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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

For ROTP, there is a formal board for selection into the programme.  For DEO, no.
ComdCFRG said:
For ROTP, there is a formal board for selection into the programme.  For DEO, no.

I have a question to give some clarification...

I called yesterday to see how my file was holding up for this ROTP intake.

The person who I spoke with checked my record and said I "was in." That the RMC was interested but I will not hear word until later. He also said, that either him or another officer must still decide my trade (pilot/air nav). He also said I am merit listed on my occupational choice.

It seems a little contradicting. Maybe I missed something.
I suspect what he indicated was that your file was merit listed and therefore 'in' the ROTP board.

The board for ROTP selection (including occupational grouping assignment) and the subsequent boards held by the Colleges for selection to their educational institutes will review your file and your merit listing assessment to make their choice.

ComdCFRG said:
I suspect what he indicated was that your file was merit listed and therefore 'in' the ROTP board.

The board for ROTP selection (including occupational grouping assignment) and the subsequent boards held by the Colleges for selection to their educational institutes will review your file and your merit listing assessment to make their choice.


This seems more logical and accurate. From what I have gather, news of acceptance will be within the following weeks?
hmmm, yet another old post. Well today I found out that I was merit listed. So does that mean that my medical and backcheck is cleared and they are just going down the list for open spots.
That is what a recruiter told me when he told me I was merit Listed. The time you wait for an offer depends on what trade and if there is a opening. I was Merit Listed on April 29th and they gave me the offer in the end of May and I start basic on July 6th. But I'm going field artillery which is a hot job so there is plenty of openings for that. Good luck!
thanks for the reply, I signed up for infantry, not super hot right now but they are always looking. I have flat feet and I was told it should clear but there is a chance it won't. And now that I am merit listed FINALLY I have been accepted.
I just wanted to let you know that my boyfriend was going for infantry and he spent 3 months on the merit list before he received a job offer... hang on... that phone call is coming... and believe me that is one exciting phone call...  ;D
Just a quick note to think about ... you may be waiting NOW, and that may be torture ... but once you get that phone call, everything is going to happen FAST and you'll long for the days of slow and waiting!

Once that phone call comes, you'll feel like you don't have ANY time at all to get everything done before your life gets turned completely upside down. Take the time now to visit friends you don't see very often, to go visit family (especially older ones, for obvious reasons). Clear up odds and ends that can be taken care of now so they don't have to be worried about later.

Start planning! What are you going to do with your pets while you're away on BMQ? What's going to happen to your things? Do you need to arrange to break a lease or have a yard sale to get rid of older stuff?

All things to think about now, before that call comes!
Well, here's something on the opposite end of the spectrum...

I was merit-listed on a Friday and I recieved a job offer that Monday. Thats right, Friday-Saturday-Sunday-Monday and I got a job offer. I wanted Infantry Soldier(PPCLI), and that's what I got. And I'm heading out for the July 6th BMQ.

It's not always lengthy  ;D.
I think "merit" doesn't mean "excellence" but "qualified", it's just a list of people who passed the interview.  :-\

Personally, my medical took a week to be received from Ottawa, the process could have been a lot shorter had I not mentioned an allergy appointment.

Just keep calling, because I forgot to call last week, and they surely didn't call me first...  :P
Because of all this waiting I feel the urge to ask this silly question.  Have you ever heard of anyone, after being merit-listed, who didn't eventually get an offer or a starting date for BMQ/BMOQ?
Hey, that is a good question,

when you are merit listed you do not have a job yet and there is no guarantee.
if you are merit listed for a very popular trade that is not so available... you might wait for a long period of time... like pilot, intelligence officer, logistics officer etc... well you get to a point where your medical expires and your interview expires, security clearance expires... they are good for a year... I do not know at this point if you reapply or if you just refresh your file...

I am sure that somwhere somehow every year a certain number of people merit listed do not get a job... that is the way it works in society... our desire to do a job is not an exact mirror of what we need.

Another thing you need to consider besides the trade and how may new bodies they need, is the fact that most of the trade schools in the CF are very short on instructors.  On average you require 3 to 4 instructors for every 20 students.  Again this depends on the trade.  This would also apply to the Recruit School where you will take your BMQ.

When I joined 25 yrs ago, I wanted to be a Vehicle Tech.  Once I did the idiot test (CFAT now a days) I was found suitable for Vech Tech, Air Frame, and Aero Engine.  I was then told it would be at least a two year wait to get in.  However, CFRC called me two months later and offered me Admin Clk, which I accepted and two months after that I was in Cornwallis on my Basic.

So don't give up hope.  If you think you have been waiting too long, you can always go back and see if a different trade is available.  You can always switch trades latter in your career.   
davidsonr_91 said:
What does merit listed mean? what does it do for your file?

"Effective 01 April 05 or earlier all CFRC/Ds will adopt a standardized processing system and to be merit listed all processing including PT will have to be completed."

hmmm...this is not what happened with me - I was told that I have been merit listed, and that the PT test would be administered in Quebec - and that everyone does the test at the same time...I was under the impression that the PT had to be completed before being accepted into the reserves. Is this not right?
You quoted a four year old post.

You are also confused.

Prospects for the Reserves are given a PT test at a location near their CFRC.

Prospects for the Regular Force do their PT testing at the Recruit School (St Jean or Borden).

This has all been posted in numerous topics regarding the Recuiting process.
I realize this thread is old, but it's title is relevant to my point, and I'd like to add to the comments made.

I'm waiting to find out if I'm merit listed, passed the CFAT and the interview, just waiting to hear about the medical because it was done late friday. Anywho...

For myself and others waiting... we have to keep in mind that we are waiting for ONE phone call, whereas the recruiting staff is studying, reviewing, and making decisions on HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of applicants. I would love to be notified every step of the way just to help ease some of the anticipation, but it's just not realistic. Also -  The decision to apply to the armed forces is a life changing one, and if we can't wait for a few weeks or a few months for an answer, we're not approaching it with the seriousness appropriate for that decision. It's not something you make your mind up on one day then change it later, and if that's what's happened, then it wouldn't have worked out anyways.

There's my 2 cents worth.

Best of luck to anyone else waiting for word back.
