah, if you put 540 points into Initiative you'll have a regen timer of 36 minutes, but 540 points into CR right away gets you 2 and a half minutes per CR point. The last change was way better than it was before though.
How could this spreadsheet be modified so that it shows exactly how many seconds are being taken off by adding 1 initiative or 1 CR?

And by exact, I mean fractions/decimals of a second.

Adding 6 at this point to either takes off about 1 second.... I'm wondering if adding 1 merit point to either takes off maybe .167 of a second, or maybe if 1 initiative takes off .17 but 1 CR only takes off .15, or vice versa...

I play this game almost purely by the math and it's working pretty well so far, but I foresee a problem coming up soon since there's a member a few ranks above me with a shorter CR regen time... hard to catch up if I can't regen faster than him. The most important number to my strategy is your individual CR regen time, which is why I've invested so much into CR vs the other options. Working well so far if you look at the number of missions I've completed compared to everybody else around my rank.

But I suck at Excel (apparently this is going to be a problem for me according to my finance profs)...

NavyShooter said:
I was very pleased to be able to lock down Spin Boldak with a single set of CR's, with points to spare to run a mission!  I'm doing the "strategic" medal redemption plan.  I've got about 4-5 that I haven't redeemed yet, because I'm saving them for when I need their benefits.  (The permanent benefit ones get used right away, the "12 hours" options get saved for later.)
I figured this out too late... after an expensive fit of "oooh, medals!"
Just had the opportunity to check this out. The computer at work would not support the Office requirement. Excellent sheet. Thanks Mike :)