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Combined MESSES

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I agree, in most cases I (being a Pte) would generally want to spend time with my buddies, seperate from the Officers. However, at times a combined mess is appropriate, such as in my unit. Between Jr Ranks, WO's, Sergeants, and Officers we have about 15-20 who attend the mess regularly.
Some observations of experiences with different cultural attitudes toward alcohol and the working day:

E39G said:
Presently serving in Kabul where we share a mess with the Officers. I have 20 years in , am 41 and do not wish to spend my time relaxing listening to some 20something Officer whine about how rough HIS FIRST TOUR is. So what ever happened to "the only mess you earn your way in" !!! Thanks 23 , out.

I agree, after 24 years in I like being an officer and dinning with my peers and subies.  Combined messes are a bad thing, ok for a short time, but bad in the long run.  Young soldiers don't want all the bosses watching, and the boss likes to let his/her hair down too! :)
Welcome T19....I see you've taken the plunge. 

There is a place for a Combined Mess, and I saw a good example in Bosnia where the Engineers had a Combined Mess where all ranks could get together and socialize.  It must be remembered, however, that there were seperate Messes for all at the same time.  This gave everyone the oportunity to drink/socialize solely with their peers or go socialize with their 'Section complete'. 

This in many cases is what we find on most Bases today; the Formal Messes and then the Canex facility such as the Centenial Center in Pet or the old Dundee's in Gagetown, that were run more as Civilian operations open to all.

After months of lurking I thought I'd share My my two cents'

This only pertains to sharing a mess, (not the dinning kind),with the JNCOs, ( I can't comment on the SNCO/Off mess setup)

In my somewhat limited experience I would have to say that combined messes lead to problems.  I can think of a few occasions where I have seen drunk senior NCOS and Officers make an ass of themeselves, (not necessarily at my unit mind you).  One can not help but lose respect for your supervisors in such cases.  Hard to forget those times, and its better to avoid the possibility.  I think separate messes help professionalism to a degree, it lets the SNCOs drop their game face in the mess, and lets JNCOs let loose, relax, bitch in their mess. Both sides benefit. 

Shared messes only benefit number crunchers, and could  possibly hurt moral.]


I hate to sya this but I think Valcartier actually has a good solution with one os its messes. I know this since I am a member of one of the only (if not the only) MCpls Mess in the CF. It is not only a bar, but we have the best "restaurant" on the base (at least the best poutine :salute:). It is open to all ranks, however you will rarely see Cpls/ptes and officers there, in fact I have never seen an officer there. We are also open to civvies who work on base. However.... on tuesday at lunch it is open ONLY for members of the mess, and all special events are restricted to members or significant others.  We have received kudos from the BComd for a very successful organization. After seeing the Jrs in Edmonton, Borden, Kingston and a couple of militia units I must say you will not see a more interesting crowd in a mess. Be it a WO or MCpl...we all get along, and very little shop talk....

Anyway, remember to tip the beermaids good...


I agree...the last thing I need to see in my mess is my boss after a long day.....

Unless he's buying!  ;D

Now this is an interesting topic, should the mess be mixed ! â Å“Noâ ? should their be functions that are mixed â Å“Yesâ ?. I like the 82 airborne concept and fort Irwin's. One building one central bar in a circular centre. The Officers mess has one wing, the SNCO's another wing, the Troops another wing, with the last wing being the common dance hall that can be booked by all. This allows for segregation or, if you don't like that word try separation of the ranks. It also allows for sharing of the cost such as bartenders and cleaners. they each have their own privet wings and a combined one if needed. Its the best of two worlds. Just remember we are all â Å“Soldiers Firstâ ?. 

:cdn: :soldier:                 
Block 1 said:
Now this is an interesting topic, should the mess be mixed ! â Å“Noâ ? should their be functions that are mixed â Å“Yesâ ?. I like the 82 airborne concept and fort Irwin's. One building one central bar in a circular centre. The Officers mess has one wing, the SNCO's another wing, the Troops another wing, with the last wing being the common dance hall that can be booked by all. This allows for segregation or, if you don't like that word try separation of the ranks. It also allows for sharing of the cost such as bartenders and cleaners. they each have their own privet wings and a combined one if needed. Its the best of two worlds. Just remember we are all â Å“Soldiers Firstâ ?.  

:cdn: :soldier:                    

The Annapolis mess here in greenwood is like that and it seems to work well. Each group has their own areas and there is an all-ranks area.  This is great since crews here are a mix of officers and NCMs on the same airplanes, we can all have a few together.