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Conflict of Interest


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  I'm currently looking into remustering into the MP trade. I am currently posted to CFB Petawawa and have been there for almost 3 years. I have heard rumours that if I remuster as an MP I won't be posted back to Petawawa due to "conflict of interest". Is there anyone that could clear this up for me. It seems like nonsense but there have been stranger things happen. Any info would be much appreciated.
Bradboy said:
   I'm currently looking into remustering into the MP trade. I am currently posted to CFB Petawawa and have been there for almost 3 years. I have heard rumours that if I remuster as an MP I won't be posted back to Petawawa due to "conflict of interest". Is there anyone that could clear this up for me. It seems like nonsense but there have been stranger things happen. Any info would be much appreciated.

Sounds like you have been listening to a Barrackroom Lawyer, and not a person in the know, like the BPSO or even a good knowledgeable clerk.  There would probably be no "conflict of interest" as you'd be gone for a minimum of a year on crse, and many changes happen in a CMBG in that amount of time.  If you have been around for any amount of time, then no matter where you get posted you will know someone, so anyone having concerns about that should rethink their logic...........But I am not the reigning authority.
Sorry Bradboy, What you've been hearing is exactly right.  If your re-mustering, you won't be placed back at your originating unit's home base.  Our job tends have us bump heads with members on many occasions and to avoid most possible transgressions, unfortunately...you can't go home.  Believe me, I asked and was shot down several times. 
  I understand the military's reasoning for this. But how is it any different from whatever base they post me too. Once I settle into my new posting I would develop a new freind base. Conflicts of Interest are still going to occur regardless of what base they post me too. Plus my common-law wife is posted to Petawawa. Will that be taken into consideration?
Bradboy said:
  I understand the military's reasoning for this. But how is it any different from whatever base they post me too. Once I settle into my new posting I would develop a new freind base. Conflicts of Interest are still going to occur regardless of what base they post me too. Plus my common-law wife is posted to Petawawa. Will that be taken into consideration?

Just a passing thought, I think that you will find that your new Friend base will probably only consist of your Detachment Personnel and Families and local LEO's.

It kinda works out that way, and by the way, you're not allowed to have conflicts of interest. If this is contrary to your nature and personality, then maybe the Branch is not your best choice.

FastEddy said:

Just a passing thought, I think that you will find that your new Friend base will probably only consist of your Detachment Personnel and Families and local LEO's.

It kinda works out that way, and by the way, you're not allowed to have conflicts of interest. If this is contrary to your nature and personality, then maybe the Branch is not your best choice.


  I appreciate the thought but I don't really buy that. How is it any different than a civy cop being hired in the same region as his/ her family and friends? And I know it happens my old man is a prime example. Conflicts of Interest are going to happen regardless of my posting. I thought thats where integrity comes into play? Doing what is right regardless of who I pull over...

  I realize what I need to do is talk to my BPSO. I'm currently deployed overseas and not very often get into KAF. I appreciate all your advice but I'm looking for someone on here to tell me for sure. If I can't get posted to Petawawa than remustering to MP is out of the question. My wife is posted to Petawawa and this would cause serious problems if we were posted to different bases. I need to know if I'm wasting my time or if exceptions can be made to this rule.
Bradboy said:
  I appreciate the thought but I don't really buy that. How is it any different than a civy cop being hired in the same region as his/ her family and friends? And I know it happens my old man is a prime example. Conflicts of Interest are going to happen regardless of my posting. I thought thats where integrity comes into play? Doing what is right regardless of who I pull over...

  I realize what I need to do is talk to my BPSO. I'm currently deployed overseas and not very often get into KAF. I appreciate all your advice but I'm looking for someone on here to tell me for sure. If I can't get posted to Petawawa than remustering to MP is out of the question. My wife is posted to Petawawa and this would cause serious problems if we were posted to different bases. I need to know if I'm wasting my time or if exceptions can be made to this rule.

I'd leave Family out of the equation. As I doubt that you would regularly bump into them on DND property. As for Civilian Forces, usually you are well separated by Population volume and Metropolis Spread in your assigned patrol areas.

Now regarding the Big "M" in MP, you seem to have overlooked the fact that both of you are Soldiers, unless things have changed, that means you go where and when your told to. I guess one of the few perks of the Infantry is that you're always close to the Regiment, near or far. Of course the Military in general, on occasion does try to be accommodating.

If long term posting locations and separation is a deal breaker, now or later, then off hand, again I suggest the Branch is not your best choice. Although if one party decided to leave the Military, then that Spouse could follow the other any where.

You speak of exceptions to the rule, but if its a case of having your cake and eating it to, then complaining about the flavour of the icing.



  I understand what you're saying. My plan has always been to join a civy police force once my contract is up. I was looking at the option of remustering into the MP trade so that i could avoid taking a civilian college police foundations course. But if it's going to seperate me from my wife than thats not what I want. I'll schedule an appointment with the BPSO just to ensure what I'm being told is fact. I appreciate your input and thanks for your help.  :salute:
Bradboy said:
  I understand what you're saying. My plan has always been to join a civy police force once my contract is up. I was looking at the option of remustering into the MP trade so that i could avoid taking a civilian college police foundations course. But if it's going to seperate me from my wife than thats not what I want. I'll schedule an appointment with the BPSO just to ensure what I'm being told is fact. I appreciate your input and thanks for your help.  :salute:

Ahhh! the game plan is a bit different now. What you really want to get written in Blood, is guarantee's (you know what I mean)  from what ever Agencies you intend to apply to, that your Military Police sojourn will count and be accepted in lieu of a College Police Foundation Accreditation.

Then you still have the Area Assignment Problem. And if your Wife remains in the Military and gets posted to B.C. and your in the O.P.P. at Petawawa, what then.

Believe me , it not only the Military that Personnel Retention is a big concern, its very prevailant in the LEO Field.

Good luck in your endeavors and keep us posted.

You CAN go back to the base you were at when you remustered, I am personally aware of one case where it has happened and not for any compelling reason such as family issues but simply because the person asked to be posted back and a position needed to be filled.   

In your specific instance, I think you're getting a bit wrapped around the axle.  The absolute worst thing you could do is get posted back to Pet because by that point, if your wife was in and posted at the same time, you'll both have been there approaching 4 years and HER CM is going to start itching to post her.  IF you go remuster and IF you get another base, your wife's CM is getting a free move, as is the MP CM and everyone is happy. 

Just my point of view of course...

RHC_2_MP:  Guess you musta POd your DS.  ;)
garb811 said:
In your specific instance, I think you're getting a bit wrapped around the axle.  The absolute worst thing you could do is get posted back to Pet because by that point, if your wife was in and posted at the same time, you'll both have been there approaching 4 years and HER CM is going to start itching to post her.  IF you go remuster and IF you get another base, your wife's CM is getting a free move, as is the MP CM and everyone is happy. 

Just my point of view of course...

RHC_2_MP:  Guess you musta POd your DS.   ;)

  I don't think I have to worry about that. My wife is currently in Gagetown on her 3's and hasn't even been posted yet. We're sure she's going to get Petawawa because I'm posted there and 2 CER is there (she's training to be a combat engineer). So we're looking at a few years before either of us gets posted. Which brings me to my next question. I'm currently on my second 3 year contract (continuing engagement). Will I be able to sign another 3 year contract if I remuster or will they make me sign the dreaded 19 year contract?
what's so dreadful about a 19 yr contract ?
geo said:
what's so dreadful about a 19 yr contract ?

[quote author=Bradboy]My plan has always been to join a civy police force once my contract is up. I was looking at the option of remustering into the MP trade so that i could avoid taking a civilian college police foundations course.[/quote]

He doesn't want to hang around that long as he just wants to get the training and get out, which I would assume is why he called it "dreadful".
HeadLamp said:
He doesn't want to hang around that long as he just wants to get the training and get out, which I would assume is why he called it "dreadful".

I would think that his "Conflict of Interest" isn't complete without his "conflict of interest" in his spouse's career goals.  He has expressed his questions on his own career and ramifications of his move to the MP Trade.  He has, however, dismissed his career plans to get Policing experience in the CF and then become a Civilian LEO in respect to his spouse's career plans for a CF career.  Not a good mix.  If he expects to be posted to the same location as his spouse, while both in the military, and then as a civilian, then he has some serious thinking to do.  Does he stand a good chance of being posted to the same location as his spouse, or his spouse to his location, while in the military?  Will the same happen when he takes a Release?  Does he expect his spouse to then give up her career aspirations, and Release to follow him in his civilian aspirations?  Does he think his civilian employers will post him to be with his military wife?  Has either of them considered their CF Pension possibilities or lack of?

As for the "dreadful 19 year contract" comment; I found that to be insulting and a thoughtless stupid comment for the OP to have made.  It defined him as being someone who really doesn't have commitment to the CF.  At the same time, it looks like he may have a lot of thinking to do as to his career aspirations, his spouse's career aspirations, and whether or not they have much in common.
George Wallace said:
As for the "dreadful 19 year contract" comment; I found that to be insulting and a thoughtless stupid comment for the OP to have made.  It defined him as being someone who really doesn't have commitment to the CF. 

Veering off topic but I don't find it either of those things...........George, not everyone does one thing for their entire life.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Veering off topic but I don't find it either of those things...........George, not everyone does one thing for their entire life.


It is a telling statement, that he didn't really understand what it was.  Not everyone wants the CF as a career for their entire life is correct, but the "Dreaded 19 Year Contract" is an ill-informed statement for him to have made.  A member can sign that contract and put in for a request to get out of the CF the very next day, or 19 years later.  It is not written in stone that one is commited to serve and not get out for 19 years.  It is only a contract that will not have to be renewed every three or four years. 

This thread, as it progresses, shows that the OP has many more questions to answer in respect to his and his spouse's career aspirations than what he originally posted.  He has a great many things that only he and his spouse must come to agreement on; not what we on army.ca can answer for him.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Veering off topic but I don't find it either of those things...........George, not everyone does one thing for their entire life.
Not insulting, but certainly thoughtless. The 19-year contract is not like joining the Foreign Legion... people who wish to leave during that contract simply submit a request for a release and are almost invariably civilians well before the prescribed 6-month period is over.

Personally, I find the "I will serve under my terms and conditions, and with my personal interests well ahead of anything else" attitude disappointing, but he is not the only person who thinks like that.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Veering off topic but I don't find it either of those things...........George, not everyone does one thing for their entire life.

Yes I suppose that's one way of looking at it. But there are a number of certain Career Paths that are followed extensively or till retirement.

George's comments  are right on the mark. But these people can't be blamed since the Government has turned the Military into Canada's Number One Employment Agency. Where else today can you come out of College with a Degree in Basket Weaving and get a 50K job, plus job security.

You can't criticize these people for using the Military as stepping stones, but you don't have to love them and help them on their way or sing their praise.


Didn't say I "loved" them, nor can I sing, but just that it's wrong to call someone thoughtless and stupid for taking advantage of an OFFERED opportunity.

Someone is trying to better what they consider their stock in life and some folks jump them,....sad really.
I'm out of this topic.
